Super halo system

Chapter 98 Late Stage 1, Mental Power Soars

Chapter 98 In the late stage of the first order, mental power soars

"Excuse me, do you have any rune bones?" Zhou Xiaochun found the second fur seller.

"Really? How many?"

"Seven yuan? That's fine, take it!"

"Does the boss have rune bones?"

"It's only five yuan, I want it too."

"Boss, are there any rune bones today? What, no? Well, I'll go to the next one."

"Boss...huh? Yes? Haha, hurry up, hurry up, I want as much as I want, the price is not a problem!"


After an hour, Zhou Xiaochun gained a lot, as if someone deliberately arranged it. The people he bought last night seemed to have an appointment, because they got benefits from Zhou Xiaochun, so they went to buy some rune bones from others. Come to Zhou Xiaochun to sell it at a high price.

And those businessmen who did not make deals with Zhou Xiaochun last night also started to follow suit because they saw others buying rune bones at a high price.

As a result, out of the ten people Zhou Xiaochun asked, almost eight had rune bones. Although the price was not low, some even asked for 25 gold coins a piece.

But Zhou Xiaochun didn't care about those few gold coins, he wanted them all, and he never refused.

So, after an hour, Zhou Xiaochun actually bought one hundred and one rune bones, which is a great harvest.

It is conceivable that as long as he absorbs these rune bones, his strength will definitely change drastically.

"Boss, do you have any rune bones?" Zhou Xiaochun excitedly continued to ask the next fur seller.

"What? No?"


"Boss, are there any rune bones? What? No? How could there be none?"


After asking five times in a row, there was no rune bone. Only then did Zhou Xiaochun realize that the time for advanced luck auras had passed.

"It turns out that the aura of luck is really showing off."

Zhou Xiaochun couldn't help but lamented the awesomeness of the lucky halo again. Once the lucky halo is activated, all kinds of coincidences are waiting for him like an appointment.

A coincidence is fine, but it is a coincidence every time, so it is absolutely impossible to be a coincidence.

Soon Zhou Xiaochun found that his situation was not good, because he found that many disciples of the Great God Sect gradually appeared in Dongshenfang City.

This is Dongshenfang City, which was almost established for the Great Divine Sect. It is normal to have disciples of the Great Divine Sect.

But it's a bit abnormal that there are so many disciples of the Great God Sect all at once.

Moreover, there are more and more disciples, whether they are outer disciples or handyman disciples. Those disciples of the Great God Sect obviously don't want to buy things, but seem to be looking for someone.

What made Zhou Xiaochun feel even worse was that he found that those disciples of the Great God Sect were holding a portrait and looking for it in the huge Dongshenfang City.


Zhou Xiaochun knocked out a single handyman disciple in a sneak attack, picked up the portrait that the handyman student was holding, and sure enough, it was really him in the portrait.


"Am I that handsome?"

Zhou Xiaochun in this portrait is simply too handsome. Apart from being a little younger and immature, he is definitely a handsome, unrestrained and cute boy.

And I don't know if it's an illusion, Zhou Xiaochun thinks that this painting should be drawn by a woman, because this portrait seems to have a soft feeling, without the hard pen of a man.

Zhou Xiaochun felt more and more urgent. He wanted to leave Dongshenfang City immediately, but sadly found that the outside was almost surrounded by the disciples of the Great God Sect.

In desperation, Zhou Xiaochun had no choice but to find a place to hide in Dongshenfang City, and changed his clothes as a handyman disciple of the Great God Sect, and even bought a hat to wear.



Hiding in a corner of a shop, Zhou Xiaochun first activated the high-level lucky aura, praying that no one would find out, and then began to absorb the rune bones.

As the talisman bones were absorbed piece by piece, Zhou Xiaochun felt that his strength was rapidly becoming stronger. At this time, every time he became stronger, he would have a little more security.

"Absorb!" "Absorb!" "I will continue to absorb!" "I will absorb again!" "I will continue to absorb!"

A piece of rune bone was absorbed by the rune and turned into powder and fell to the ground. Zhou Xiaochun felt a prehistoric power awakening in his body.

Finally, after absorbing more than 60 rune bones in one breath, Zhou Xiaochun felt as if he had broken some kind of shackles, his whole body was shocked, and then his mind was refreshed, as if his spiritual power had improved a lot, and his physical strength had also skyrocketed a lot .

"Is this a breakthrough?"

Zhou Xiaochun was overjoyed, he clenched his fist vigorously, thinking of mobilizing the grain force in his body.

Soon, he saw a bright red light emanating from his fist.

"What's going on? This is still the first order, is it just from the middle of the first order to the late first order?"

Zhou Xiaochun was speechless. He was sure that his current strength had at least doubled compared to before. A random punch could weigh more than 2 jin. It would definitely not be a problem to lift five or six thousand jin with one hand.

But this has not yet broken through to the second level. What kind of trouble is this?
If it is divided according to the level of strength on the earth, he is at least a twentieth-level talisman warrior now, but the level division on the earth is obviously not perfect.

Soon Zhou Xiaochun had a strange feeling again, he found that his mental power had really improved.

"Didn't my mother say that absorbing too many runes would put a burden on my mental strength? Why do I feel that the more I absorb the more powerful my mental strength will be?"

Zhou Xiaochun once again felt that he was different from others. When others absorb runes, they need to use more mental power to maintain the stability of the runes in the body. If there are too many runes, if the mental power is insufficient, the runes may explode, and the physical body collapses like this here.

What people say on weekdays is that ordinary people have no spiritual power. In fact, it’s not that they really don’t have spiritual power, but that ordinary people’s spiritual power is confined in their bodies. That little spiritual power can only be controlled Take good care of the runes in your body.

Only special groups of people can extend their spiritual power out of the body and play a greater role.

And Zhou Xiaochun discovered that the runes he had absorbed would not only not burden his spiritual power, but would also increase his mental power.

"Is it because all the runes I absorbed were dismantled?"

Zhou Xiaochun quickly thought of a possibility. The runes absorbed by others are all complete. If the complete runes want to maintain vitality and provide energy for the rune fighters, of course it will consume mental power, just like a generator wants to To generate electricity, it must consume fuel.

However, the runes that Zhou Xiaochun absorbed were dismantled into countless rune threads. Those rune threads did not require mental power to maintain vitality, but instead nourished mental power. Mental power also skyrocketed.

"If that's the case, wouldn't I be developed?"

Zhou Xiaochun was excited.

"My guest, what are you doing here?"

Suddenly, a beautiful salesperson saw Zhou Xiaochun in the corner and asked suspiciously.


Zhou Xiaochun hurriedly calmed down. He wore a hat that could cover his face, lowered his head and said, "Give me a book about elixir, the more detailed the better."

Hearing the words, the beautiful salesperson quickly suppressed the doubts in her heart, and quickly brought a book: "This is the basics of elixir, which introduces [-] kinds of elixir, and only [-] gold coins."

"What? Ten thousand gold coins? Why don't you grab them?" Zhou Xiaochun said in surprise.

"Then...[-] gold coins, no less." Said the beautiful salesperson.

(End of this chapter)

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