Wild mad doctor

Chapter 197 You Can Drive Now

Chapter 197 You Can Drive Now
Hong Haishan said in his heart that it was more than a misunderstanding.

That guy is so dishonest, he even dares to date the woman I like.

If you don't give him some flair, he doesn't even know how many eyes Prince Ma has!
These words stuck in my heart.

Even though he was full of resentment, he didn't say it after all.

After thinking about it, he replied: "Old Qin, you are a highly respected senior, you must have understood the whole process, I really don't blame me for this matter!"

"I know I don't blame you, but I don't blame him either. Emotional matters are about your own will. I support your fair competition."

Hear this.

Hong Haishan almost jumped up.

Is it fair to your sister?How can there be real fairness in this world?

You ask me, an old man in his seventies, to compete fairly with a young man. This is unfair in itself.

What's more, my wealth, my ability, and my connections are also part of my strength.

When thinking of Yang Xu curing Qin Shan, isn't this part of Yang Xu's strength?
The depression in his heart finally turned into a bitter smile: "Mr. Qin, you should know my situation and understand my difficulties."

"If you just need a woman to continue your bloodline, our Qin family will help you find it!"

"If you have a crush on Liu Yuting, then compete fairly within your existing framework, and don't use means to threaten the safety of the other party and her family."

Hong Haishan's mouth was very bitter, very very bitter.

If someone else were to tell him this.

Even some upstarts in Kyoto.

He will not bother.

But Qin Shan is different.

Putting aside the background of the Qin family.

Qin Shan's influence in the world is amazing.

Going against him, whether it's business or life, is risky.

Hong Haishan regretted not being decisive and asked someone to kill Yang Xu directly.

But such words cannot be said.

Not only would he offend Lu Changming, but he would also offend Qin Shan.

"Mr. Qin, I understand." Hong Haishan responded with difficulty.

"I am very pleased that you are willing to sell my old face."

"I planned to invite you to the provincial capital in a few days, and let's have a good chat."

"I suddenly learned that you were going to Fuchuan, so I had no choice but to make this call. I hope you don't feel any knot in your heart."

Soldiers first, rituals later.

After the warning, there was another wave of good words to comfort and win over.

Hong Haishan forced a smile and said: "No, no, I have always respected you, and it is my honor that you are willing to call me."

"Haha! As expected of a successful entrepreneur, he can talk."

"That's all right, let's do this first, come and drink tea with me when you have time."

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Qin."

Hang up.

Hong Haishan held the phone, his eyes full of anger.

Fortunately, in these years, he has done a good job of nourishing Qi.

Otherwise, you will definitely drop your phone and smash everything that can be smashed in front of you.

After a while.

The butler asked in a low voice: "Master, are you still going to Fuchuan today?"

"Go, why not go?"

"Notify, let's go now."


Yang Xu didn't know that Qin Shan had already greeted him.

As he drove, he planned the meeting in the afternoon.

When approaching Fuchuan territory.

He received a call from Jiang Hua.

The day for the retrial of his father Yang Jiawang's case has been fixed.

It will be ten o'clock tomorrow morning.

And appeal expectations have changed.

Previously, they wanted to shorten the sentence to about one and a half years.

The current expectation is a two-year sentence with one year probation.

It seems that the sentence has been lengthened, but there is a favorable condition of probation.

That is to say, they can be released after the trial.

As long as you behave well later, you don't have to go to jail at all.

So efficient.

So exciting.

That's the benefit of strength.

At this moment, Yang Xu had a strong desire to strengthen himself.

Even if it's just a chance.

Still too excited to control himself, he parked the car in an emergency stop.

Hugging Liu Yuting and kissing fiercely.

Liu Yuting is sleeping soundly!

Was woken up by his kiss.

Drowsy and said: "What are you doing? I haven't slept well yet."

"Honey, my dad will be released from prison tomorrow!"

"Really?" Liu Yuting suddenly woke up.

"It's true. Lawyer Jiang Hua called. The court will start at ten o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Since he dares to say that, he must be close to ten."

"You join me tomorrow morning."

"Ah? Is it okay for me to go?" Liu Yuting was very upset.

It feels like an ugly daughter-in-law is going to meet her parents-in-law.

"What's wrong? I'll call Hao Zhizhi."

Liu Yuting bit her lower lip: "Then I'll go."

Her thinking is simple.

No matter what you say, you can't be overwhelmed by others.

Seeing her fighting spirit, Yang Xu didn't know what to say.

It's been a while.

His emotions couldn't calm down.

It's so exciting.

"Your state is not suitable for driving, let me drive!" Liu Yuting said.

Yang Xu shot at her meaningfully: "Have you rested now?"

Liu Yuting blushed and rolled her eyes at him: "You can drive now."

Yang Xu didn't make trouble anymore, got out of the car and changed seats.

He called Yang Ningjun's home.

"Hello, is that Xiao Xu?" It was Song Qiuyan who answered the phone.

"Auntie, it's me! I was planning to go back to see Uncle Jun tomorrow, but I just received a notice saying that my father's court session will be held tomorrow morning, and it may be postponed for a day." Yang Xu responded.

"Really? That's a good thing! Your Uncle Jun's follow-up visit is fine at the end of the day. He is in good condition now; he told me just now that he wanted to try to get up, but I didn't let him mess around."

"Don't let him get up yet, wait until I come back to review."

Although the spine is much better, it is not a small matter, it is better to be careful.

"Yeah, I'm watching! I've been lying down for a long time, and I don't care how many days more."

Song Qiuyan's words suggest that standing up and talking does not cause pain in the back.

Only those who have been lying in bed for a long time and cannot move can experience the pain of living like years.

Shortly after the call ended.

Guan Tielin called and asked about the court session tomorrow, and asked if several village representatives should be arranged to attend.

Yang Xu refused, he felt it was better to keep a low profile at this time.

When they return to Fuchuan City.

It was already past twelve noon.

Yang Xu did not evade this time, and appeared in the Oriental Star Hotel openly.

After eating a love meal, wait for Hong Haishan to arrive.

(End of this chapter)

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