Wild mad doctor

Chapter 68 The Magical Laughter in the Dream

Chapter 68 The Magical Laughter in the Dream

"Waiting in vain, waiting for you to come, I want to wash in vain..."

"Wait for you to come, wash for nothing, I will wash and wash for nothing..."

back home.

Yang Xu hummed a ditty he made up himself, and took a big bath.

Then he changed into a clean set of clothes, and combed a hairstyle that he thought was handsome.

Too bad there's no men's perfume, otherwise he'd be sure to wear some.

Excitedly tidied up the big bed.

everything's ready.

Yang Xu gave an order in his heart:
"Black Widow, my house is a forbidden place tonight, except for Guan Xiaolin, anyone who comes close will be knocked down!"

The last time I encountered, I would cry if I said too much!

Make sure to be safe tonight and not be disturbed again.

"Master, received!"

After receiving the response, Yang Xu's heart trembled suddenly.

"When will we be, you won't be peeping, will you?"

Although Black Widow is a scorpion.

But after all, there are people with wisdom.

If he and Guan Xiaolin fight for [-] rounds, there will be an audience next to him.

That kind of feeling of being watched by someone, no matter how I think about it, I can't help it.

"Master, isn't it just for mating? What's there to peek at?"

"Master, I'm not interested in your human mating, let alone peeping."

I'm going!

Scorned by a female scorpion.

"No matter what, stay away from me."

After explaining.

Yang Xu lay on the bed, took out his mobile phone, and sent Guan Xiaolin a V letter.

"It's getting dark, I've been waiting, when will you come?"

Guan Xiaolin replied in seconds: "Brother Xu, what are you in a hurry for? I have to wait until my parents are asleep."

Impatient, hasty.

Or Guan Xiaolin's consideration is more in place.

"Okay then! The big bed has been packed and is waiting for you to come."

Guan Xiaolin returned a shy expression.

"Brother Xu, you are really dead! Who said that I want to be with you..."

Yang Xu's heart skipped a beat.

Could it be that I misunderstood?
Hastily replied with an aggrieved expression: "Girl, you said that you want to reward me tonight? You can't break your promise!"

"I...later...let's talk about it!"

Guan Xiaolin hesitated between the lines.

It seems that he wants to agree, but he is also a little embarrassed.

Yang Xu felt hot in his heart.

This means that it is almost inseparable!
Work hard, you can definitely complete the transformation from boy to man tonight!

So, while the iron was hot, he sent a few heartbroken expressions: "Girl, your promise has been imprinted in my heart, please don't break my heart?"

Look at the information.

Guan Xiaolin bit her red lips lightly.

That child-like sincerity was throbbing.

With a light tap of his finger, he replied with four words: "Okay, Brother Xu."

At this moment, she forgot what her parents told her.

My mind is filled with the sweetness of the two being together.

And the memories of the night when the raw rice was almost cooked.

"Guan Xiaolin, it's time to eat!"

Liu Lihua's shout brought Guan Xiaolin back to reality.

Shrinking her body in shock, she hurriedly responded: "Come right away!"

Then he sent a message back to Yang Xu: "Let's not talk about it, my mother is calling for dinner, if she finds out, she will definitely not let me go out."

Yang Xu looked at the words 'OK, Brother Xu'.

Excitedly jumped up from the bed.

She said yes!

I really said yes.


Then another one popped out.

'Let's not talk about it, my mother called for dinner, if she finds out, she will definitely not let me go out. '

A very common sentence.

But it made Yang Xu excited.

Liu Lihua, you still lost to me in the end?

Liu Lihua's frantic expression was imagined. ,
Yang Xu became even more excited for no reason.

Does this shit look like having an affair?What's so exciting?

With a slander, Yang Xu shook his head and began to review his thoughts.

Waiting is always so hard.

Every second and every minute felt extremely long.

It feels like I've been waiting for a long time, but when I look at the time, it's only been 10 minutes.

Unable to hold back anymore, he sent another V message: "Xiaolin, when do your parents go to bed?"

after awhile.

Guan Xiaolin wrote back: "Around 10:30."

Oh, oh buy Karma!
There are still two and a half hours.

It's exactly what it says in the lyrics.

I wait until the flowers are thanked!

Mentioning the word 'Hua'er, Yang Xu sat up from the bed.

Instead of waiting here, why not go out and pick some flowers to create an atmosphere.

Give that girl an unforgettable surprise, an unforgettable night.

Yang Xu did what he said.

Although it was already dark, the moon was big and bright.

And in the small mountain village in summer, you can see blooming flowers everywhere.

It is very convenient to pick.

When you get busy, you won't feel the time is hard.

I was sweating a lot from the work, and the floor of the room was covered with colorful flower petals.

There is also a large bunch prepared on the table.

I went to take a big bath again, and finally got the time to 10:30.

"come yet?"

"My parents just fell asleep."

"Okay! I'll wait a little longer."

Yang Xu counted the seconds until eleven o'clock.

The heart said, the night is quiet, it's time to fall asleep!

As a result, Guan Xiaolin sent a crying emoji.

"Brother Xu, my mother locked the door."

"What? What do you mean?" Yang Xu sat up from the bed at once.

Then, Guan Xiaolin sent a photo.

There is a brass lock hanging on the inside of the door of his living room.

The door was locked, and the key was pulled out, obviously prepared for it!
"I got a fork!"

Yang Xu burst into foul language.

It feels like there are ten trillion alpacas whizzing by in my heart.

Mastering the stick, but aiming for the yard.

Yang Xu became irritable instantly.

I can't wait to instruct the black widow to get a blue and white snake to bite on Liu Lihua's white butt to relieve her anger.

Finally think about it or forget it.

In case the old woman finds out the truth one day, she must bear a grudge for the rest of her life.

"Brother Xu, what should we do now?"

Yang Xu thought, what can I do?Of course it's cool!
Call your mother to get up and open the lock, will she open it for you?
After getting restless for a while, Yang Xu picked up his phone, took a picture of the flowers in the house, and sent it.

"Girl, my heart is bitter! I have prepared so much, and I am looking forward to your coming."

Guan Xiaolin replied with a series of hugs and blown kisses: "Brother Xu, you are so caring, I am so touched, I love you!"

"Girl, don't tease me anymore. I feel uncomfortable psychologically, and it's even more uncomfortable physically."

"It's a pity that I'm not by your side, otherwise I can help you with my hands..."

"Pfft!" Yang Xu was about to vomit blood, thinking that you are by my side, why are you still using your hands?
Then he had an idea.

Replied a V channel: "Girl, take a few photos of the underwear I gave you, and comfort my wounded heart."

WeChat was silent for a few seconds.

Guan Xiaolin replied: "Brother Xu, my mother took all the three sets of underwear you gave me!"

Yang Xu was confused for a while: "Uh... what's going on?"

"On the way back, my mother found out. She said that my clothes were inappropriate, so she took them all away."

Yang Xu almost vomited blood again.

This Nima can also?

Liu Lihua, you are cruel!
Xiaolin's dress is inappropriate, so is yours the right one?

That night, Yang Xu didn't sleep well.

Liu Lihua always appeared in those three sets of underwear in the dream.

He also let out a devilish laugh from time to time: "Little bastard, you still lost to me in the end!"

(End of this chapter)

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