Wild mad doctor

Chapter 186 Study at the Police Station

Chapter 186 Study at the Police Station
Evaluation finished.

Only then did Yang Xu look at Liu Qing and asked, "What's wrong with me?"

Liu Qing's face turned red.

Just now she thought Yang Xu was talking nonsense!

The result was stunned by reality.

"It's nothing, go and see that person!"

Yang Xu gave her a blank look.

He walked quickly to the elder brother who was crying for help.

The elder brother's wound was on his left shoulder.

Pressing it with his right hand, bleeding came out.

It looks serious.

"Brother, don't be nervous, let go of your hand, I'll help you look at the injury."

"It can't be loosened, the blood will come out after loosening."

This big brother has a strong sense of survival.

But the words make people laugh.

"I'm a doctor, and I will only stop your bleeding, not make you bleed."

"Let go!"

Finally, the eldest brother let go of his hand.

Yang Xu then pressed his acupuncture points.

Seeing that the blood was basically under control, he was asked to take off his shirt.

Then he took out the silver needles and did acupuncture a few times.

The blood really stopped flowing.

Liu Qing was almost stunned. She is a policeman and has seen many cases of red wounds.

This is the first time I've seen someone who can control the bleeding with such an understatement.

This guy is not bragging, he is really capable!
"The bleeding has stopped, just a routine bandage is enough." Only Yang Xu said.

"Okay, thank you! Thank you so much? Should I ask him to pay for the medical expenses?" After thanking him, the eldest brother pointed to the young man on the ground.

"You have to ask Comrade Officer Liu about this. Let me take a look for him first."

With that said, Yang Xu stepped forward and knelt down.

Probe the pulse of the young man.

Frowning slightly, he turned to Liu Qing and said, "I'm in a coma, with a slight concussion, and four sternums are broken. Fortunately, I didn't hurt my lungs, and I need to be hospitalized for recuperation."

"Are you talking nonsense?"

Although he saw Yang Xu's methods, Liu Qing still expressed doubts.

This guy just checked his pulse and said it as if he had taken a film.

"Nonsense! Can I talk nonsense? Don't question my medical ethics." Yang Xu said stinky.

"You..." Liu Qing almost went crazy, but finally gritted his teeth: "I will believe you for the time being. "

Afterwards, she took out the walkie-talkie and said, "Han Bing, Han Bing, someone was injured on Dongming Road. It was initially determined that four sternums were broken, accompanied by a mild concussion. Call an ambulance for me."

She deliberately added the word "preliminary judgment".

Means not sure.

To put it bluntly, I still have doubts about Yang Xu's diagnosis.

"Got it, got it!" came the response from the intercom.

Liu Qing looked at the other two wounded: "Why did you have a conflict?"

The eldest sister shook her head hastily: "I don't know him, passing by here, he was standing there holding a watermelon knife."

"Seeing that he had a knife in his hand, I was so frightened that I wanted to run away, but he slashed at me."

"I was passing by too. When I saw him killing someone, I yelled a few words to stop him, and then he came to me." The eldest brother followed suit.

"Successful, my son! Don't scare Mom!"

At this time, an older sister in her 40s came to the scene.

A dozen meters away, he began to cry.

Liu Qing hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Auntie, are you his family member?"

"Which of you beat my family up like this?" The elder sister went into a rage in an instant.

"He took a knife and committed crimes in the street, and we had no choice but to subdue him."

"He is currently in a coma, and it is preliminarily judged that four sternums are broken, accompanied by a slight concussion."

Liu Qing's voice just fell.

The eldest sister danced even harder:

"What? You are murder! Disregarding human life!"

"My son is going to take the college entrance examination in one month. How can you abuse a student like this?"

"Broken sternum and concussion, how do you let him take the college entrance examination!"


As the eldest sister spoke, her body softened and she fell to the ground.

Liu Qing hurriedly supported him, looked at Yang Xu and said, "Come on, I'm fainted!"

"Don't you believe in my medical skills?"

"What nonsense!"

Bickering is bickering, Yang Xu still puts saving lives first.

He stepped forward and checked her pulse and said: "The internal fire is too strong, which is caused by the rapid fire attacking the heart. In addition, she has high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.; I will make her sexual first so that I can continue to quarrel with you."

Liu Qing rolled her eyes and ignored him.

Yang Xu took out a silver needle and stuck three needles on the top of the eldest sister's head, and one needle on the tiger's mouth.

The eldest sister opened her eyes faintly, and immediately cried out: "Study success is our family's hope, it is our family's everything, you are ruining our family!"

"Sister, it's not that exaggerated."

"It's true that the college entrance examination is a big exam in life, but it's not the whole of life, and it's not the whole of your family."

"You're putting too much pressure on him."

"Just now he was stabbing people in the street with a watermelon knife, which shows that the psychological pressure is extremely heavy, and he has even developed pathological changes."

Hear what Yang Xu said.

The eldest sister finally calmed down a little.

Then Yang Xu said: "Don't worry, I will give you back a healthy son within 20 days."

"If the brain is crushed by pressure, I can't cure it!"

"I'll wake him up now, you mother and son should communicate well."


Yang Xu walked up to the young man and knelt down, unbuttoned his shirt, put his hand on his chest, and input the energy of his dantian.

Before, he thought this guy was mentally ill!

There is no rush to wake up.

It turned out to be a child who was crushed by the pressure of the college entrance examination and family pressure.

As someone who has experienced it, he is very fortunate to have an enlightened father.

I remember what my father said at the time: "Just try your best, and at worst, follow me to do projects."

Wait until the Dantian energy completely covers the wound location.

Yang Xu took out a silver needle and pierced the young man's head with six needles.

The young man slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing her son wake up, the elder sister burst into tears: "Successful! Why are you like this, kid?"

The young man cried and responded: "Mom! Don't tell me to learn, I can't learn! I can't remember anything, don't force me, I don't want to live!"

"Okay, isn't it just a college entrance examination? What's the big deal? You have to die. Your mother has high blood pressure and diabetes. Do you want to drive her to death?" Yang Xu spoke up.

The young man couldn't believe it: "Mom, is what he said true?"

The eldest sister nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me?" The young man was excited.

"I dare not say, for fear of affecting your study."

"Mom..." The young man's eyes were red, and his throat was uncomfortable.

This scene made many onlookers cry.

"Don't get excited, don't get excited, it makes everyone cry!"

"Hypertension and diabetes are not serious illnesses. I'll help them recuperate and prescribe two prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine."

Yang Xu's voice to destroy the atmosphere sounded.

The ambulance also arrived amidst the sirens of "Ah, ah, ah,...".

Yang Xu confessed again: "Young people also relax, isn't it just a college entrance examination? Is it necessary to go to extremes?"

I still want to say a few words!
Yang Xu's cell phone also rang, and it was from Liu Yuting.

He had no choice but to say: "Yes, you follow the ambulance to the hospital first, and we will talk later!"

After speaking, he swiped the answer button.

"Hey, Yuting, I'm here... Dongming Road, come and pick me up!"

"What to pick up? I haven't gone to the police station to study with me yet!" Liu Qing answered from the side.

(End of this chapter)

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