Super halo system

Chapter 90 Crushing the Barbaric Fighting Jun (5 more, ask for votes)

Chapter 90 Crushing the Barbarian Doujun (Fifth Watch, Asking for Tickets)
Half an hour later, Zhou Xiaochun came to the square where the spaceship landed before. On the way, he asked some handyman disciples and learned that there was a square twenty miles away.

That square market almost exists for the Great Divine Sect, and the disciples of the Great Divine Sect often go down the mountain to buy things there.

Zhou Xiaochun didn't hesitate, after asking the way clearly, he ran all the way towards the market.

I met many people on the road, all of them were disciples of the Great God Sect, most of them were handyman disciples, and occasionally I could see disciples from outer sects.

The difference between the disciples of the outer sect and the disciples of the handyman is the clothing. The disciples of the handyman look more like servants, while the disciples of the outer sect are the real disciples of the sect, and the clothes look more elegant.

Zhou Xiaochun ignored those people and ran all the way, arriving at Dongshenfang City an hour later.

There are four square cities around Dashenzong, and this is the east, so it is called Dongshenfang City.

This square market is actually a huge busy market, unexpectedly bustling, almost like a vegetable market, it is already approaching evening, but it is not lacking in popularity.

There are various materials for sale here, some are spiritual grass and spiritual fruits, as well as the furs and claws of ferocious beasts and so on.

Zhou Xiaochun saw some fresh and glowing spiritual grasses, which were similar to the one that Yuan Yun accidentally ate, but these grasses only glowed, and there were no lines on them.

Zhou Xiaochun suddenly realized that the grass that Yuan Yun accidentally ate might not be simple.

"Uncle, do you have rune bones for sale?" Zhou Xiaochun asked an old man who sold furs of ferocious beasts.

There are many things for sale here, but there are no rune bones. Zhou Xiaochun is a little puzzled. Does this world lack rune bones just like the earth?
If so, that's not good news.

"You want rune bones?" said the old man who sold furs of ferocious beasts: "I do have a few first-tier ones here, but, hehe..."

Zhou Xiaochun's eyes lit up immediately. Isn't this uncle's mean smile just trying to scam money?

But Zhou Xiaochun didn't have much idea about money, so he asked directly, "How much do you want?"

"Twenty gold coins and one piece," said the old man.

"Twenty..." Zhou Xiaochun was taken aback. Twenty gold coins are equivalent to 20 RMB on Earth.

On Earth, 20 RMB a rune bone is definitely very cheap, but in this world, it is twice as expensive.

"Don't forget it." The old man waved his hand.

"Uncle, how many do you have?" Zhou Xiaochun didn't say no. He knew that each of these sellers was more profiteer than the last, so he had better be careful.

"I have three yuan here." The old man said, "If you want it, that's the price. If you don't want it, I'll use it myself."

"Okay, I want it." Zhou Xiaochun patted the storage bag and took out sixty gold coins.

The old man's eyes lit up, and without any nonsense, he took out three first-order rune bones from his storage bag.

The transaction went very smoothly, Zhou Xiaochun was secretly happy, it seems that this statue world is his blessed land.

At the same time, the old man also smiled inwardly. Although he intended to keep the three rune bones for his own use, he could consider selling them even for twelve gold coins. Unexpectedly, this kid didn't bargain at all.

Zhou Xiaochun knew that the old man must be having fun secretly, but he didn't care, and continued to buy rune bones from other people at a high price.

The price Zhou Xiaochun offered was indeed very high, and almost every seller could afford a few dollars.

Those who set up stalls outside Fangshi are almost all people with very poor cultivation qualifications. The rune bones in their hands are saved by themselves for a long time. It's not that they don't want to use them, but they can't use them.

People with poor aptitude to a certain extent absorb too many runes, which will lead to physical collapse. Not everyone can cultivate to the ninth level.

Two hours later, it was completely dark, and Zhou Xiaochun already had a 20 yuan rune bone in his hand, which he bought for nearly [-] gold coins.

"These 20 yuan rune bones can at least increase my fist strength by four thousand catties. Maybe after absorbing these rune bones, I will be able to advance to the second level of martial arts!"

