Super halo system

Chapter 65 The Strange Grass

Chapter 65 The Strange Grass
"What the fuck, I'm so sick!" Suddenly Zhou Xiaochun shuddered, and he was finally able to move.

The feeling just now was like being electrocuted and paralyzed all over.

The effect of the purple light is similar to that of electric current, making people very uncomfortable.

Seeing the purple tiger approaching, he sneered, took out a small jade pendant from his bag and threw it over.

A strange feeling appeared, Zhou Xiaochun felt that his thoughts seemed to be able to control the jade pendant, so his heart moved.

"Crack!" The jade pendant shattered, and then wind knives appeared out of nowhere, directly cutting the purple giant tiger with injuries all over its body.

Zhou Xiaochun's eyes lit up at this scene, as expected, her mother's things were all good things.

Ke Ying was finally able to move at this time. She resisted the numbness all over her body, rushed out, and slashed at the purple giant tiger.

"Roar..." The giant purple tiger was irritated by Zhou Xiaochun, and it suddenly slapped Ke Ying with its paw.


Half of the huge tiger's claw was chopped off, and Ke Ying was also shocked back four or five steps by the terrifying shock force, her pretty face was full of shock.

Only then did they realize that the purple giant tiger's forehead would occasionally emit an inconspicuous orange light.

This is obviously an orange-level ominous beast, whose strength far exceeds that of a red-level ominous beast.


The purple giant tiger was completely enraged, and let out a deafening roar.

Zhou Xiaochun hastily took out another piece of jade pendant, this time the jade pendant was a medium size, he threw it out violently, his heart moved, the jade pendant exploded again.

Then a series of wind knives appeared, and under the control of his thoughts, they enveloped the huge purple giant tiger.


The wind knife rotates and cuts at an extremely fast speed, and its power is terrifying. The surrounding miscellaneous trees and so on are quickly turned into knots of wood. The wind knife seems to be able to cut everything.

"Puff puff……"

Scary wounds appeared one after another, and before the giant purple tiger had time to show its power, it was cut into dozens of pieces, and blood and internal organs flowed all over the ground.

Even the surrounding ground was lifted more than ten centimeters thick.

After the dust had settled, Zhou Xiaochun and the three of them were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

At this time, Yuan Yun could also move, she sat down on the ground, and asked with difficulty and surprise: "What is that?"

"It's a jade talisman made by my concubine." Ke Ying replied.

"Is this thing called a jade talisman?" Zhou Xiaochun suddenly realized.

Ke Ying wanted to roll her eyes, this guy didn't even know what he was using after using it, it was really annoying.

"Jade talismans are similar to rune products, but they are almost disposable products, and it is said that only rune masters can use them. You can buy a small one for about 1 RMB." Ke Ying explained.

While listening to Ke Ying's words, Zhou Xiaochun had already taken off the talisman bone from the purple giant tiger's forehead. It turned out to be an orange-level talisman bone, but he still couldn't absorb it.

However, he did not give this talisman to Ke Ying.

Zhou Xiaochun suspected that the magical purple light had something to do with this rune bone, so he decided to study it.

If it can emit that kind of purple light, when facing the enemy, it will definitely be able to catch it by surprise.

"Why can only rune masters use jade talismans?" Yuan Yun was puzzled, she was in a very distressed state, and her clothes were all in tatters.

Ke Ying didn't get much better. Although her skin was only slightly burned by the electric snake, her clothes also had many holes, but luckily she didn't lose her clothes.

"Because rune masters have spiritual power, rune warriors don't." Ke Ying explained.

Yuan Yun was stunned, but she didn't believe it in her heart.

Suddenly, Yuan Yun saw that there seemed to be a light in front of her. She was refreshed, and approached carefully, and found that it was a grass.

This grass is very strange. It looks similar to ordinary grass on the surface, but there are lines on the grass blades, and the light is emitted from the lines.

Yuan Yun pulled it out curiously.

"Don't move..." Ke Ying shouted suddenly.

But it was too late, Yuan Yun had already pulled out the grass, she wondered, "What's wrong?"

"Are you okay?" Ke Ying was a little worried: "This grass doesn't look simple, I'm worried that it might be poisonous or harmful."

"It should be all right." Yuan Yun didn't think it was wrong, but was surprised to find that holding this grass was very comfortable, her saliva was secreting, and she seemed to want to eat it.

Then, under Ke Ying's surprised gaze, Yuan Yun couldn't help it, and bit a blade of grass.

"Wow, it's so sweet." Yuan Yun couldn't help but eat the whole grass.

Zhou Xiaochun and Ke Ying were dumbfounded, girl, are you a horse?
After eating the grass, Yuan Yun felt very embarrassed: "It's really delicious..."

Suddenly Yuan Yun's body glowed, and then she was suspended, and the rune threads flowed one after another.

This scene startled both Ke Ying and Zhou Xiaochun, and they hurriedly took a few steps back.

"I... what's wrong with me?" Yuan Yun exclaimed in panic.

Zhou Xiaochun wanted to get closer, but was unexpectedly bounced back by a force.

"Don't get close to her." Ke Ying frowned.

Yuan Yun only felt a kind of wonderful power spread all over her body, that feeling was too wonderful to describe in words, and at the same time, her body was also somewhat unbearably cold and hot, which was very strange.

This process lasted for four or five minutes before it finally stopped. Yuan Yun suddenly fell from the air and fell on all fours.

"Are you okay?" Ke Ying hurriedly helped Yuan Yun up: "Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Yuan Yun's eyes were clear, and there was an aura of agility on her body. She blinked and said, "I don't feel uncomfortable, but it feels so strange."

"Let's go back and have a check, it's going to be bad if you get poisoned." Ke Ying said.

"Well, let's go." Yuan Yun was also very worried: "But that grass is really strange, it looks like a rune bone, with the rune light flowing, I can't help but want to eat it when I hold it in my hand. "

Ke Ying and Zhou Xiaochun looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what kind of grass it was.

The three walked back quickly. On the way, they met two groups of people, both of whom came in for adventure.

Almost all of those people were carrying the corpses of ferocious beasts, which were their trophies.

In order to avoid conflict, the three of them stayed away from it.

I don't know if it was the effect of Zhou Xiaochun's middle-level lucky aura, but on the way they encountered several fierce beasts with rune bones. After hunting, Zhou Xiaochun and Yuan Yun each got two rune bones. Ke Ying didn't want any more, because She got a more advanced one.

Although Zhou Xiaochun also got a higher-level rune bone, but that belonged to him, and his contribution today is definitely the greatest, and the two girls will not have any objections.

When it was getting dark, the three finally returned to the line of defense.

Because Yuan Yun accidentally ate a strange grass, Ke Ying needed to take her to check and left the statue world overnight.

But Zhou Xiaochun stayed and came in with great difficulty, how could he go out like this?

There are many new buildings around the entrance of the statue world, which are not as good as hotels, but living is no problem at all.

Zhou Xiaochun found a place to stay, then took out the rune bones and began to improve his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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