Super halo system

Chapter 9 Is she a talisman warrior?

Chapter 9 Is she a talisman warrior?
Zhou Xiaochun also couldn't wait to see the magical runes for real.

At this moment, Ke Ying in front suddenly came up, put a note on Zhou Xiaochun's desk from an angle that others couldn't see, and then left directly from behind.

Zhou Xiaochun was taken aback for a moment, picked up the note and looked at it, it said: Call me if you have trouble.

Behind it is a string of numbers, which is definitely a mobile phone number.

Zhou Xiaochun was immediately overwhelmed by flattery: "Mom, is this luck? Ahhhh, I am really being taken care of by the god of luck."

He ran out of the classroom excitedly, but did not see Ke Ying: "Strange, where did you go?"

Although Zhou Xiaochun didn't think he fell in love with Ke Ying, that girl was so beautiful that any man would have the idea of ​​possessing her.

In fact, Zhou Xiaochun didn't think much about it at first, but the note just now made him think that Ke Ying had taken a fancy to him, and the possibility is very high, because his current lucky time has not passed yet.

"Yeah, now is my lucky time, maybe she is playing hide and seek with me and wants to date me."

Thinking about it, Zhou Xiaochun felt all the fuss coming out, thinking that he was the prince of luck, he chose a random direction to leave.

Not long after, Zhou Xiaochun met a beautiful girl.

However, that beautiful girl is not Ke Ying, but someone else.

Seeing the beautiful girl walking towards here without turning a corner, Zhou Xiaochun's heart beat faster: "Could it be my lucky day tonight? Beauty, come here quickly, I will leave my first time to you!"

However, this beautiful girl just gave Zhou Xiaochun a cold look, and passed him directly.

"Hey, that's not how the script was written. Do I have to take the initiative?" Zhou Xiaochun thought, and hurriedly chased after him, introducing himself: "This...classmate, hello, my name is Zhou Xiaochun."

"Gain Force Index 2."

Zhou Xiaochun was slightly taken aback by the voice in his head.

It turned out to be 2 instead of 1?

The beautiful girl gave Zhou Xiaochun a playful look, and she didn't bother to pay attention to it. She had seen too many boys like this who couldn't walk when they saw beautiful women.

"Hey, what's your name?" Zhou Xiaochun asked.

The beautiful girl still ignored it.

Zhou Xiaochun stopped at the same place helplessly: "It seems that this is not my luck. God, let's drop a pie!"

The beautiful girl who had already walked a few steps felt that the boy was definitely a psychopath.


Suddenly something fell from the sky and landed on the beautiful girl's head, shocking her.

"Who threw things around?" The beautiful girl raised her head angrily, only to see a dustpan falling from the sky, covering her directly.

Zhou Xiaochun was dumbfounded, because there were several dried cakes on the ground.

The girl lifted the dustpan angrily, and she also had a few pieces of bread hanging on her body.

"Huh, it's really pie in the sky?" Zhou Xiaochun's eyes lit up: "That's great, let's drop a little more."


A shoe fell from the sky, hit the girl on the head, and then fell to the ground.

"Ah... who is it?!" The girl was furious.

Zhou Xiaochun was excited: "It's so accurate, God, you better drop something of value!"

"Shut up!" the girl shouted, glaring at Zhou Xiaochun angrily.


Suddenly seven or eight books fell from the sky.

This time the girl finally saw clearly, because she was prepared, she was not hit this time.

Those books actually flew out from the sixth floor of the teaching building, and she rushed into the teaching building angrily, very fast.

Zhou Xiaochun didn't pay attention to the girl's speed, he hastily focused on those books.

With a glance, Zhou Xiaochun quickly focused on a notebook, and when he picked it up, his heart beat faster.

Because, this notebook is full of understanding of runes.

It can be said that this is the experience of cultivation, which is hard to buy with money.


A dull sound came from the sixth floor of the teaching building. Zhou Xiaochun was taken aback. He raised his head and found two people moving around in the corridor at an extremely fast speed.


A window was blown directly, and glass shards flew around.


With a loud noise, a gap was blown out of the railing on the sixth floor, and concrete and stones were splashed.

Zhou Xiaochun was dumbfounded, and a word flashed through his mind: Fu Wu Zhe!
Only a talisman warrior could erupt with such a terrifying power that could blow up all the concrete buildings.

After being dazed for a few seconds, Zhou Xiaochun hurried to that place.

Talisman warriors, even though they have been accepted by the public, due to the small number, it is too difficult to see them once.

Running to the sixth floor in one breath, Zhou Xiaochun was already out of breath, but he didn't see the two people fighting, only the beautiful girl from before was standing in the gap with a surprised face.

The place was quickly surrounded by students who came from other places after hearing the noise, and it was noisy.

"What's going on? What happened here?"

A male teacher came quickly and asked angrily.

The security guards of the school also came quickly, and the place was overcrowded.

Zhou Xiaochun originally wanted to go to join in the fun, but he found a slightly petite figure flashing past in the darkness downstairs, and that figure was somewhat familiar.

His heart moved, and he followed.

Going downstairs quickly, Zhou Xiaochun chased after him in the right direction.

But after chasing for a long time, I didn't even find a ghost, instead I met many students.

Suddenly, Zhou Xiaochun saw a drop of blood on the ground, and the blood extended in one direction, his eyes froze, he raised his head and looked forward, no matter where it was, he directly plunged in.



The screams of the girls came out, and several girls pulled up their pants in a panic.

Zhou Xiaochun hurriedly ran out.

What the hell, it's unlucky to get into the girls' bathroom. This aura of luck is too bad.

At this time, Zhou Xiaochun suddenly saw a familiar figure walking out of the girls' toilet.

It was Ke Ying, she was still so beautiful, but now she was looking at Zhou Xiaochun with a half-smile, and said calmly, "The boys' toilet is over there."

"I'm not..." Zhou Xiaochun wanted to say that he didn't want to go to the toilet, but it would be terrible if someone thought he entered the women's toilet on purpose, so he hurriedly changed his words: "Thank you."

As Zhou Xiaochun said, he went to the boys' restroom, even if he didn't want to go to the restroom, he still wanted to avoid the limelight.

Suddenly, the figure of Ke Ying just now flashed in Zhou Xiaochun's mind. I don't know if it was an illusion, but he seemed to see that Ke Ying's clothes were a little wet just now.

"Going to the bathroom, how could you get your clothes wet?"

"Also, this public toilet is at least 400 meters away from the teaching building, right? How could she go to the toilet here?"

Also, Ke Ying disappeared as soon as she left the classroom, where did she go?

Zhou Xiaochun thought about it, and found that the figure he saw on the sixth floor of the teaching building was gradually overlapping with Ke Ying's figure.

"Could it be..."

Zhou Xiaochun's face changed slightly: "Is she a talisman warrior?"

(End of this chapter)

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