Wild mad doctor

Chapter 284

Chapter 284
Cold killing intent.

Like the cold wind in winter, it directly hits the bone marrow and soul of the human body.

Just look at Yang Xu's speed and momentum.

Cai Shao knew that they were not opponents.

This kick hit the steel plate!
Shocked, he rushed towards Hao Zhihui in a hurry.

Want to control the hostages and take the initiative.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he took a step, he fell to the ground with a 'plop'.

within close range.

Of course, Yang Xu put Hao Zhihui's safety as his top priority.

Seeing his bad intentions, he immediately threw out the black widow and gave him a hit.

The other bastard thugs wanted to scatter and escape.

But Yang Xu didn't give them a chance at all.

For the first time, he had a glimpse of the way of cultivation, and the true energy in his body was already in a semi-liquefied state.

Picking up a few punks is like picking up a few ants.

The figure flashed continuously, and after six consecutive punches, all the bastards flew out, and their lives and deaths were unknown.

"Wisdom, how are you?"

After completely controlling the situation, Yang Xu asked.

Hao Zhihui dropped the fruit knife and threw himself into Yang Xu's arms.

A heart finally fell to the ground.

"Let me see your injury." As he said, Yang Xu reached out to Hao Zhizhi's neck.

It was a false alarm, just a skin trauma.

"I'm fine, go and see Village Chief Hu!" Hao Zhihui let go of Yang Xu and responded.

Yang Xu walked up to Hu Fengqiu, who had fallen into a coma.

But the problem is not very serious.

His left arm was dislocated and there were multiple soft tissue injuries on his body.

The coma was due to a severe blow to the head and loss of blood.

It can be seen that this person has received professional training.

During the beating, he protected his vitals.

"I'll help him heal his injuries first, you go get a bowl of light salt water." Yang Xu ordered.

Carry Hu Fengqiu into the house and put him on the mat.

Reposition his arm first.

After some acupuncture and massage conditioning, Hu Fengqiu woke up slowly.

Seeing Yang Xu, he was stunned for a moment.

Then he asked, "How is Miss Hao?"

"She's fine, thank you for saving my girlfriend." Yang Xu responded.

Hu Fengqiu shook his head slightly: "I'm too useless to help!"

"Village Chief Hu, please don't say that. Without you, I might have encountered misfortune!"

"I'm sorry! I wanted to help you, but instead I hurt you." Hao Zhizhi came over with salt water and said apologetically.

"Ahem, it's okay!" Hu Fengqiu waved his hand in response.

"You have lost too much blood, drink the light salt water first!"

With that said, Yang Xu helped Hu Fengqiu to sit up.

Hao Zhizhi handed out the light salt water, and Hu Fengqiu drank it in one go.

Then he asked: "Who are those people?"

"We haven't had time to interrogate him yet!" Yang Xu responded.

Get up and go out.

Grab Cai Shao by the collar and drag him in like a dead dog.

Look at that swollen black and blue appearance.

"He...he..." Hao Zhizhi couldn't make a sound, and didn't dare to say the dead word.

Hu Fengqiu's expression was not much better, but he was much calmer.

"Don't worry, without my permission, it's hard for him to die!"

As he spoke, Yang Xu took out the silver needle and stabbed the opponent's chest six times in a row.

Then a ladle of cold water was poured over his head.

Cai Shao shook his head, then opened his eyes.

Hastily said: "I...my grandfather...is Cai Dongxiang."

hear the name.

Hu Fengqiu's expression changed in an instant.

Obviously know this guy.

"Who is Cai Dongxiang?" Yang Xu asked.

"The richest man in Bailiu Town, it is said that his financial resources can rank high in the entire Chuanxia County. This person has a deep background, and no one dares to provoke him." Hu Fengqiu explained.

"My grandfather is very famous in Jianghu. He has offended me so much before, but I still hope that brother Haihan!" Cai Shao answered hurriedly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words came out, Yang Xu raised his foot in vain and stepped on his thigh.


It was the sound of broken bones.

"Ah!" A miserable cry pierced the night sky.

Beads of sweat burst out from Shao Cai's forehead in an instant.

Both Hao Zhihui and Hu Fengqiu were shocked by Yang Xu's cruelty.

"Kacha!" Another kick fell, and the other thigh was shattered.

Then he kicked it out, hitting Cai Shao's descendant Gen.

People also flew out of the house.

It fell heavily on the ground.

Although it will not be fatal, but the roots of descendants will definitely be lost.

"Xu!" Hao Zhizhi shouted, his face full of horror.

With such a ruthless hand, the reason has become the wrong reason.

He didn't dare to imagine what kind of responsibility Yang Xu would bear.

Yang Xu gave her a comforting look: "It's okay, they won't call the police."

Hao Zhihui couldn't understand why the other party didn't call the police.

But she knew that this must be the end of immortality.

"Xu, I'm sorry! I caused you trouble again." Hao Zhizhi cried.

At this moment, she hated, regretted, and blamed herself very much.

Hate myself for being stupid!

I hate my brother for being shameless!
Regret signing up for teaching support.

If it wasn't for himself, Yang Xu wouldn't have done this at all.

Yang Xu reached out to wipe away her tears: "What stupid things are you talking about? You are my woman, who will I protect if I don't protect you?"

"Don't worry! Even if the sky falls, I will definitely carry it for you!"

The loud words fell.

While Hao Zhihui felt overwhelmed with security, he also blamed himself even more.

"Now... what should we do now?" Hu Fengqiu spoke with a dry throat.

It's because Yang Xu's methods are too scary.

"I'll make a call first." Yang Xu said.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed Qin Wenquan.

"Brother Quan, is Mr. Qin there? I want to ask him something."

"The old man went on a long journey to deal with that thing on his head." Qin Wenquan responded.

Yang Xu helped Qin Shan put the Soul Lost Gu seal dormant on top of his head.

Although it won't be a bad thing if you don't wake up.

But it's like carrying a time bomb.

Anyone who encounters this kind of thing can't sleep peacefully.

Anxious to solve, completely understandable.

"Oh, do you know Cai Dongxiang? It is said that he is quite famous in the world." Yang Xu asked.

"What? Did he offend you?" Qin Wenquan was stunned.

"He didn't offend me, but his grandson did, and I crippled his legs and roots."

"Uh..." Qin Wenquan was stunned again, and then explained: "He has nothing to do with himself, he is just born in the real realm of martial arts! But his family alliance is quite influential, you have to be careful; or I will contact the old man and let him Let me help you circle around."

"Let's not bother Mr. Qin yet, what do you mean by family alliance?" Yang Xu asked.

"I'm not too sure about the specifics. The old man confessed a few words before he left, and it seems to be related to some servant family." Qin Wenquan responded.

Mention the servant family.

Yang Xu instantly thought of Qiao Na.

Ever since she was teased by fate that night, she seemed to have disappeared from Yang Xu's world.

"Okay, I see! Let's not disturb your rest, if you need assistance, I will greet you."

End the call.

Yang Xu walked out the door.

He first used silver needles to wake up the six bastards and abolished their right arms and dantians.

After a series of screams and begging for mercy.

Yang Xu threw Cai Shao, whose life was hanging by a thread, in front of everyone.

"Take him back and tell Cai Dongxiang that Jianghu is a matter of Jianghu. I will wait for him in Donglong Village!"

(End of this chapter)

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