Super halo system

Chapter 55 Attacked

Chapter 55 Attacked

"This place is already five or six miles away from the defense line, and there is not a single ferocious beast in sight. Could it be that they have all been killed?" Chen Jiayong asked doubtfully.

"Stop here, there seems to be gunshots over there." Lian Song raised his hand to signal everyone to stop.

"It seemed to be a gunshot just now, but it's gone now. Someone may have encountered a beast over there." Chen Jiayong hurriedly picked up the binoculars to watch.

Suddenly, Chen Jiayong exclaimed, "It's Zhou Xiaochun!"

"Zhou Xiaochun!" Lian Song narrowed his eyes and took a look through the binoculars.

Sure enough, in the forest thousands of meters away, Zhou Xiaochun could be seen jumping up and down with a rune saber through the tree trunk.

In addition, there are many carcasses of large birds.

"Young Master Lian, it's really him!" Huo Feng also saw it, and they looked at each other.

Lian Song's eyes turned cold, and he thought quickly in his heart, this place can no longer be regarded as the earth. If Zhou Xiaochun is left here forever, no one will know.

The people behind don't have to worry at all, and Huo Feng also doesn't have to worry at all, and will never betray him.

As for Chen Jiayong?If it is found that he has leaked the secret, it can be solved before he leaks the secret!
With this in mind, Lian Song made a decision: "I, Lian Song, have never suffered such a big loss. If you fall into my hands, you are unlucky!"

"Ada, you aim at that mountain and eliminate those three people. You must hit it with one blow." Lian Song said with a murderous intent. He also has hatred for Ke Ying. He has been in Ke Ying's hands more than once. Suffer a big loss.

"Yes, young master!"

The few strong men behind hurriedly squatted down and set up their machine guns.

A gun with two people is a sniper gun, which is most suitable for this kind of assassination.


Not long after, Zhou Xiaochun found another rune bone, and he was overjoyed: "Haha, I, Zhou Xiaochun, are the lucky ones!"

Yuan Yun was speechless, didn't it mean that there were very few rune bones?The books written by those talisman warriors are all fake and deceptive.

This time dozens of big birds allowed the three of them to obtain four rune bones.

After dividing it equally, plus the previous two yuan, exactly three yuan per person.

"I suddenly wondered, are we here to take risks or to pick up money?" Yuan Yun muttered as he went up the mountain.

Ke Ying also felt the same way, and she also seriously doubted whether those who sold experience books were writing indiscriminately.

Zhou Xiaochun suddenly felt a little cold, he was a little strange, with his current physique, he could be regarded as not afraid of severe cold, how could he feel cold?

"Be careful!" Ke Ying suddenly shouted from behind.

Zhou Xiaochun hurriedly turned his head, just at this moment, a bullet flew towards his forehead in an instant and flew past.

Ke Ying slashed out with a sharp knife.


With a loud noise, the rune saber trembled violently, and Ke Ying was shocked to take two steps back in a row.


The third bullet shot directly at Yuan Yun. Yuan Yun also subconsciously turned around when she heard Ke Ying's voice. As a result, the bullet directly exploded the MK50 she was carrying.
Amidst the loud noise, the MK50 machine gun directly exploded into parts, and the terrifying impact sent Yuan Yun flying three or four meters away and rolled into the grass.

"It's a grenade machine gun!" Ke Ying dodged and hid behind a big tree, shouting, "Get down!"

Zhou Xiaochun suddenly fell down, his face was ugly: "What the hell, who attacked us?"

"I don't know. Yuan Yun, how are you doing?" Ke Ying called to the grass next to her.

"I'm fine." Yuan Yun lay pale in the grass and dared not move.

Although she was not injured, she was very scared. If she hadn't turned around suddenly just now, the bullet hit the machine gun, and the terrifying armor-piercing bullet would have definitely blown her up.


"Damn it, it was hidden." Lian Song angrily punched a nearby tree.

