Wild mad doctor

Chapter 147

Chapter 147
To meet the eyes of the people.

The female doctor bit her lip: "Let her continue to observe here for three days! If the effect is not reversed at all, I will admit defeat."

These words obviously have pitfalls.

Yang Xu corrected and said: "After three days, there will definitely be a reversal, so you need a second treatment, and a third treatment; this is the same as your chemotherapy. But compared with the data before I recuperated, it will definitely be much better. .”

The female doctor bit her lip, her expression became extremely unnatural.

Want to refute, but have no way to speak.

"Deputy President Jin is here!" Suddenly, someone outside said.

There was a commotion in the crowd.

A middle-aged man walked in.

Seeing the person coming, Yang Xu smiled playfully.

It's really a narrow road!
Jin Xiangdong's face turned dark, as if he had swallowed a fly.

After resigning from the city's No.1 civilian hospital.

He joined Dongsheng Hospital forcefully, but he was suffocated and had nowhere to vent.

I heard just now that a little doctor of Chinese medicine made false claims that he would use Chinese medicine to treat leukemia.

He just wanted to come over and step on it hard, to vent the evil spirit pent up in his heart.

Who would have thought that he would see the evil star Yang Xu.

"Vice President Jin, congratulations to Gao Sheng!"

Hearing this, Jin Xiangdong almost vomited blood.

The vice president of Dongsheng Hospital can't be compared with the No. 1 civilian hospital, he is not a high-ranking person, he is clearly a low-ranking one.

"Hmph, the villain has achieved success!" Jin Xiangdong couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

Back then, he was so high-spirited that Wang Yaozu couldn't lift his head.

Unexpectedly, Yang Xu, Cheng Yaojin, was killed halfway, and he was directly eliminated from the game.

This is a low curse.

In an instant, everyone's eyes widened.

They are very clear about Vice President Jin's background!

As for why he succumbed to this, the reason is a mystery. Could it be related to this young man?
"Small man? If I am a villain, you are not even as good as a villain!"

"Everyone may not know, your Vice President Jin..."

"Shut up!" Jin Xiangdong shouted hastily.

Slapping people in the face, exposing people's weaknesses.

Slapping his face in front of so many people will make him lose face.

Just a few days after taking office, my buttocks are not hot, which is not conducive to later management.

He really regretted coming to join in the fun.

Yang Xu responded lightly: "Apologize to me! Take back what you just said, otherwise I don't mind being a villain and telling you about your experience of finding another job."

Jin Xiangdong blushed, and hissed angrily, "Don't go too far!"

If he is willing to apologize publicly, he will not leave here.

Look at how annoyed he is.

Yang Xu shook his head and said with emotion: "For the sake of the so-called face, I don't even have the courage to face my mistakes. It's really sad!"

Jin Xiangdong glared at his eyes and almost spit out fire.

"It's okay if you don't want me to talk, continue with the bet just now! Free her unpaid hospital bill!"

Following Yang Xu's words.

Immediately, a doctor stepped forward and listened to him, explaining the situation to Jin Xiangdong.

Jin Xiangdong's eyes turned violent: "I'll bet with you! The winner will be announced in three days."

Yang Xu immediately took out the written evidence that he had made before: "Write it in black and white! If the time comes, I will post it online."

"You..." Jin Xiangdong almost choked out of breath.

This is clearly a question of his character.

The female doctor at the side looked even more embarrassed.

Thinking of saving a large sum of expenses, she kept silent and changed her previous aggressive attitude.

"What? You don't even have the courage?" Yang Xu sneered and despised.

"Okay, I'll write!"

After finishing speaking, Jin Xiangdong wrote a line of elegant foreign language on the paper, including his signature.

Looking at Yang Xu, he felt pain: "You bet me, what are you doing writing in foreign language?"

Jin Xiangdong smiled contemptuously: "You don't understand, do you?"

Yang Xu shook his head: "I'm not good at medicine, I'm really drunk to find a sense of superiority with a few foreign words!"

Jin Xiangdong blushed: "What do you know? International professional medical communication, the lingua franca is a foreign language! You don't even know the basics of Chinese characters, how can you talk about communication? What a bumpkin!"

The melon-eating audience suddenly realized.

Some even nodded along.

It turned out that Vice President Jin raised this matter to an international level.

"Vice President Jin, you spelled the word wrong! It should be OAG, not GOU!" Liu Yuting said suddenly.

The atmosphere in the audience suddenly froze, and Jin Xiangdong subconsciously looked at the paper.

After looking carefully, the old face turned purple: "I'm confused by his anger!"

Then "唰唰唰" was crossed out with a few strokes, and a new line was written below.

"Deputy President Jin, there are actually some problems with the grammar of your sentence." Liu Yuting spoke again.

White Onion Jade Finger also tapped on the paper as a reminder.

Jin Xiangdong blushed again, and turned his head angrily: "Who are you? Which department?"

I'm so blind, can't you see what's going on now?

The word was wrong, so he found an excuse and got away with it.

If the grammar is wrong, it can't be justified, it's just too embarrassing.

"She's my friend!" Yang Xu almost laughed and said.

Many other people at the scene wanted to laugh but dared not laugh, and they covered their mouths and couldn't help laughing.

Jin Xiangdong was so angry that his hair almost stood up.

If you can't pretend to be a B and get struck by lightning, that's what he's talking about.

He took a few breaths and wrote a line of Chinese characters "唰唰唰".

Then he looked at Yang Xu and Liu Yuting angrily, meaning that it will be okay now!
Yang Xu glanced at it and nodded: "It's ok! Take a copy and keep it for yourself."

"No need! Take it away." Jin Xiangdong replied angrily.

"Okay! Let's go! Witness the result in three days."

Watching the three of Yang Xu swagger away.

Jin Xiangdong's teeth were almost broken.

I had no choice but to vent my anger at the onlookers: "It's all gone! Watching the excitement during working hours, do you have so much free time?"

The doctors dared not speak out, and scattered like birds and beasts.

"Huang Mei, come with me!"

The female doctor was about to leave when Jin Xiangdong called her name alone.

Full of apprehension, he walked to the vice president's office.

"Tell me about the specific situation in detail."

Huang Mei nodded and narrated the whole process.

He also showed Zhang Dongyu's checklist to Jin Xiangdong for a closer look.

One was checked two days ago, and the other was checked today.

In contrast, a hint of surprise flashed in Jin Xiangdong's eyes.

Could it be that Chinese medicine really has miraculous effects?
No, not possible!
I will never accept it!
Struggling in his heart for a moment, Jin Xiangdong waved his hand seemingly peacefully: "Go and do your work! I see, I will come to you again if I need anything."

There is no reprimand, no accountability, and the attitude is very good.

This made Huang Mei feel even more uneasy.

Biting his lip, he hesitated to speak.

In the end, without saying anything, he turned around and left the office, closing the door behind him.

Jin Xiangdong sat on the office chair.

Huang Mei was only worried about financial losses.

But he involved face disputes, academic disputes, and ideological disputes.

Jin Xiangdong is a staunch supporter of Western medicine.

After thinking for a moment, his expression became ruthless.

"Although I can't figure out the reason, I will never let you win!"

While speaking, a forbidden drug that leukemia patients cannot use appeared in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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