Super halo system

Chapter 82 Rune Scientist

Chapter 82 Rune Scientist

Zhou Xiaochun's expression changed, and he hastily withdrew his mental power, and those electric snakes disappeared.

"What are you doing?" Yuan Yun asked in surprise.

Zhou Xiaochun came back to his senses, only to find that Ke Ying had already woken up. Just after washing, Yuan Yun also washed again, as if ready to go.

Yuan Yun wore a pure blue dress with a pure demeanor that made people's eyes shine. Her face was wet, she should have just washed it.

Zhou Xiaochun glanced at the warrior's terminal smart watch, and found that it was past two o'clock in the noon, and the time passed so quickly.

"Enough sleep, let's go." Zhou Xiaochun shook his hands and said, putting the rune bone in the storage bag, without explaining what happened just now.

Apart from numbness in that hand, it wasn't that serious.

Ke Ying was also a little surprised, but she had already seen all kinds of weird things about Zhou Xiaochun, seeing Zhou Xiaochun didn't say anything, didn't ask, and took the lead out of the resting place.

Zhou Xiaochun also put Ke Ying's rune saber into the storage bag, and took the two girls out of the rest house.

"Hey, where did you buy this storage bag? I want one too." After seeing the function of the storage bag, Yuan Yun was very envious.

"No problem, come with me." Zhou Xiaochun waved his hand boldly, leading Yuan Yun and Ke Ying to the Shenwen Pavilion.

Ke Ying followed without changing her expression, but Yuan Yun glanced at Zhou Xiaochun in surprise, and then followed unceremoniously.

Not long after, Zhou Xiaochun visited Shenwen Pavilion again, waved his hand, and bought two low-level storage bags with 20 gold coins, and gave them to Ke Ying and Yuan Yun.

Before leaving, Zhou Xiaochun bought another book, this book is dedicated to introducing runes and some professions in this world.

After Yuan Yun accepted the storage bag, she had a strange expression on her face, but neither Ke Ying nor Zhou Xiaochun paid attention.

"Are gold coins the currency of this world?" Yuan Yun asked curiously, and before Zhou Xiaochun could answer, her attention had already shifted to the storage bag in her hand.

"It's so amazing, is this also the work of a rune master? Even this legendary space treasure can be made."

Yuan Yun sighed in admiration, Zhou Xiaochun had already taught them how to use it.

The three of them were rushing towards the central square of Luomu Town.

"In this world, you are not called a rune master, but a rune scientist." Zhou Xiaochun studied the rune basics book in his hand as he walked.

"Rune scientist?" Yuan Yun asked in surprise, looking at the thick book in Zhou Xiaochun's hand.

This book is not a street stall on the roadside, Zhou Xiaochun bought it with ten gold coins.

According to the introduction in this book, people who study runes are collectively referred to as "rune scientists". The reason why they are called scientists is because this type of people can create many things out of nothing.

And rune scientists are also divided into grades, divided into beginning pattern scientists and spirit pattern scientists.

It is said that above the spirit pattern, there are divine pattern scientists, but that only exists in legends, not to mention the divine pattern, even the spirit pattern is very rare.

Besides rune scientists, there are many professions in this world.

The so-called talisman fighters on the earth are also divided into levels here, divided into Shiwu Realm, Lingwu Realm, and the legendary Shenwu Realm, corresponding to the three levels of scientists of Shiwen, Lingwen, and Shenwen.

In addition to these, there are some relatively common but rare occupations, such as: Artifact Refiner, Alchemist, Talisman Refiner and so on.

Whether it is a craftsman, an alchemist, or even a talisman refiner, they are all closely related to rune scientists.

For example, a Tier [-] mortal weapon made by a craftsman is usually only worth ten gold coins, but if it is printed with patterns by a rune scientist, its value will increase tenfold, and its power will of course also increase.

The elixir refined by the alchemist, after the rune scientist prints the elixir pattern, the efficacy of the elixir will also be greatly improved.

The talisman refined by the talisman refiner, after the rune scientist printed the talisman pattern, can also make the power of the talisman skyrocket.

The book also specifically explained that there is a difference between "runes" and "runes".

Runes refer to a system of avenues.

The runes are just the imprints of the runes.

In addition to these, there are array patterns and so on, which opened Zhou Xiaochun's eyes.

"These vessel patterns, pill patterns, talisman patterns, and formation patterns can greatly increase the power of the original things. Is it really so magical?" Yuan Yun asked in surprise.

No one answered her, and Zhou Xiaochun was still researching.

This book also said that the so-called rune scientists not only can imprint the pattern on the weapon, but also can decompose and transform metal to create new metal, that is, rune metal.

Moreover, a true rune scientist can create something out of nothing, create many incredible things, change the world with a single hand, and call the wind and rain.

"Is it that magical?" Yuan Yun became even more skeptical, calling the wind and calling the rain, why didn't she say summoning the gods?
The last sentence in the book surprised Zhou Xiaochun and the others: a true rune scientist can influence an era.

"Is it that exaggerated?" Yuan Yun pouted.

Ke Ying also said: "If what is said in this book is true, then those rune masters on earth may not be regarded as rune scientists at all."

Zhou Xiaochun immediately agreed with Ke Ying's statement.

"It's here." Yuan Yun said.

The three of them have already come to Luomu Plaza in Luomu Town. Although it is not a huge crowd here, it is almost the same. There are three floors inside and three floors outside.

In the center, there is a slightly higher platform, where there are many people who know that it is not simple at a glance.

There was a strange thing in front of the leader of the old man. From time to time, someone stood up and down again, as if they were testing it.

Behind the old man, there is a young man in white, with a prominent temperament, strong self-confidence on his body, and his nostrils turned to the sky.

There is also a girl who looks about 15 years old and is very beautiful. Next to her is a sika deer that shines with colorful light, which is very conspicuous.

"Hey, is that the place where the Great Divine Sect recruits disciples?" Zhou Xiaochun asked the young man beside him.

The young man didn't want to answer Zhou Xiaochun, but when he saw Ke Ying and Yuan Yun beside Zhou Xiaochun, he immediately lifted his spirits and said, "Yes. The person who is in charge of testing talent is Senior Tong Guan. The young man behind Senior Tong Guan is Senior Tong Guan." His grandson, named Tong Zhou, is an inner disciple of the Great God Sect, and it is said that he is already at the second level of martial arts, very powerful."

"And that girl, have you seen it? She is Tai Jinchi, the great-granddaughter of the leader of the Great God Sect. The spiritual beast next to her is a colorful spiritual deer, which is very powerful."

The young man introduced with envy: "The people behind them have all passed the assessment and can directly join the Great God Sect."

"The assessment, what is it for?" Yuan Yun asked.

Seeing the beauty asking himself, the young man hurriedly said, "Hello, my name is Dai Ke. Have you seen that thing in front of Senior Tong Guan?"

In front of the old man Tong Guan was a circular platform with a diameter of one meter and a height of no more than twenty centimeters.

"Could it be that assessment?" Yuan Yun wondered, and at the same time looked at Zhou Xiaochun proudly, as if saying, see, this girl's charm is so great.

"Yes, that's called a talent tester. If you have a talent for cultivation, if you stand on it, it will glow." Dai Ke explained seriously.

"Cultivation talent?" Yuan Yun was taken aback.

(End of this chapter)

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