Super halo system

Chapter 3 It's So Evil

Chapter 3 It's So Evil
"Dime money." Zhang Tao rolled his eyes.

Zhou Xiaochun didn't mind either, and was about to leave when he suddenly saw something reflective next to him, so he picked it up and took a look.

Good guy, a dollar coin.

"Haha, look, I found the money." Zhou Xiaochun said excitedly.

Sure enough, it was a lucky time. If you said you picked up money, you really got it.

Zhou Xiaochun was very excited.

"It's only one dollar." Zhang Tao pouted, feeling it was a coincidence.

"Then I'll pick up some more." Zhou Xiaochun said, looking down on the ground.

Suddenly Zhang Tao's forehead was covered with black lines, and he felt that the neighbor's mind was a little out of order today. Do you think the ground is full of money?

"I picked it up again." Zhou Xiaochun picked up a piece of money in the grass next to him, this time it was five yuan.

It is now the beginning of September, and there is a lot of dew at night. The money is a little wet, but it is still usable.

Zhang Tao couldn't believe it: "Did you throw that money yourself? I don't believe you can still pick it up."

"Then I'll pick it up for you to see again!" Zhou Xiaochun continued to look down on the ground.

Zhang Tao was speechless. He really didn't believe that Zhou Xiaochun could pick up money again, but the previous two times made him curious, and his eyes couldn't help but follow Zhou Xiaochun.


Suddenly Zhou Xiaochun screamed, something fell from upstairs and hit him on the head.

"Who threw things around?" Zhou Xiaochun raised his head angrily, but only saw dozens of stories of residential buildings, many windows were lit, and he didn't know where the things fell from.

He subconsciously looked down and picked up the thing that hit his head just now.

"Huh, is this a copper coin?" Zhou Xiaochun was surprised, and then laughed, "Did you see that? This copper coin is also money, and it hit me."

"No, that's okay?" Zhang Tao was stunned. How awesome is this guy, and he can still be hit on the head by money falling from the sky?
"There should be no money here, I'll pick it up elsewhere." Zhou Xiaochun said.

Zhang Tao: "..."

Seeing Zhou Xiaochun walking away, Zhang Tao thought about it and decided to follow.

Zhou Xiaochun didn't mind either, anyway, the aura of luck on his body was invisible to others.

I don't know if it's easy to use it up, and I didn't pick up a penny on the next road.

Zhang Tao looked at Zhou Xiaochun jokingly, as if to say, if you have the guts, pick up some more money and let me see!

Suddenly a car passed by the gate of the community, and Zhou Xiaochun happened to see it. The most important thing was that there was an acquaintance in the car, who was Chen Jiayong during the day.

It seems that Chen Jiayong himself is driving the car, so it is really enviable to drive at such a young age.

"Damn Chen Jiayong, now is my lucky time, let's see if I can kill you!"

Zhou Xiaochun said in his heart, and then chased after him without hesitation.

"Where are you going?" Zhang Tao asked.

Zhou Xiaochun did not answer and continued to chase. However, the car was very fast and Zhou Xiaochun could not catch up. It quickly turned and disappeared from sight.

Zhou Xiaochun saw an alley in front of him, and he thought to himself: "From here you can go directly to the next intersection, but there are also several forks in the middle. I wonder if Chen Jiayong's car will take other forks?"

"Try it, isn't this lucky halo also so magical?"

So he ran into this alley and ran to the next intersection in one breath.

At this time, a car happened to drive over, it was the car before.

"It's great, Chen Jiayong's car didn't go the other way, now is really my lucky time!"

Zhou Xiaochun was overjoyed: "Now is my lucky time, I want to fix that car now, can I find a way?"

Suddenly Zhou Xiaochun saw many white paper shells beside him, and he, who is good at using brains, thought of a solution in an instant.

"See if I don't scare you to death!"


Chen Jiayong looked at the car seriously and turned on the headlights, illuminating the front brightly.

School will start tomorrow, and he will live in school tonight.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in the alley ahead, and the figure jumped up and down.

Chen Jiayong was puzzled, that person's walking posture was so strange, he took a closer look——

The figure was wearing tattered white clothes and a white conical hat on his head.

This image made Chen Jiayong shudder, because he suddenly thought of some folk legends.

At this moment, the figure suddenly turned around...

I saw that invisible face, in that mouth, a long tongue was almost dragging to the ground.


Chen Jiayong screamed in fright, and turned the steering wheel violently in a panic. As a result, he drove the car into a side ditch all at once.


A headlight was smashed directly.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

A gloating laugh came from behind, Chen Jiayong, who was still in shock, turned his head to see—

The guy who was suspected of 'Bai Wuchang' before was laughing out loud.

"I'm dying of laughter, haha... I'm dying of laughter, Chen Jiayong, you idiot, why didn't you get hit to death? Hahahaha..."

