Chapter 78

Zhou Xiaochun's whole body was completely drenched in sweat, as if he had just come out of the water, and his body muscles were trembling, and his strength was seriously overdrawn.

He ran for hundreds of miles in one breath. Although he is already a Fuwu practitioner and can lift a thousand catties, it still consumes a lot of energy to run down like this in one breath.

Fortunately, he is different from other talisman fighters. Others absorb the runes in the talisman bone mainly to increase their strength, but he is balanced. His physical body is strong, and his endurance, speed and strength are equal, all of which are well-balanced improvements.

It is also because of this that even though the strength is far inferior to Ke Ying, Zhou Xiaochun is not much worse than Ke Ying in terms of speed and endurance.

People passing by all looked at this side in surprise and doubt, as if they were surprised by Zhou Xiaochun and Yuan Yun's attire.

But Zhou Xiaochun completely ignored those people.

After feeding the Lysed Blood Pill to Yuan Yun and making sure that Yuan Yun swallowed it, Zhou Xiaochun raised his head and looked at the surrounding environment.

This place is like an ancient street market. If Zhou Xiaochun didn't remember that he came in from the huge entrance of the statue world, he even doubted whether he had crossed it.

However, this reception is also different from the ancient market. There are also many masonry buildings here, and some weapon shops can be seen.

Today's Earth can also sell weapons, but it can't open shops so recklessly. Obviously, this place will definitely not be Earth.

However, the entrance to the statue world is getting bigger and bigger, Zhou Xiaochun can't help wondering, will there be a day when this statue world will completely contact and merge with the earth?
This is simply unimaginable, beyond the scope of science can explain.

Sitting on the side of the street, Zhou Xiaochun watched the passers-by and the architectural style completely different from his hometown, feeling like he was wandering in a foreign land.

Yuan Yun's condition seemed to be gradually improving, her heart rate gradually became normal, and she could feel her breathing.

Zhou Xiaochun breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Yuan Yun should be able to come back to life.

At this time, two women came towards this side.

The two women were slightly older than Zhou Xiaochun, and when they saw Zhou Xiaochun and Yuan Yun, they came over.

Under Zhou Xiaochun's suspicious gaze, one of the women took out two coins and put them beside Zhou Xiaochun.

Zhou Xiaochun was stunned for a while, and he didn't realize it until the two women walked away: "Damn, they treat us as beggars?"

Zhou Xiaochun finally realized how embarrassing he and Yuan Yun looked at this moment. He was covered in blood, and with the overdrawn running before, his face was haggard and tired, and he looked like someone who was about to die.

And Yuan Yun was even more haggard, with a pale face and disheveled hair, as if she had died, and it was easy for people to feel sympathy at a glance.

After figuring everything out, Zhou Xiaochun immediately covered his face. It's really shameful that he was treated like a beggar and given alms.

However, he still picked up two coins on the ground, which seemed to be of silver.

"Is this the money of this world?"

Zhou Xiaochun remembered that when he bought the Hemolytic Pill, he asked for gold coins, and the ten coins that the scholar took out were all gold.

At this time, it was already dark, and lights began to appear on the quaint streets.

Those lights are also strange, not like electric lights.

There were no vehicles on the road, only pedestrians.

But being treated like a monkey on the side of the road like this is not a solution. Zhou Xiaochun lifted Yuan Yun's soft and delicate body, put her back on her back, and walked into the crowd.

There are many shops here, and Zhou Xiaochun bought a thick book from a roadside vendor.

The reason why I bought this book is because Zhou Xiaochun saw one of the messages in it: money in this world.

It's almost a book explaining the history of money.

Zhou Xiaochun once heard that if you want to understand a dynasty, you must first understand the currency of the dynasty. He thinks that the world of statues can also be regarded as a dynasty.

Zhou Xiaochun gave the boss a silver coin, but the boss returned fifty copper coins.

Although it was money donated by others, Zhou Xiaochun used it without any psychological pressure. He didn't care about the two women treating him as a beggar.

Then, Zhou Xiaochun found a book on the side of the road, and this book could give him a preliminary understanding of the world.

According to the book, the money in this world is mainly: copper coins, silver coins, gold coins, amethyst coins, spirit coins, and god coins.

One hundred copper coins are equal to one silver coin, one hundred silver coins are equal to one gold coin, one hundred gold coins are equal to one amethyst coin, one hundred amethyst coins are equal to one spirit coin, and one hundred spirit coins are equal to one god spirit coin.

A copper coin can probably buy a steamed stuffed bun, which is almost equivalent to one yuan of RMB.

Calculated in this way, Zhou Xiaochun was a little surprised. This is equivalent to, the two women gave him alms, which is equivalent to 200 RMB?
Local tyrant!
Doesn't that mean that a hemolytic pill is worth 10 RMB?

That scholar-like guy was even more wealthy, and even lent ten gold coins to a person he didn't know at all.

"What kind of world is this? They don't use banknotes." Zhou Xiaochun said to himself.

Indeed, there is no paper money in this world, not even banknotes or anything like that.

Most ordinary people have access to only Amethyst coins. As for spirit coins, they are very rare, let alone god coins, which are almost equivalent to the legendary ones.

"So, this book is equivalent to 50 yuan."

Zhou Xiaochun was thoughtful. The information in this book was quite comprehensive, and it also said a lot about purchasing power.

For example, a Tier [-] rune bone costs only ten gold coins, a Tier [-] rune bone costs [-] gold coins, a Tier [-] rune bone costs [-] gold coins, and so on.

One hundred gold coins for a first-tier ordinary weapon, one thousand gold coins for a second-tier ordinary weapon, ten thousand gold coins for a third-tier ordinary weapon, and so on.

As for what is Tier [-] and Tier [-], this book does not accept it, which makes Zhou Xiaochun ponder. He knows the level of rune bones, but the division method here is different from that on Earth.

Thinking about it, the earth has only been in contact with runes for a few decades, and this world, I am afraid it has been a long, long time.

The first level should be the red level, the second level is probably the orange level, and the third level is the yellow level.

In this way, rune bones and rune weapons in this world are much cheaper than those on Earth.

A rune bone on the earth costs 100 million RMB, but here only ten gold coins equivalent to 10 RMB are needed.

Closing the book, Zhou Xiaochun glanced at the sky. It was almost ten o'clock in the evening, and there were fewer and fewer people on the street.

He glanced at Yuan Yun who was still in a coma beside him, then picked her up and walked towards a hotel-like place.

But this world is not called a hotel, but a "restaurant".

"Guest, do you want a room?" The woman who received the hotel was slightly surprised when she saw Zhou Xiaochun covered in blood, and asked with a smile.

"What kind of room do you have? How much is it for one night?" Zhou Xiaochun asked, he didn't have much money on him.

"There are lower-class rooms, middle-class rooms, and upper-class rooms. The lower-class rooms cost one silver coin per night, the middle-class rooms cost ten silver coins, and the upper-class rooms cost one gold coin," the woman said.

Zhou Xiaochun heaved a sigh of relief, glanced at the unconscious Yuan Yun, and at the same time thanked the woman who gave the money in his heart: "Then give me a lower-class room."

Zhou Xiaochun took out the last silver coin, and at the same time he felt that maybe he needed to get some money, otherwise let alone returning to Earth, he might starve tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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