Wild mad doctor

Chapter 245

Chapter 245

Ji Juan's complexion suddenly became particularly ugly.

It felt like someone had slapped me in the face.

She yelled angrily: "I said, what's the matter with you? Can't you understand people's words?"

"I told you that I was Mr. Zhang's friend, and yet you deliberately made things difficult for me!"

"Believe it or not, a phone call from me will tell you to pack up and leave?"

After being insulted and reprimanded, the staff's face turned dark.

Wei Wei replied angrily: "Ma'am, please speak with respect!"

"Every day under the banner of Zhang Dong, there are many people who want to get in for free. You are not the first, nor will you be the last."

Ji Juan was even more annoyed.

After doing it for a long time, I regarded her as a fare evasion bastard.

This is too contemptuous!

Ji Juan gritted her teeth and pointed to the staff's nose.

Then he took out his mobile phone and found Zhang Yongtai's number.

Pick it up and shake it: "See? You just wait to be fired!"

After saying that, she dialed out.

The phone rang for about 50 seconds.

Finally someone got through.

Ji Juan asked, "Lao Zhang, is this what you arranged for us? Are you treating us like beggars?"

"Don't get angry, speak slowly, what happened? I'm going to meet you!"

Hear compliments.

Ji Juan's face brightened a little: "There is a dog watching people at the gate, who treats us as fare evaders and blocks us from entering!"

"Ouch... It's my fault that I didn't make arrangements properly. Don't get along with him; give him the phone and I'll communicate with him directly."

Ji Juan originally wanted Zhang Yongtai to fire the staff member.

Hearing these words, he simply swallowed the words that came to his mouth.

Passing the phone forward, he said in a vicious voice, "Old Zhang wants to talk to you directly."

The staff member took the phone with a dark face and greeted: "Hello, Director Zhang, I'm Han Li."

Get pointed.

Han Li let go of the gate and let them pass.

Ji Juan's nostrils were upturned, and she looked like she was showing off her might.

"What's there to be proud of? This is the first time I've met a Chinese person who calls to find connections to save a few dollars!"


Han Li's voice was small.

But everyone in the group was not deaf and could hear clearly.

Ji Juan's face turned green.

The old lady and the others didn't look any better.

Only Yang Xu looked heartless and wanted to laugh.

Isn't this the standard for hospitality?
The consequence of applying too much powder on your face is that it is easy to get a big face.

Walk into the resort.

The scenery inside is even more beautiful.

You can see travelers taking pictures everywhere.

After they walked for a while.

A sightseeing battery car stopped in front of everyone, and Zhang Yongtai got off.

He greeted with a smile: "I'm going to pick you up at the door!"

"Sitting on the plane for too long has made our bodies stiff, and we all want to take a walk!" Liu Hongjiang responded, stepping forward to shake hands with him.

Ji Juan followed closely and greeted: "Lao Zhang, this is so beautiful!"

"So-so, it's nothing in front of you guys who are used to the big world." Zhang Yongtai turned sideways and said politely.

"Old Zhang, you're slapping your face for saying that. We were blocked outside the door just now, and we almost couldn't get in." Ji Juan spoke in a slightly unsurprised manner.

"This was my mistake. I drank three more drinks in the evening and I apologize to you."

People said it so boldly, Ji Juan couldn't pursue it anymore, but she was still very upset.

Then Liu Hongjiang took the initiative to introduce: "This is my mother, that is my eldest sister Liu Hongju, my second sister Liu Honglan, and that is my niece Liu Yuting."

Zhang Yongtai stepped forward and shook hands one by one.

Only Yang Xu was forgotten.

Liu Yuting showed no surprise, and interjected: "This is my boyfriend, Yang Xu!"

The faces of everyone in the Liu family turned ugly for a moment.

Zhang Yongtai is a fine person, and he knows that the relationship between the young couple is unpopular, which is common in big families.

So pretended not to hear, and continued to ignore Yang Xu.

Liu Yuting's face turned red. She was asking for boredom, and she had caused a second injury to Yang Xu.

It's embarrassing!

A blue sports car quickly approached and stopped.

"Yuting, why are you here? Are you looking for me?"

As the words fell, Zhang Lun opened the door and got out of the car.

Liu Yuting's face turned black and red.

"Do you know each other?" Zhang Yongtai was surprised.

"Yu Ting and I are friends and high school classmates."

Zhang Yongtai nodded slightly, and then introduced sideways: "This is a dog, Zhang Lun!"

"Okay! You are handsome and talented." Liu Hongjiang praised him, and everyone in the Liu family nodded in agreement.

Judging by Zhang Lun's expression, he was almost floating.

Yang Xu felt a little sour in his heart, what the hell!

In terms of appearance, I can beat him by three blocks, and I don't even have a single person who praises me.

This guy has a wax gourd head, sesame seed face, and oily noodles, and he is praised to the sky just because he has a good father.

However, it is not rare for him to be praised by the forces of the Liu family.

Zhang Lun looked around with a smile, trying to pretend to be a gentleman.

When his eyes fell on Yang Xu, he almost exploded on the spot.

He failed to call the police that day to frame Yang Xu, but instead shot himself in the foot.

After being arrested at the police station.

His father spent a lot of money on connections to settle everything.

Cai Yonggang of the Runjia Group directly grounded his daughter Cai Fengwan, preventing them from interacting with each other again.

For this reason, the old man got angry at him a lot.

Noticing Zhang Lun's expression, Ji Juan smiled playfully: "Alan knows him?"

Zhang Lun shook his head: "I don't know him."

A trace of disappointment flashed in Ji Juan's eyes, she just clearly saw the fire in Zhang Lun's eyes.

I wanted to see a joke, but I didn't see it.

Unbeknownst to everyone, Zhang Lun has deeper plans.

He thought to himself that the reason for the failure in the first summit meeting was because he was in Qin Wenquan's territory.

The failure of the second attempt was due to the wrong timing; he didn't expect that Yang Xu was there for medical treatment, not for a tryst.

Today is the third time.

He has the right time, the right place, and the harmony of people, so it's hard not to win.

So hold back your anger, play slowly, and play well.

The black widow made a high-energy reminder immediately, saying that Zhang Lun was malicious.

This is something obvious, even if it is not said, Yang Xu can guess it.

"Get in the car first! Let's go eat first, have a good night's rest after eating, and then I'll take you sightseeing tomorrow." Zhang Yongtai said.

"Yuting, you can take my car!" Zhang Lun invited.

Liu Yuting shook her head: "Thank you, no need! I like to take a sightseeing bus."

"Then let me take the sightseeing bus with you!" Zhang Lun responded.

have to say.

This guy is not usually thick-skinned.

Yang Xu was no longer surprised.

Damn!I'm standing right here!

How dare you poach a corner and treat Lao Tzu as nothing?

"No need! I have a boyfriend with me, please don't harass me anymore." Before Yang Xu could say anything, Liu Yuting spoke first.

The sharp words instantly made Zhang Lun blush.

"Yuting, how can you talk to Allen like this?"

"Grandma told you just now that the children of the Liu family must obtain the family's permission to find a partner, and this person is obviously not qualified!"

Ji Juan choked without losing the opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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