Chapter 88

Blood God Sect Master: You finally appeared, are you that senior?
Master of the Great God Sect: Who are you?
Sovereign of the Blood God Sect: Are you a handsome guy?Why don't you come out and meet?


Zhou Xiaochun was secretly sweating, and he was sure that the suzerain of the Blood God Sect must also be a woman. At the same time, he felt that he should speak as little as possible to avoid revealing his identity.

Now his strength is too weak, if he is found, the consequences may be dire.

But in the end Zhou Xiaochun still bit the bullet and sent another sentence: live in peace with the alien humans.

After sending this sentence, Zhou Xiaochun immediately quit the chat group, regardless of whether it was useful or not, but it is almost certain that it will not have much effect.

Even so, Zhou Xiaochun felt that if he deliberately pretended to be mysterious like this, it should also make the suzerain of the Great God Sect and the suzerain of the Blood God Sect fearful, and should restrain himself a little.

There is only so much I can do, Zhou Xiaochun thought to himself.

Wangshan ran a dead horse. When he was in Luomu Town, he felt that he was not far from Dashen Mountain, but the flying treasure ship flew for a full hour before finally arriving.

The spaceship stopped at the foot of the mountain, everyone disembarked, and Elder Tong Guan put away the treasure ship.

This is a huge square, which can be regarded as a square for the time being, because it is too wide, and occasionally you can see stones protruding from the ground, which is obviously a natural square.

In the front, there is a big mountain with no top to see, and there are endless hills on the big mountain.

Soon someone greeted them, and those people were wearing uniform clothing, and they were all amazing.

"All mid-talent handyman disciples, come here to register." A middle-aged man shouted.

Zhou Xiaochun and others hurried to queue up to register.

When Zhou Xiaochun saw Yuan Yun, Ke Ying and others, they were led by Elder Tong Guan to go deeper, and they were followed by other disciples of the Great God Sect. Their attitude was very good, which was completely different from that of disciples of handymen.

Apparently, the registration offices for the handyman disciples and the outer disciples are not in the same place.

Although Ke Ying is a special talent, she can only be an outer disciple at the beginning. If she wants to become an inner disciple, she still needs to be assessed.

"Deacon Liang, you still owe me ten points, when will you pay me back?" Suddenly a young man came over and said to the middle-aged man who was helping the handyman disciples to register.

Deacon Liang stared at him immediately: "Kai Keluo, do you want to practice eternity?"

Young Kekeluo's face changed, he seemed to be afraid of the 'eternity', but he was unwilling to give up: "Deacon Liang..."

"Get lost!" Deacon Liang said indifferently.

Kekeluo's complexion changed again and again, and finally he didn't dare to say any more, turned around and left here.

"Eternity?" Zhou Xiaochun was thoughtful.

Soon it was Zhou Xiaochun's turn to register. Zhou Xiaochun reported his name and age, and then received a storage bag and an identity tag.

This identity card is equivalent to an ID card, and the storage bag is standard for every handyman disciple, which is a bit unexpected.

Inside the storage bag, there are two identical sets of uniforms for handyman disciples. The reason why there are two sets is that one should be changed and washed.

In addition, there is a Tier [-] rune bone and two booklets.

"Those who have already registered, come with me." A tall young man shouted, and then walked up the mountain.

Zhou Xiaochun and others hurriedly followed.

As we moved forward, we could gradually see people on the road, but Zhou Xiaochun was surprised by what he saw, because those people were either carrying water, bricks, or a huge log and were running wildly.

Not only Zhou Xiaochun, but the rest of the newcomers were dumbfounded. Is this the Great God Sect?

Why is it different from what you imagined?

"Hey, aren't you disappointed?" The young man in front smiled and said, "That's how we came here, and all the handyman disciples have to do handyman, otherwise let alone cultivation resources, they won't even have food."

When everyone heard the words, they suddenly felt that the future was dark. Why was it so different from what they had imagined?
"But don't worry too much. Everyone has a fixed task. If you can complete the task ahead of time, you can play as you like. But if you can't complete the task, you will be punished and you don't have to eat."

The young man laughed and said: "My name is Nikolava, you can call me Senior Brother Nick. As a senior brother, I would like to give you a piece of advice, here, bear as much as you can."

The Great Divine Sect is not as big as usual. The foot of the mountain alone seems to be boundless, and the hills are connected one by one.

Half an hour later, Zhou Xiaochun and others finally arrived at the residence of the handyman disciple.

"Fujishou, you live here."

Nikolaava walked along with a booklet in his hand, and the person whose name was read would stand up and go to the dormitory by himself.

"Who is Dai Ke? Your task is to help the outer disciples deliver the goods and report to Deacon Kalan."

Dai Ke went out, left the team, and inquired about the location of Deacon Kalan himself.

This residential area is very large. Zhou Xiaochun guessed that there may be tens of thousands of people, and there are definitely not all the handyman disciples here.

The people who were named on the road left the team one by one.

"Who is Zhou Xiaochun? Your task is to log, report to Deacon Shenyu."

Finally it was Zhou Xiaochun's turn, and Zhou Xiaochun also left the team, looking in the direction Nikolava said.

Nima, it was a rotten wooden house with a creek beside it and a dilapidated bridge.

This is really the Great Divine Sect?

Zhou Xiaochun was suspicious.

However, the scenery here is not bad, people with small bridges and flowing water.

After walking across the dilapidated arch bridge, Zhou Xiaochun entered the wooden yard, and saw a very old man sitting on a chair, as if dead.

Nima, is this really the Great Divine Sect?
Zhou Xiaochun doubted again, but he walked towards the old man without hesitation: "Hello, are you Deacon Shenyu? My name is Zhou Xiaochun, and I'm here to report."

Deacon Shenyu slowly opened his eyes, glanced at Zhou Xiaochun lightly, and said, "Identity card."

Zhou Xiaochun hurriedly took out his ID card and handed it over.

Deacon Shenyu took out something like a bamboo slip, and after registering, he returned the ID card to Zhou Xiaochun: "Your dormitory is No. [-]. You can rest today, and start tomorrow. Go to the Greenwood Forest to cut wood, and cut at least two green trees a day."

"Only two?" Zhou Xiaochun was taken aback. Isn't this task too simple?
Deacon Deep Fish has closed his eyes again and pretended to be dead.

Zhou Xiaochun curled his lips and found his dormitory.

The dormitory is also made of wood, and the beds are all made of wood. Apart from being fairly spacious, everything else is really not that great.

To Zhou Xiaochun's surprise, there were two beds, one of which was already occupied, obviously this is a double dormitory.

Zhou Xiaochun came to the empty bed, sat directly on the wooden plank of the bed, and cursed in his heart: "You don't even have a quilt. What kind of trouble is this?"
Life is still going on, Zhou Xiaochun depressedly took out the things in the storage bag.

There are two booklets, one is written "Condensation Pattern Jue" and the other is "Precautions".

Zhou Xiaochun looked at the Condensation Pattern Jue first, and soon his expression became solemn, because it turned out to be a practice method.

This condensed pattern is very magical, it can speed up the speed of absorbing runes, and make the runes better fit with the body.

It can be said that as long as there are enough talisman bones, this condensing pattern formula can be cultivated to the ninth level of beginning martial arts.

Although he hasn't practiced it yet, Zhou Xiaochun already knows that the effect will definitely be completely different if he practices the Condensation Pattern Jue and does not practice it.

(End of this chapter)

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