Chapter 74
"Run!" Zhou Xiaochun shouted.

The three of them hurriedly turned and ran away, but Yuan Yun was seriously injured and fell down after only a few steps.

Zhou Xiaochun hurriedly stopped, picked up Yuan Yun, and then jumped up, running wildly on tree stumps and boulders.

Although Ke Ying was injured, it didn't affect much, and she followed Zhou Xiaochun closely.


"Catch them..."


A group of twittering girls chased after them, and the densely packed girls came after them with a bloody smell all over the sky.

Some girls who were running slowly accidentally fell down and suddenly turned into a pool of blood, but soon turned into girls again.


"I want to eat that..."

"I want it too, I want it too..."

"I'll eat together..."

The voices of the chattering girls behind them were all connected together, and the voices were very nice, even if the voices were densely connected together, it was still pleasant to hear.

However, Zhou Xiaochun and the others felt their scalps tingling. What the hell are they cute girls? They are simply a group of demons.

Regardless of their young age, those girls were very fast, and they were about to catch up.

Zhou Xiaochun hurriedly grabbed a handful of jade charms and threw them out.


The jade talisman exploded, and a tornado of wind knives appeared.

"Hush, whoosh..."

"Puff puff puff puff puff..."

Many girls were cut into pieces in an instant, their beautiful faces were chopped up, or their delicate bodies were cut off by lazy waists.

The girl who was killed turned into blood again, but the blood never turned back into a human body, but soaked into the ground.

"Catch them..."

"Catch them quickly..."


The other girls didn't stop at all because their companions were killed, but were even faster.

Zhou Xiaochun didn't dare to save money at this time, and threw the jade talisman away as if he didn't want money.

"Hush, whoosh..."

"Puchi puff puff..."

A large number of girls were killed by the wind knife, melting into a pool of dead blood and melting into the ground, but more girls soon made up.


The roar ahead was getting closer.

Finally, the three of Zhou Xiaochun saw the scene ahead.

The endless river of blood surged, and countless girls climbed up from the river of blood and rushed towards the army in front.

"Boom boom boom..."

The shells fell, blasting countless girls into the sky, turning into blood splashing all over the sky.

But more girls quickly added up, rushing towards the army desperately, grabbing those soldiers and biting them crazily.

Where the river of blood passed, a large number of mummified corpses, broken limbs, and hot weapons stained red with blood were left behind.

"Da da da……"

The hail of bullets roared, and a large number of girls were killed and turned into blood.

Blood flowed like rivers here, and corpses piled up like mountains.

"Go to hell!"

A beautiful girl leaped tens of meters high, and slapped out with a palm, and a naked girl who was exactly like her flew out, blasting a tank.

There are also many talisman fighters in the army, and all of them fight those powerful girls with weapons. Although they can occasionally kill one or two, the casualties are heavy.

The three of Zhou Xiaochun were stunned by this scene.

"My God, where did those rivers of blood come from?"

"It's over, it's over, it's dead..." Zhou Xiaochun felt his teeth chattering.

"Over there..." Ke Ying yelled, running quickly from behind the army.

Zhou Xiaochun hugged Yuan Yun and followed.

There are still countless girls chasing after him.

Zhou Xiaochun threw out a jade talisman again, and after activation, it formed a dense wind knife tornado, strangling countless girls.

Stretching his hand into the backpack again, Zhou Xiaochun's expression changed: "No, the jade talisman is used up."

"Ah...then what should I do?" Yuan Yun asked with an ugly expression.

There is also a river of blood rushing in front, surrounded by rivers of blood in all directions.

At this time, only a small half of the hundreds of thousands of troops remained.

"There's no way." Ke Ying stopped, looking in all directions with an ugly expression.


"Hurry up, they stopped."

"I want to eat that..."

The densely packed girls behind jumped up excitedly.

"Hold me quickly." Zhou Xiaochun carried Yuan Yun on his shoulder, and took out the last jade talisman hidden on his body.

Ke Ying didn't hesitate, she hugged Zhou Xiaochun's waist with one hand and held the rune saber in the other hand.

Zhou Xiaochun crushed the last jade talisman, and the next moment a strange wind swept them up and flew them up quickly.


"Why are you flying..."

"I hate it, don't leave..."

"Don't go, woo woo..."

The girls chasing up from behind shouted loudly, and what made people's scalp tingle even more, some girls even cried out loudly, telling Zhou Xiaochun and the three not to leave, and staying for them to drink blood.

In the blink of an eye, the place where Zhou Xiaochun and the others were located was flooded by endless rivers of blood and densely packed girls.

The three of them were lifted up by a strange wind, flew higher and higher, and then drifted forward under Zhou Xiaochun's control.


Yuan Yun exclaimed in surprise.

Ke Ying also breathed a sigh of relief, she knew that the concubine would definitely give Zhou Xiaochun good things, and it was true in fact, those talismans were definitely worth hundreds of millions of RMB.

Zhou Xiaochun hugged Yuan Yun's delicate body with one hand, and Ke Ying's small waist with the other. The girl was fragrant, but he was not happy at all.

At this time, they had come to an altitude of tens of meters, and they were quickly drifting in one direction.

Down below, the river of blood was tumbling, and the waves were so violent that the densely packed girls ran after the three of them, and when they encountered an uphill place, they immediately turned into a river of blood and went upstream.

In the river of blood, some powerful talisman fighters were still fighting, but they were quickly attacked and bitten by a large number of girls, sucking blood.

Hundreds of thousands of troops are dying fast, leaving mummy everywhere.

"What the hell are they?" Yuan Yun had horror in her eyes, trying not to faint from the fright.

"Is this the legendary monster?" Ke Ying also murmured in shock.

A flash of light flashed in Zhou Xiaochun's mind, and he thought of the chat records in the statue world chat group.

"Blood demons... I know, they are blood demons!"

Zhou Xiaochun exclaimed.

"Blood demon? This name is too appropriate, they are simply monsters transformed from blood." Yuan Yun said.

Ke Ying also agrees, but only agrees with the name, she doesn't think Zhou Xiaochun really knows about these blood demons.

Zhou Xiaochun didn't explain much, but he was shocked and angry, and of course feared.

At this moment, Zhou Xiaochun finally understood the meaning of Taihe, the patriarch of the Great God Sect, "put away your fighting style and don't affect my male disciples of the Great God Sect".

This frankly dense bunch of cute girls who don't wear anything, flock to the enemy overwhelmingly.

It's strange that this way of fighting won't affect the male disciples.

"Blood God Sect!"

Zhou Xiaochun gritted his teeth. In that case, it should be the Blood God Sect who made the move. This skill is truly astonishing.

Zhou Xiaochun finally understood what the uneasiness he felt before was a catastrophe, annihilation of the entire army.

But why didn't I see anyone from the Great Divine Sect?

"What Blood God Sect?" Ke Ying asked.

"Uh, it's nothing. Let's find a place to land. I won't last long." Zhou Xiaochun replied.

The three of them drifted across the mountains, and the blood river behind them couldn't keep up, because they had to go up and down, which invisibly lengthened the distance.

However, Zhou Xiaochun and the three were walking in a straight line in the air, so their speed was naturally faster.

(End of this chapter)

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