Zhou Xiaochun secretly clenched his fists, as long as he reached the beginning martial arts level, he would not be afraid of brutal fighting.

If it wasn't for worrying that there would be problems if he went back too late, Zhou Xiaochun still wanted to continue buying, presumably there should be someone who owns the rune bones.

No one seemed to sell the rune bones directly, which made Zhou Xiaochun realize that although these things are not considered precious in the world of statues, they are not found everywhere.

It was completely dark, Zhou Xiaochun left Dongshenfang City, and rushed all the way to the Great God Sect.

Since it didn't take time for him to absorb the rune bone, let alone worry about being disturbed, he took out a rune bone and started to absorb it.

The bone fragments that absorbed the internal runes were directly turned into bone powder. The runes entered the body and dispersed into countless threads that spread throughout the body. Zhou Xiaochun could feel that his strength was getting stronger.

Without hesitation, Zhou Xiaochun continued to absorb the rune bones one by one. After the internal runes were absorbed, each rune bone turned into bone meal.

Zhou Xiaochun could clearly feel that his strength was getting stronger, and the feeling of his strength rising rapidly made him want to howl in excitement.

Finally, all the 20 yuan talisman bones were absorbed, and Zhou Xiaochun felt that he could hit the ball with a force of ten thousand kilograms with a random punch.

If he were to face Man Doujun again, he would have the full confidence to defeat him. This was the confidence brought by great power.

However, what Zhou Xiaochun was puzzled about was that his current fist strength was at least [-] jin, but he hadn't broken through to the second level.

This kind of thought just passed away, Zhou Xiaochun didn't think much about it, anyway, his strength was steadily improving, and he would reach that step sooner or later.

He was not in a hurry when he went back, so Zhou Xiaochun walked for a full two hours before returning to Xiaoqiao Courtyard.

When he returned to the No. [-] dormitory, Man Doujun was already on the bed, practicing the Condensation Art with his legs crossed.

Seeing Zhou Xiaochun coming back, Man Doujun was taken aback, then sneered, "I thought you wouldn't dare to come back."

Man Doujun called his friends before, intending to teach Zhou Xiaochun a lesson, but it was in vain.

Without saying a word, Zhou Xiaochun walked over and punched Man Doujun in the face.

"You're looking for death!" Man Dou didn't expect Zhou Xiaochun to dare to take action. He snorted coldly and punched him without fear.

Zhou Xiaochun suddenly turned his fists into claws, quickly grabbed Man Doujun's wrist and pulled violently.

Man Dou was caught off guard and was pulled out of the wooden bed, and Zhou Xiaochun's knee slammed into it.


Knocked Man Doujun's nose flat, and flew upside down.

"Bastard!" Man Doujun had a nosebleed, was irritated, and was about to go mad, but found Zhou Xiaochun approaching suddenly, kicking his head as fast as lightning.

Wild Dou hastily blocked with both arms.


Man Dou felt a huge force coming, and he flew upside down.

Taking advantage of the victory, Zhou Xiaochun chased after him, kicked his feet on the ground, and chased him at a faster speed. He punched Man Doujun in the chest, making him fly upside down even faster.


The door of the dormitory was blown open, and Man Dou flew out, looking extremely embarrassed.

Zhou Xiaochun did not continue to chase, and stood at the door of the dormitory coldly looking at Man Doujun lying outside.

Man Dou looked in shock at Zhou Xiaochun who was a full head shorter than him. He had fought Zhou Xiaochun not long ago, and Zhou Xiaochun was definitely not that strong.

How long is this?It's unbelievable that Zhou Xiaochun can already crush him.

"You wait for me!"

Man Dou uttered a harsh word, then disappeared into the darkness with a scramble.

Zhou Xiaochun lowered his eyelids, watching Man Dou leave, he didn't stop, and disappeared into the darkness in the opposite direction.

He is not a fool. Although he can defeat Man Doujun now, if Man Doujun finds a strong person, or even more than one strong person, he will only suffer a loss if he stays.
The fifth update, ask for votes, dear friends, vote for those who have votes, and give positive energy to the author.

(End of this chapter)

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