Wild mad doctor

Chapter 212 Straight Man's Special Skill

Chapter 212 Straight Man's Special Skill
Follow the words.

Jin Ruihua walked towards the door.

After a few brief instructions.

She came back and said, "You continue to treat me, don't worry about me!"

Liu Qing's face turned red with embarrassment.

"What's there to be shy about? You'll know when you have a baby in the future. There are many male obstetricians and gynecologists. Why don't you give birth?"

"Healing the sick and saving lives is the bounden duty of doctors. In their eyes, there is no distinction between men and women, only patients."

"As for me, you don't have to avoid it, we are not only women, but also comrades in arms."

Might be a work reason.

It may also be a matter of character.

Jin Ruihua's style of speaking was very clever.

It is also very useful in front of Liu Qing.

Maybe, they are the same kind of people at heart.

Seeing Liu Qing slowly lift the quilt.

Yang Xu stepped forward to help her remove the silver needle.

Jin Ruihua stepped forward and asked, "Were the injuries on both sides equally severe at the beginning?"

Liu Qing bit her lip and nodded.

"Young man, do you have some skills? Which hospital do you work in? Someone in our team is injured another day, and I will invite you as well."

"I work in Fuchuan No.1 Civilian Hospital."

"Oh, that's quite far away; looking at the situation, the injury has been going on for a few days, right? Why didn't you help her heal at that time?"

"It happened three days ago. She was shy at the time. I prescribed Chinese medicine to her, but she didn't take it. It got serious."

"What's there to be shy about between male and female friends?"

"We..." Yang Xu just wanted to explain, but found Liu Qing tugging at the hem of his clothes.

Let's stop with the explanation.

At this time, Jin Ruihua's cell phone rang.

She opened it and looked at it and said:
"The monitoring has checked. Since you came in, there have been four waves of people living here. See if anyone you know?"

Yang Xu got up and took the phone.

Suddenly saw Zhang Lun.

on the photo.

Zhang Lun was talking to the manager with his arms around a charming woman.

Yang Xu tapped the phone screen and said, "This person has a feud with me."

Jin Ruihua looked at the enchanting woman in the photo.

Then he replied to the mobile phone: "Check which room is the man and woman following the client?"


1606 suites.

Zhang Lun is galloping on the enchanting woman.

After calling the police.

His excitement gradually cooled down.

Gradually turn your attention to the enchanting woman.

This woman is a bank account manager, and her main job is to pull deposits.

Zhang Lunka has 8000 million yuan in funds.

Only rely on the way that family A transfers to family B, family B transfers to family C, family C transfers to family D, and family D transfers to family A.

Already prostituted six account managers for nothing.

Today is the seventh, and I have added medicine.

"Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!"

There was a knock on the suite door.

Sudden fright.

Zhang Lun was annoyed.

I can't wait to pull the bastard outside the door in and strangle him to death.


The door rang, and the door was pushed open.

I saw a policeman in uniform come in.

He hurried to lock the suite door.

Was rushed away by a policeman.

Behind the door, he was knocked out and fell to the ground.

Zhang Lun picked up a piece of clothing on the ground and covered his waist.

As for the woman on the bed, her face was flushed and she was insane, she was scratching her head and looking for comfort.

Zhang Lun pointed at the door and shouted, "Who told you to come in? Get out!"

The policeman's eyes sharpened: "What are you doing?"

"Nonsense, don't you understand? Do you want me to teach you?"

The policeman's face turned green.

Jin Ruihua walked in and said in a cold voice, "Take control and take this woman for a test!"

"I see who would dare! We are a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship, everything is voluntary and has nothing to do with you." Zhang Lun yelled angrily.

"Whether it's voluntary or not, we won't know until the investigation is over. Take it away." Jin Ruihua responded and signaled the police to act.

"I am Zhang Lun from Jinzhang Group, and my father is Zhang Yongtai. I am very familiar with your superiors."

"Believe it or not, a phone call from me will peel off your police skin!"

So arrogant, so unscrupulous.

But as soon as he said this.

The police officers were a little hesitant, and they all knew that these rich men had amazing energy.

However, the woman on the bed was obviously on drugs.

The suspicion of being passive is great.

As law enforcement officers, they cannot turn a blind eye.

In the end, all eyes turned to Jin Ruihua.

Jin Ruihua's face turned cold: "Take it away! I'll take care of it if something goes wrong; and compare it with his mobile phone to see who reported the false alarm, is it him?"

Follow the words.

The police officers acted quickly.

Zhang Lun was a little confused, why the hell did I make a false police report again?
Shouldn't they check on Yang Xu?
How did you find me here?

Room 1206.

Yang Xu's treatment is still going on.

Liu Qing's eyes were closed tightly, her silver teeth were clenched tightly, and her face was blushing.

Two white jade hands tightly grasped the bed sheet.

From time to time, there was a muffled snort from his nose.

Yang Xu didn't dare to say something like 'call out when you feel uncomfortable'.

He is no longer a rookie.

Know the other party's current situation.

But he is not a monk with six quiet roots.

The body reacted uncontrollably.

Although there is no overstepping action.

The strength in his hands will inevitably show.

Who said that in the eyes of doctors, there is no distinction between men and women, only patients.

How about the score?
In the face of serious illness, he was very nervous and only wanted to save people.

There is no time to think about it.

But things like tonight are different.

The small injury that came easily was just a little time-consuming.

His palms became hot and he massaged harder.

Liu Qing behaved even worse.

When the massage is over.

Yang Xu hurriedly got up and said, "Okay, I'll go to the bathroom."

Liu Qing shyly opened her eyes, feeling an inexplicable nervousness in her heart, and an indescribable feeling.

Perhaps, that is something called affection.

these three days.

Her family almost praised Yang Xu to the sky.

One word, God.

Two words, miracle doctor.

Three words, hurry up.

As a result, her mind is full of Yang Xu's figure every day.

At night, when he fell asleep on the bed, he was massaging and scolding Yang Xu secretly.

As the saying goes, cursing is also another kind of miss.

Unconsciously, as if she had been brainwashed, she often thought of Yang Xu.

See Yang Xu's reaction.

Her first instinct was: This guy has ideas for me.

Nervous and scared at the same time a little happy.

It felt so contradictory.

After Yang Xu relieved the pressure on his kidneys, he washed his face again.

He didn't want to face that embarrassing situation.

I just played with my phone in the bathroom for a while.

Hao Zhihui left a message in the V letter asking about yesterday's situation.

Yang Xu said that everything went well and his father has been released from prison.

Jona still didn't reply.

But Yang Xu wanted to know the news of the bloodline family, and wanted to know the news of Jijing.

An Nai couldn't help but try to dial Qiao Na's number.

"Sorry! The number you dialed is temporarily unavailable."

What's the situation?
Block me?

Yang Xu felt like shit.

After a while, he saw that it was time to wake up the needle.

Then he walked out of the bathroom.

It was Liu Qing's strange gaze that greeted him.

She seriously suspected that Yang Xu was in the bathroom, fantasizing about her, doing a straight man's special trick.

(End of this chapter)

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