Chapter 13 Just sell me some food
Chapter 14 Just sell me some food
[Item: Velociraptor meat (normal)*500g]

[Requirement: blueprint or fruit]

【Seller: Yan Hao】

[Remarks: freshly baked velociraptor meat, edible dinosaur meat, one serving is one catty, one serving will not be hungry for a day, and girls can eat it for two days! 】

Trading blueprints and fruits was Yan Hao's deliberate decision.

People in the same area as him said that there might be fruits in this forest, but Yan Hao felt that the possibility was too low.

A region can only have one or two resources at most.

This is Yan Hao's preliminary judgment.

And he felt that the resources in his area should be wood and resin.

Not every kind of tree secretes a large amount of resin like pine and fir trees, and the fuel for the doomsday chariot needs resin to be synthesized. In the future, resin will definitely become the most needed material for survival.

In the woods where Yan Hao is currently, there are fir trees and pine trees, not many, but compared to other areas, it is already very good.

This can be seen from the trading line.

In the trading houses, there is actually not much resin in circulation.

In this way, the probability of fruit trees existing in the woods is also low.

In addition, if a fruit tree wants to bear fruit, it must have sufficient light.

The woods where Yan Hao lives are usually hundreds of meters tall trees, which block the light, and the fruit trees can only absorb the light unless they are also hundreds of meters high.

But if there are really fruit trees hundreds of meters high here, can Yan Hao climb hundreds of meters to pick them?

Obviously impossible.

When the chestnuts fell, Yan Hao could still pick some up.

Those fruits fell from a height and were already rotten.

Since there is no hope of finding fruits, it is more reliable to find others to trade some.

The other is the blueprint.

The blueprint may not be very important to others, but to Yan Hao, it is very important!
Each blueprint can open an item or facility manufacturing page for Yan Hao, and the tank points required for the tank upgrade system can be obtained by manufacturing new items or facilities.

Having more blueprints means that Yan Hao has the possibility of harvesting a large number of chariot points.

This is more important than fruit.

If he only looked at the desolate environment around him, Yan Hao thought he was alone in the center of the earth, but only after reading the comments in his trading industry, he could feel that there are really billions of people living in the center of the earth. Struggling to survive.

Every second that passes, dozens of new comments appear.

Many people are worshiping Yan Hao.

[Edward: Velociraptor meat?My god, someone could hunt a dinosaur, the most vicious velociraptor! 】

[Clive: Why is this Chinese man again? Yesterday he was the first to sell fresh water, which disrupted the market balance. Today he started selling Velociraptor meat again! 】

[Jacob: Mysterious man from the east, can you tell me how you hunted the raptor? Now there is a raptor staring at me outside my doomsday chariot. I don’t know what to do. 】

[Cui Bingzhen: Damn it, the stone ax I made can't harm dinosaurs at all. Could it be that Yan Hao used a refined steel ax? 】

【Yao Fanglong: It can't be a fine steel axe. Most likely he killed a velociraptor with a car. How could it be possible to kill a velociraptor with a fine steel axe? The speed and reaction ability of velociraptors are much stronger than humans. 】

[Ling Huiyun: I don't want to pay attention to how Yan Hao hunted the velociraptor. I just want to ask the boss, can this velociraptor meat be exchanged for other things? 】

Scroll through the comment messages.

Yan Hao found the right trader.

In fact, many people want to buy Yan Hao's Velociraptor meat.

Human beings are omnivores, and they can live on a vegetarian diet, but being a vegetarian all the time cannot guarantee a strong body.

Especially those Westerners, they can't wait to eat meat every day to maintain their physical strength.

Although fruits are very precious, Velociraptor meat is not bad at all compared to fruits.

[Harris: Hey, brother, I have a cantaloupe here, can I exchange it with you for a kilogram of Velociraptor meat? 】

Hami melon has a lot of water.

And it also contains a lot of sugar.

It's just that this person wants one kilogram of Velociraptor meat, that is, two servings of Velociraptor meat, which is a bit too much.

Yan Hao thought for a while and replied to this person.

"Harris, if you can trade it, you can trade a catty of Velociraptor meat for a cantaloupe. If not, then you won't trade it."

Fruit replenishes water, while meat replenishes strength.

Smart people know how to choose.

After a while, this Harris contacted Yan Hao and decided to make a deal with Yan Hao.

[Item: Hami Melon*1]

【Requirement: Velociraptor Meat*500g】

【Seller: Harris】

[Remarks: Designated trader Yan Hao]

Yan Hao also decisively photographed this cantaloupe and stored it in the item warehouse.

Later, some people came to deal with Yan Hao one after another.

Yan Hao's most wanted watermelon did not appear, but he traded some apples and grapes, which is quite a satisfactory result.

"Unfortunately, there is no blueprint."

At present, Yan Hao knows that the way to obtain the blueprint is to open the treasure box, but unfortunately he has never seen a treasure box.

And the treasure chest is not 100% will produce blueprints.

Last time, Ning Ming, who was in the same area as Yan Hao, climbed into the bird's nest to open a treasure chest, but didn't get the blueprint in the end.

Perhaps what Ning Ming said was a lie, just to deliberately mislead others, but the difficulty of obtaining the blueprint must be very high, there is no doubt about it.

Originally, Yan Hao planned to give up.

The long-lost private chat message suddenly lights up, and an old friend from before sent a private message to Yan Hao.

It's Donald.

The Donald who is now in trouble.

"Hey, Yan Hao, do you still need metal? I want to trade the metal with you for some raptor meat."

Yan Hao frowned when he saw the news.

The current time is when metals are the most expensive, how could he trade metals with others.

Donald would not be kind enough to give Yan Hao an affordable price.


Yan Hao's words need not be said decisively and simply.

"Don't, it's really not possible, you can take out some of the fruits you just traded and exchange them with me."

Good guy, Donald is eyeing his own fruit.

But Yan Hao is very curious about what this guy thinks. There are so many metals, wouldn’t it be enough to just take the metals to the trading house to exchange some fruits?

"Can't you just find someone to change it yourself? Why bother?"

Donald probably had some difficulties there, and he also had some friendship with Yan Hao, so he directly revealed the whole story.

"Brother, don't you know, those people who have fruits and food in their hands, do you think they are miserable?"

"They start with fruit and food. Yesterday, they made a condensate collector and a military-grade air conditioner. Besides, metal is very expensive now. Naturally, they don't want to trade food with me."

"Brother, what you see is only the surface. Metal is expensive, but now it has changed. Those who can afford it don't need it, and those who need it can't afford it."

"I don't have any food left here, so just sell me some food."

(End of this chapter)

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