Super halo system

Chapter 60 Intermediate Lucky Halo

Chapter 60 Intermediate Lucky Halo
"Be careful, don't be attacked by Lian Song." Yuan Yun reminded.

"Don't worry." Zhou Xiaochun replied without turning his head.

His conscious body has already checked a certain distance inside, and he didn't find Lian Song and Huo Feng at all, and he didn't know if those two were eaten by unknown beasts inside.

Soon Zhou Xiaochun came to a place where Ke Ying and Yuan Yun could not see, and then took out three talisman bones.

The system prompt sounded again in his mind, and Zhou Xiaochun chose to absorb it without hesitation.

Immediately, the runes on the three rune bones were sucked into Zhou Xiaochun's body, and then turned into countless silk threads and scattered to his limbs and bones.

Zhou Xiaochun suddenly felt waves of powerful force filling his whole body, and his body was being strengthened little by little. This speed of strengthening could be felt completely.

Zhou Xiaochun has a feeling that what he is improving now is no longer pure fist strength, but the strength of his physical body, and the size of his strength at the same time.

"After absorbing three rune bones, my current fist strength is at least [-] jin. According to the level of fist strength, I am now considered a fifth-level powerhouse!" Zhou Xiaochun was a little excited.

After getting acquainted with the surge in power in the cave, Zhou Xiaochun looked deep into the cave again.

It was pitch black, and even if the eyes had been strengthened, it was still difficult to see what was in the deepest part.

"Try again, I've activated the aura of luck now, maybe I can find Lian Song!"

Zhou Xiaochun planned to try his luck, stood still and closed his eyes, his thoughts sank into the red light spot on the surface of the miniature earth in his mind.

The next moment, his consciousness became a whole in the sky about [-] meters outside Shandong.

"It's like this again, it's strange, why does the consciousness appear on the top of the head instead of coming out of the body?"

Zhou Xiaochun was very puzzled by this law, and decided to have time to explore this magical ability.

Just as he was about to fly into the cave below to look for Lian Song, his conscious body suddenly saw 30 people rushing in this direction in the forest ahead.

"Someone is coming?" Zhou Xiaochun frowned: "Looking at their speed and direction, they seem to be coming here with a purpose, and they are not in a panic. They are definitely not running for their lives. There are so many people, there is no need to run away. There shouldn't be any beasts in the area that can threaten so many people!"

"Then there is only one possibility, Lian Song's rescue!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Xiaochun's expression turned ugly, and then he returned to his original consciousness without hesitation.

The main body opened his eyes, Zhou Xiaochun hurried out of the cave, and said to Ke Ying and Yuan Yun in front of him: "Someone is coming, get out!"

"How do you know someone is coming?" Yuan Yun was puzzled, they didn't even see anyone when they were outside.

"Just follow me!" Zhou Xiaochun held the gun and climbed towards the side of the canyon.

Seeing that Zhou Xiaochun didn't even want the rune saber, Ke Ying put Zhou Xiaochun's rune saber into the box helplessly, and followed with the box.

Although Yuan Yun was puzzled, she had no choice but to follow.

The three of them quickly climbed to the other side of the canyon, and under Zhou Xiaochun's gesture, they hid in the grass.

Not long after, a group of people appeared from the opposite side and hurried towards the canyon.

Seeing those people, Ke Ying and Yuan Yun immediately looked at each other, and then looked at Zhou Xiaochun in surprise.

"Why did you know in advance that someone would come?" Yuan Yun couldn't help asking again.

Zhou Xiaochun didn't want to say it at first, but suddenly he changed his mind, this kind of situation might happen frequently in the future, and it is most appropriate to use a perfect lie as a shield.

Thinking of this, Zhou Xiaochun proudly said: "Because I am a rune master, a rune master has spiritual power, and his sensing ability far exceeds that of a rune warrior."

Yuan Yun suddenly realized: "It turns out to be like this."

Ke Ying was thoughtful. She had also heard that a rune master's sensing ability was far superior to a rune warrior's, but it didn't seem that powerful, right?

But Ke Ying didn't ask any more questions.

"Then what should we do now?" Yuan Yun asked.

Zhou Xiaochun didn't answer, and directly aimed his gun at the people who had already entered the canyon below.

"What are you doing? Don't mess around." Yuan Yun hurriedly stopped her.

"I suspect they are Lian Song's rescuers." Zhou Xiaochun said.

"You also said that it's just suspicion, and it's Lian Song who has a grudge against you, those people are innocent." Yuan Yun said.

Zhou Xiaochun was taken aback when he heard the words. He thought, the enemy's reinforcements should also be enemies, so why are they innocent?

But what Yuan Yun said was not bad, Lian Song was the only one who had a grudge against him, so there was no need to implicate so many people.

Besides, if there is a real fight, with so many people on the other side, even if he has a magical consciousness, he will probably suffer.

So Zhou Xiaochun put away his gun: "Then let's get out of here."

Ke Ying and Yuan Yun were almost the only ones who followed Zhou Xiaochun's order to quickly leave the canyon.

After five or six kilometers away from the canyon in one breath, the three slowed down.

"Hey, are you hungry? I'm hungry, do you want to go back to eat?" Yuan Yun said suddenly.

When Yuan Yun said this, Ke Ying also felt hungry.

"Want to eat? By the way, I seem to have something to eat in my bag." Zhou Xiaochun hurriedly put down his travel bag and opened it.

I'll go, there are a lot of food inside, such as rice dumplings, high-energy drinks, etc., everything that one expects to find.

"Wow, Zhou Xiaochun, you've prepared so well that you even brought food." Yuan Yun said happily.

"Hey, that's it!" Zhou Xiaochun said proudly, he wouldn't say that he didn't know that there was food in the bag, and Concubine Li Man forced him to take it.

After the three of them ate, they continued to move forward, and it didn't take long before they encountered three wild boar beasts.


Without saying a word, Ke Ying rushed out of the bullet box in the direction of the bullet, and the rune saber slashed horizontally, killing a wild boar.

Another wild boar roared and charged.


Ke Ying slapped her palm, causing the wild boar to roll backwards. The palm force of nearly [-] kilograms directly broke its bones.

"Aw..." The last wild boar slammed into Ke Ying in a frenzy.

Ke Ying moved sideways in an instant, and the rune saber in her right hand slashed across, cutting the wild boar's neck in half.


Under the action of inertia, the wild boar beast collided with a giant tree and died.

"It's amazing!" Yuan Yun cheered.

"Look quickly, are there any rune bones?" Zhou Xiaochun was more concerned about the rune bones.

Unfortunately, these three wild boar beasts do not have rune bones.

"You think the rune bones are Chinese cabbage!" Yuan Yun was not discouraged at all. She has already obtained two rune bones today, and she is already very satisfied.

"This forest is nice, let's start here." Zhou Xiaochun said expectantly with a straight face.

"Start what?" Yuan Yun was puzzled.

Zhou Xiaochun handsomely wiped his hair from bottom to top, and said with a mysterious smile, "Brush the rune bones!"

"Brushing talisman bones? You don't understand." Yuan Yun looked at Ke Ying doubtfully.

Ke Ying looked at Zhou Xiaochun in confusion, and said, "I've heard of brushing comments, scoring points, etc., but this is the first time I've heard of brushing rune bones."

"Hey, it's almost there!" Zhou Xiaochun chuckled, and directly added an intermediate luck halo to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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