"They are already hiding," Huo Feng said.

"This Zhou Xiaochun actually got a dog shit luck, so he escaped!" Chen Jiayong was very unwilling.

"Let's withdraw first, now is not the time to confront them head-on." Lian Song said, if there is a chance to kill Zhou Xiaochun, he will never hesitate.

But if there is no absolute certainty of killing with one blow, Lian Song is not willing to take the risk. Otherwise, if the other party recognizes his identity, once Zhou Xiaochun is allowed to go out alive and bring the news out, then it will not be as simple as an apology.

That would likely lead to a big collision between Li Jia and Lian Jia, and such a price was not something Lian Song could afford.


Zhou Xiaochun lay on the ground and did not dare to move, but his heart was full of anger. Someone wanted to kill him, and he didn't even know who did it.

Suddenly, Zhou Xiaochun's heart moved, almost subconsciously, his thoughts sank into his mind, and entered the red light spot on the surface of the miniature earth.

The next moment, Zhou Xiaochun's perspective changed. He was hundreds of meters in the air.

Looking down, there were two people, one was hiding behind a big tree, and the other was lying motionless on the ground.

If you look carefully, there is also a person in the grass next to you, you can't see it if you don't pay attention.

"Fuck, that's okay?"

Zhou Xiaochun was shocked, that's right, now he is in the form of thoughts, his body is almost completely transparent, others should not be able to see him.

And his mental body seems to have no weight at all and can fly.

When I was in the outside world before, my thoughts sank into the red dots on the surface of the miniature earth, and I could also enter the world of statues, but I could only wander inside the membrane wall of the world.

But after entering the statue world, the body of mind can still be used, and the body of mind can also truly appear inside the statue world.

Zhou Xiaochun can feel that as long as the body of the mind is within a thousand meters of the body, there will be no problem.

"Great, so we can find out who is sneaking up on me." The body of thought flew in one direction quickly, he couldn't feel the weight of his body at all, and flew forward with a single thought.

The speed is not fast, only five or sixty meters per second, but it is much faster than his body running on the ground.

I don't know if it was luck, but the body of the mind had just flown 400 meters before seeing nine people moving forward in the dense forest ahead.

And three of them happened to be old acquaintances.

"Lian Song!!!"

Zhou Xiaochun's eyes narrowed immediately, and then he yelled, "Lian Song, the draft girl, stop!"


Damn, forget that it is the body of the mind now.

Sure enough, Lian Song and the others below did not respond at all.

Zhou Xiaochun hurriedly moved his mind, and the body of the mind disappeared instantly, his consciousness returned to the body, and his body opened his eyes.

"It's Lian Song, come with me!" Zhou Xiaochun got up and quickly ran up the mountain.

Ke Ying and Yuan Yun in the grass looked at each other, they both subconsciously believed Zhou Xiaochun, and crawled to follow quickly.

Zhou Xiaochun was full of murderous intent, picked up his own gun, quickly loaded the bullet with unskilled hands, and then aimed in the direction of Lian Song and others.

This kind of gun has a high-definition sight, that is, a telescope, and it looks like it is in front of you when you look thousands of meters away.

Zhou Xiaochun was raging with anger and murderous intent, this was the second time that Lian Song almost killed him, and this was already an endless hatred.

If it weren't for good luck, they would definitely fall this time!

Suddenly Zhou Xiaochun was taken aback, luck?

"That's right, almost every hour, I bless myself with a primary aura of luck. It should be because my aura of luck can also affect my own people, so Yuan Yun should follow suit, otherwise she would be finished just now."

Thinking of this in his heart, Zhou Xiaochun suddenly had a thought, and blessed Yuan Yun and Ke Ying with a low-level lucky aura.

Immediately, the three of them had a holy white aura that only Zhou Xiaochun could see, as if formed by the convergence of luck.

Zhou Xiaochun really wanted to know what would happen if the three of them had aura of luck!
(End of this chapter)

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