Super halo system

Chapter 53 Zhou Xiaochun's "Spearmanship"

Chapter 53 Zhou Xiaochun's "Spearmanship"

Those soldiers didn't have any malicious intentions, so Zhou Xiaochun directly ignored those words.

Zhou Xiaochun glanced at the infinitely tall statue in front of him, then stepped out firmly, out of the safety line.

Ke Ying and Yuan Yun followed closely.

After leaving the defense line, I don't know if it was an illusion, but there was a bloody smell in the air, and I could vaguely feel the smell of danger.

Bloodstains can occasionally be seen on the ground here, the surrounding trees are incomplete, and the ground is potholed.

"There should have been a big battle here before, and these are bomb craters." Ke Ying said: "Let's be careful, after leaving the safety line, we may encounter fierce beasts at any time."

"Then let's go, I can't wait!" Zhou Xiaochun said.

"I think we should slow down?" Yuan Yun was vigilant about her surroundings.

The woods here are dark green as a whole, and at the beginning, you can still see giant trees and coke that were blown up by the artillery fire.

Gradually, it became difficult to see those traces, and the army defense line at the rear gradually disappeared from sight.

Ke Ying glanced at her watch and said, "The military should have built a signal tower here. Let's not go too far, otherwise there will be no signal."

"Is this map accurate? It can't be fake, right?" Yuan Yun held an area map, which was drawn by those adventurous talisman warriors during this period.

At this time, the three of them were already four or five miles away from the army's defense line. There were some towering trees scattered here, each with a diameter of at least two or three meters.

The ground is thick with leaves, and when people step on it, the soles of their feet will be completely sunk.


Suddenly a bird chirped, and a big bird appeared in sight, flying towards it with a strong wind.

"Be careful!" Yuan Yun exclaimed.

The bird spread its wings, and it was as huge as five or six meters, which was really amazing.

Zhou Xiaochun hurriedly dropped the rune saber and picked up the MK50, but soon he was dumbfounded: "How do you use this?"

"You don't know how to use a gun?" Yuan Yun rolled her eyes, "Before you ran so fast, I thought you knew how to use it."

"Be careful, it's coming!" Ke Ying hurriedly put down the bullet box, picked up Zhou Xiaochun's rune saber, and looked at the big bird that swooped here.

Zhou Xiaochun hurriedly took down the luggage bag, and was about to get the treasure, but the big bird fell headfirst, smashing a hole in the hill more than ten meters ahead.

Zhou Xiaochun: "..."

Ke Ying: "..."

Yuan Yun: "..."

what's the situation?All three of them were in a daze.

"There will be no fraud, right?" Yuan Yun worried.

"Vicious beasts can also play tricks?" Zhou Xiaochun was stunned.

Ke Ying took a closer look with the rune saber, and saw that the big bird was seriously injured, covered in blood, and was at the end of its strength.

"Ah, look, its claws can glow." Yuan Yun said in surprise.

"Run bone!" Zhou Xiaochun was overjoyed.

Ke Ying quickly killed the dying big bird with a knife, and then dug out the talisman bones.

This rune bone is only the size of a fist, and it emits a red halo every ten seconds. There are runes flowing around it, and it is completely free of blood, which is very magical.

"It's really a rune bone. Doesn't it mean that it's hard to meet a beast with a rune bone?" Yuan Yun was extremely surprised.

The most astonishing thing is that this big bird was sent to the door by itself, and it won a rune bone worth millions without fighting at all.

Zhou Xiaochun was secretly delighted, he knew that this should be related to his junior lucky aura.

"Let's leave quickly. The blood of this vicious bird may attract other vicious beasts." Ke Ying put the talisman away, returned to the original place, and lifted the box.

"That big bird, don't we want it?" Yuan Yun asked.

"That bird is worthless, and you can't take it with you," Zhou Xiaochun said.

Yuan Yun curled her lips. Indeed, the bird's flesh and blood may be worth hundreds of thousands, but in the eyes of Zhou Xiaochun, a rune master, hundreds of thousands are not money at all.

Many people come here, although the ultimate goal is rune bones, but it is also a big gain to be able to hunt other beasts without rune bones.

But Zhou Xiaochun didn't intend to carry the beast's body back at all, he didn't need that little money.

"Let's find a place to stay." Ke Ying glanced at Zhou Xiaochun, who was thinking about holding a gun, a little helpless, she really wanted to say: Boy, your gun is not loaded!

Ten minutes later, the three came to a hill.

There is a towering tree here, the trunk at the bottom is [-] meters in diameter and tens of meters high, but the leaves are sparse and the branches are lush.

"Let's stop here first. It's about six miles away from the defense line. There should be fierce beasts." Ke Ying said.

Zhou Xiaochun didn't insist either.

Yuan Yun opened the weapon box, and Ke Ying also opened the bullet box. Both women picked up the MK50 and loaded the bullets deftly, familiar with each other.

Zhou Xiaochun hurriedly followed suit. His mind was better than the average person's, and he quickly learned the simple operations.

The bullets of this kind of gun are very large, and the magazine can only hold twenty bullets, but Zhou Dachun is well prepared, everyone has five magazines.


Yuan Yun fired a shot at the big tree seven or eight meters ahead, blasting the bark, and a small tree hole appeared.

"It's so powerful!" Zhou Xiaochun was secretly surprised, and then fired a shot, but the recoil made him almost fall to the ground, and the bullet missed by more than one meter.

With Zhou Xiaochun's strength, this amount of recoil was not a problem, but he was not prepared at all, which led to this result.

"Stupid, I'll teach you how to hold a gun like this." Yuan Yun couldn't stand it anymore, and taught Zhou Xiaochun how to recognize the gun, how to hold the gun, and how to shoot and aim.

Zhou Xiaochun studied very seriously, and at the same time he was puzzled: "Why do you two know how to use guns?"

"I'm a military fan, so of course I know how to use it." Yuan Yun said, "But the guns I used before are far from this kind."

"My father is a soldier," Ke Ying said.

Zhou Xiaochun looked at Ke Ying in surprise, and then he thought of his father.

Ke Ying aimed at a tree 50 meters away and fired a shot: "Bang!"

A bullet the size of a thumb instantly punched a hole in that tree.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Ke Ying fired four shots in a row, and each shot blew up the bark of the tree. The distance between the four bullet holes was only a few centimeters.

"It's amazing!" Yuan Yun exclaimed.

But Ke Ying was not satisfied at all: "I don't have the talent for firearms, I prefer melee combat."

"Look at me!" Zhou Xiaochun had already mastered the skill of using a gun, and then aimed at the tree that Ke Ying hit, and fired continuously.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang..."

Five shots were fired in one breath, and only one shot hit the tree.

"Hey, is it really okay to waste bullets like this?" Yuan Yun said, "Will such reckless shooting attract ferocious beasts?"


As soon as Yuan Yun finished speaking, a beast roar suddenly sounded from the bottom of the mountain, and a ferocious beast that was more than two meters tall and resembled a wild boar rushed towards this side.

"There's a beast!" Zhou Xiaochun immediately looked in the direction of the beast, as if he had been spat with chicken blood.

The ferocious beast was more than 300 meters away from here, rushing towards this side with its long fangs.

Ke Ying hurriedly picked up the rune saber, while Yuan Yun picked up the gun.

"Die, die!" Zhou Xiaochun laughed and fired.

"Bang bang bang..." The gunshots were almost continuous.

"Hey, it's a waste of bullets for you to shoot like this!" Yuan Yun was a little dissatisfied, but her voice suddenly stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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