Wild mad doctor

Chapter 260 I think you are suitable

Chapter 260 I think you are suitable

Wisps of sickness.

Follow Yang Xu's fingers and absorb it into the body, turning it into Dantian energy.

The old man had a comfortable expression, as if he was enjoying himself.

Anyone, even a fool, knows that it's good to enjoy.

10 minutes later.

The sickness in the old man's body was absorbed.

Yang Xu asked aloud, "Master, are you comfortable?"

The old man smiled silly, as if he couldn't remember how to answer.

"I'll help you with acupuncture again, you will feel more comfortable."

As Yang Xu said, he took out the acupuncture bag he carried with him.

"Old Xu, the old man is very afraid of acupuncture. Professor Zhao said this morning that he should not be frightened anymore." Wan Yunge said hastily.

She was flustered right now.

My heart said that this kid was too wicked.

Every time a stranger came to treat the old guy, he was scared to death.

But this kid limped the old guy with a few words, and forgot what it meant to be afraid.

"Shut up!" Xu Jiancheng didn't have a good attitude.

No matter how old a man is, once he becomes fatally suspicious of a woman.

It's hard to regain trust.

Now he suspects that Wan Yunge's intention is to sabotage the treatment.

"What's your attitude? Could it be that you're going to turn against me because of his few words?" Wan Yunge quit.

"I told you to shut up and not disturb Expert Yang's treatment." Xu Jiancheng responded impatiently.

"I won't shut it up! I won't shut it down! What can you do to me?" Wan Yunge roared angrily.

"Unreasonable!" Angrily replied with four words, Xu Jiancheng and Yang Xu said: "Expert Yang, can I bring my father to the bedroom for treatment."

"It's okay, it won't affect my treatment." Yang Xu responded.

The panic in Wan Yunge's eyes reappeared.

In the current situation, it was simply unrealistic for her to forcibly interrupt the treatment.

Only looking forward to it, Yang Xu is bragging.

10 minutes.

Two 10 minutes.

Ten minutes later, Yang Xu's treatment has not stopped.

Wan Yunge felt that this was not 10 minutes, but as long as 30 years.

But her flustered heart also slowly became quiet, not as frightened as it was at the beginning.

She swore secretly in her heart that after this treatment failed.

Yang Xu will never be allowed to enter the gate of her house again.

at last.

Yang Xu stopped and patted the old man's shoulder lightly.

"Grandpa, how does your head feel now?"

"Very...very comfortable." He replied with a slight hesitation.

Xu Jiancheng was overjoyed.

For half a year, he didn't hear his father's question and answer.

So he stepped forward and shouted, "Dad!"

"Jiancheng...you...you are back from a business trip!" The old man stared in surprise.

Xu Jiancheng nodded: "Dad, I'm back!"

The old man subconsciously raised his head and looked around: "Where is Wan Yunge?"

Hear the question.

Only then did Xu Jiancheng realize that Wan Yunge had slipped away.

"What happened to her?" Xu Jiancheng asked.

"She steals men behind your back! Minhua is not your own daughter either!"

The old man said these two words.

It can be described as earth-shattering.

Xu Jiancheng stood there stupidly, and murmured, "Is this impossible?"

"What is impossible? What I heard with my own ears can be false?"

"The adulterer is your old driver—Wang Junli!"

"I heard them talking, went in and argued, and got hurt by them."

Words after words.

It directly hit Xu Jiancheng's heart.

Wang Junli had been his driver for many years, and Wan Yunge was her secretary back then.

After Wan Yunge became pregnant, Wang Junli helped take care of her.

He even asked Wang Junli to hold his hair and secretly do a paternity test for him.

So everything is fake?
Think back to Wan Yunge's abnormal behavior just now.

The truth is self-evident.

Xu Jiancheng was furious: "I'm going to kill that bitch!"

"Don't, don't be impulsive!" The old man yelled to dissuade, but he couldn't persuade his son, who was so angry that he rushed to the top of his head.

A group of people followed Xu Jiancheng down to the second floor.

"Where's Wan Yunge?" Xu Jiancheng asked the servant loudly.

"The madam is taking the second young lady out!" The servant hurriedly responded.

Xu Jiancheng's expression turned extremely ugly in an instant, and he shouted sharply, "They are neither madam nor miss!"


He took out his mobile phone and dialed Wan Yunge's number.

He roared viciously, "Your surname is Wan, where are you?"

"I knew it was difficult for you to accept it for a while, and I was afraid that you would do something that you would regret for life, so I took Minhua out first!" Wan Yunge said calmly.

Now that the truth was out, she simply confessed.

Xu Jiancheng's silver teeth were almost shattered.

He yelled again: "Now that you are gone, never step into the door of my Xu family again."

"It doesn't matter what you say? I have been married to you for so many years, and I have given you the most beautiful youth. There is hard work without credit. You can't be so ruthless!" Wan Yunge responded.

"Damn! You're a f*cking bitch, you still have the face to mention this to me!"

"Divorce, I want you to get out of the house!" Xu Jiancheng was furious.

Wan Yunge's voice sank: "Xu Jiancheng, I advise you not to go too far!"

"Don't forget, I know everything you have done these years."

"It really drove me into a hurry, so I will report to the relevant department with my real name!"

These words are very lethal.

Xu Jiancheng seemed to be stuck in the neck.

His face was black, red, and purple, and he lost his voice for a while.

Wan Yunge said again: "It's fine if you want a divorce, but I want you to leave the house!"

"Or just pretend that nothing happened and continue to maintain the status quo."

"I'll give you time, you can think about it yourself."

After finishing speaking, Wan Yunge hung up the phone directly.

Xu Jiancheng stood dumbfounded for a moment, then raised his mobile phone and slammed it on the ground.

Raise your foot and step hard!
"Dad!" Xu Minfang yelled, grabbing Xu Jiancheng's arm.

Xu Jiancheng's eyes were red: "Minfang, it's all my fault for being blind. I'm sorry for you and your mother."

Then the father and daughter hugged each other and cried.

Yang Xu and Liu Ganglin didn't know what to do.

Helping someone to see a doctor, how can you see that there is a thunderbolt?

At this time, Yang Xu's cell phone rang.

Hong Haishan called, saying that he had arrived in the provincial capital, and asked where Yang Xu was.

Yang Xu said that he was in the Yunying Villa Community, and the other party said he would be there in 10 minutes.

This kind of thing happened in other people's homes, and it was inappropriate for them to continue to stay.

Then he took the initiative to leave and said: "President Xu, I have something to do in the afternoon, so I will leave first! Later, I will send the old man's prescription and your prescription to Brother Feng's mobile phone. Sister Fang usually spends more time with her and recalls more about the past. "

"Thank you, Expert Yang!" Xu Jiancheng thanked.

Then he pulled Liu Ganglin aside and said, "Old Liu, Deputy Director Zhang of the Procurement Department will retire within this year, I think you are suitable."

Liu Ganglin was astonished!

This news is too sudden.

He has been a soldier all his life, and he is very uncomfortable to be promoted to a leader when he is nearing retirement.

Xu Jiancheng said again: "You just need to know what happened today, and don't mention it to anyone, including your family."

"Expert Yang, please explain to me for your help."

(End of this chapter)

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