Super halo system

Chapter 50 Armed

Chapter 50 Armed
On the way to Daqian Mountain, Zhou Xiaochun kept thinking about what Concubine Li Man said.

It was unexpected that the power of the rune warrior and the rune master would conflict.

However, Zhou Xiaochun always felt that he was different from others. After he absorbed the runes, all the runes would disperse, break into pieces, and be distributed throughout his body.

Moreover, those rune silk threads can also be used for his perception and research, which is very different from other rune warriors.

"Let's improve both aspects at the same time. If you really sense the conflict, then stop."

Zhou Xiaochun thought of this in his heart, and he didn't want to reveal his secret for the time being.

Half an hour later, the rune speeder slowed down over the Great Qianshan Mountain.

"Did you see it? The one below is the entrance to the statue world." Zhou Dachun said.

Ke Ying and Yuan Yun looked down and saw that the original mountain had been completely split into a huge chasm, [-] meters away.

In the huge chasm, there is a gray area, and many people can be seen entering the gray area along the big crack and disappearing.

In Zhou Xiaochun's eyes, there was a very thick light curtain at the outermost edge of the gray area, and it could be seen that ripples were formed on the light curtain all the time, spreading in all directions.

Those ripples will spread to the surrounding ground, and each time they spread, the great crack will become wider.

On the periphery of the big crack, there are many troops stationed, rocket launchers, tanks, etc. densely packed.

Zhou Dachun landed the rune speeder on the periphery of the army, and got out of the car himself.

"Wait here, I'll get you weapons for you." Zhou Dachun took out a pair of sunglasses, put them on, and walked towards the army.

Zhou Xiaochun stared at his father in a daze. At this time, the father who was wearing sunglasses changed drastically in an instant, and there was an intimidating aura on him.

"Uncle Zhou has changed a lot." Yuan Yun was also surprised.

Zhou Xiaochun got out of the car, and suddenly felt the ground vibrate faintly. This kind of vibration was very regular, and he could almost feel that the source was the big crack.

"Are there always earthquakes here? Those people don't seem to be nervous at all?" Yuan Yun also got out of the car, felt the ground shaking, and looked at the calm army in the distance, very surprised.

From time to time, some vehicles could be seen coming from a distance, and many people got out of the vehicles and entered the area of ​​the big crack.

The troops stationed here did not block the entrances and exits. The purpose of the troops here was to prevent a large number of ferocious beasts from rushing out to attack the earth.

"That big crack should be the source of the earthquake. It's really magical. How did the big crack appear?" Ke Ying was also very curious.

Zhou Xiaochun fiddled with the watch on his wrist. This watch is owned by every talisman warrior registered in the military. It has all the functions of a mobile phone.

Moreover, the materials of the watch are rune products, which are not easy to damage and have high-end functions.

"Class group?"

Zhou Xiaochun logged into Penguin and found a class group, which was just like the first year of high school.

At this time, Zhang Xuedong was showing off his experience: "You must not have imagined, what a magical world it is, there are countless treasures in it, especially fierce beasts, full of treasures, as long as one can be hunted, even if there is no rune bone It can be sold for more than [-] yuan."

Yuan Yun glanced at Zhou Xiaochun's watch, then fiddled with her own watch, and soon she found a group of areas.

This area group is the group of all the talisman warriors within the range of the Great Qianshan Mountain.

This group does not belong to penguins, but is like a large forum, where there are countless people and many people are speaking.

"Damn it, I saw a golden-haired lion before, but it ran away!"

"Hey, the one upstairs, how did I hear that someone encountered a golden retriever lion and was almost wiped out?"

"What a magical world!"

"Damn it, the bullets have run out again, go back and replenish the ammunition."

"I have a grenade here, who wants it? I'm going out."


All kinds of speeches are dazzling, and the data is refreshing all the time.

"Hey, you guys search, there is a regional forum here, real-time chat, it seems that our Fu Wu Zhe's watch has powerful functions that mobile phones don't have." Yuan Yun said.

Ke Ying also quickly found this chat forum: "This should be a military network. Since Fu Wuzhe has a name in the military, he belongs to the military."

Zhou Xiaochun also found the regional chat forum, but what he paid attention to was the names of all the people. He found that all the people here had their real names and no nicknames: "It seems that all Fuwu practitioners are forced to use their real names."

"Of course, in this case, you have to consider the consequences when you speak." Yuan Yun said.

At this time, Zhou Dachun came here carrying two big boxes, and opened one of them in front of the three of them.

Immediately, three cool guns and three big knives appeared in front of Zhou Xiaochun and the others.

"Gun!" Zhou Xiaochun excitedly picked up a gun. This gun was very similar to the MK47, but the caliber was a little larger and it weighed several dozen kilograms.

This is just a small gun, that man doesn't like guns?Zhou Xiaochun felt the blood in his body boiling!
"This gun is MK50, with a caliber of 50 mm, an effective range of 500 meters, and a maximum range of 100 meters." Zhou Dachun said.

"It feels so powerful!" Yuan Yun also picked up the gun excitedly.

Ke Ying also checked the gun, but she frowned slightly, as if she didn't like it very much, and then she picked up the big knife in the box.

"This knife is a green-level rune weapon, which can kill most beasts below level [-]." Zhou Dachun said.

"Green level..." Yuan Yun said in surprise, "A rune weapon of this level costs at least hundreds of millions of RMB, right?"

"So expensive?" Zhou Xiaochun was also taken aback.

"This rune saber costs [-] million." Zhou Dachun said.

"Damn it." Zhou Xiaochun was startled: "Doesn't that mean that this is a treasure of 15 billion? Dad, you are awesome!"

Zhou Dachun smiled and opened another box: "Here are three thousand rounds of ammunition. You can allocate it yourself. If you don't have enough, come back and buy it yourself. You can buy it here, but you cannot take such dangerous things out of this area casually."

"A lot of bullets, this kind of bullet is too good!"

Zhou Xiaochun exclaimed again when he saw those five or six centimeter long shells that looked like miniature models.

"Go, there are also troops, material merchants, and weapon merchants inside. Don't go too far. After a hundred miles away from the entrance, the signal of the watch will be very poor. Be careful." Zhou Dachun said.

"Okay, let's go!" Zhou Xiaochun excitedly carried the rune saber and the MK50 on his back, and took the lead towards the big crack.

"I'll take the weapon, you take the bullet." Yuan Yun put her and Ke Ying's knives and guns back into the box, and followed Zhou Xiaochun with the box.

Ke Ying didn't care and chased after him with a big box full of bullets.

Zhou Dachun stood there, wearing dark sunglasses, looking at Zhou Xiaochun who was gradually walking away, and sighed in his heart: "When my son grows up, he will always spread his wings and fly!"

(End of this chapter)

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