'Bai Wuchang' laughed so hard that his tongue fell to the ground.

This voice, and that face...

Chen Jiayong is not stupid, on the contrary, he is very smart. He knew what was going on in an instant, and he exploded in anger: "Zhou Xiaochun, I'm sorry for your mother..."

"What did you say?"

Zhou Xiaochun was furious: "Chen Jiayong, you son of a bitch, I..."


Suddenly an old-fashioned TV fell from the sky and hit Chen Jiayong's car roof, denting the roof directly.

Chen Jiayong screamed in fright.

Zhou Xiaochun raised his head in astonishment, and immediately saw another sofa falling from a tall building.

"Oh, mom..." Zhou Xiaochun immediately ran away.


The sofa smashed hard on Chen Jiayong's car roof, and the loud noise made Zhou Xiaochun tremble.

After running for tens of meters, Zhou Xiaochun dared to look back. I wiped it. It turned out that a family above that building was arguing. That woman was so tough, she threw the furniture down.

Not daring to be negligent, Zhou Xiaochun ran as far as he could in a hurry, worried that Chi Yu would be hurt.

As for Chen Jiayong, Zhou Xiaochun felt that it would be better if he was smashed to death. Anyway, the two have been rivals since junior high school.

At the same time, Zhou Xiaochun also suspected that the furniture falling from the sky might also be related to his lucky time.

At that time, he was scolded and confused, and he really wanted to find something to smash Chen Jiayong's car. As soon as this idea appeared, a TV series fell from the sky immediately.

"This is incredible. Is all this a coincidence, or is it really related to this strange system?"

Zhou Xiaochun was very puzzled. Starting from the halo of bad luck before, everything seemed to be such a coincidence.

But that kind of coincidence brought him both misfortune and luck.

Just like the unlucky aura before, because he was delayed, the game character was killed, and then he was kicked off by the administrator, and because he cursed, he was directly banned.

And the following series of things, he splashed water angrily, which caused the circuit to burn out, the monitor to break, all kinds of bad luck, everything seemed to be such a coincidence.

It seems that there is a reason for everything.

And the steel bars on the construction site slipped down due to the inertia of the crane when it stopped suddenly.

The reason why I was unlucky when I met Chen Jiayong was because he was already tired and fell down when he was lightly pushed by Chen Jiayong. There were small stones on the ground, and it seemed to be a coincidence that his hand hurt so badly. .

Then Chen Jiayong kicked a stone and was stepped on by him, fell down again, and had another bad luck.

All of this seems to be such a coincidence, but if you think about it deeply, it makes Zhou Xiaochun's scalp tingle.

Because all of this is really too coincidental, so coincidental that people can't believe it.

It's like a chain meter, one link after another, it seems that it has been set up long ago, people who are blessed with unlucky halos seem to do it subconsciously, and then encounter a "coincidence" as a matter of course.

"It's too evil, this is so evil!"

Zhou Xiaochun was a little surprised, and quietly returned home. By this time, the lucky time had passed.

But what reassures him is that as long as he doesn't give himself a halo of unlucky luck, he won't be unlucky easily.

Even, he can also have a god-defying god assist like a lucky aura. The lucky aura and the unlucky aura can be said to be exactly the opposite.

At the same time, what made Zhou Xiaochun even more delighted was that according to the system, those auras should be able to bless others.

In other words, if he sees someone as unhappy, he can make that person unlucky!

"Ah, I'm going to become a god!" Zhou Xiaochun was so excited that he rolled around on the bed.

This night, he didn't know when he fell asleep. In his dream, he seemed to dream that he rose against the sky with a magical system.


In the early morning of the next day, Concubine Li Man entered Zhou Xiaochun's room and looked at Zhou Xiaochun who was sleeping soundly on the bed, her beautiful face was filled with maternal doting.

"My Zhou Xiaochun...'s spring is here..." Suddenly Zhou Xiaochun smacked his lips, talking in his sleep.

Concubine Li Man was taken aback for a moment, and then gently stroked her son's head.

"I want to marry Bai Fumei, like my mother...beautiful..." Zhou Xiaochun continued talking in his sleep.

Concubine Li Man's face flushed slightly, and she muttered in a low voice: "Silly boy, you are only too old to want to marry a wife?"

"I want to pack a lot of breasts..."

"Uh..." Concubine Li Man was dumbfounded.

"I want... against the sky..."

"Crack!" Concubine Li Man slapped Zhou Xiaochun awake: "Ni you big-headed ghost, get up quickly!"

Zhou Xiaochun opened his eyes in a daze, looked at the stunning beauty who was close at hand, and said dissatisfiedly: "Mom, you disturbed my sweet dreams."

"Dream your head, get up quickly, you have to go to school today, you can't sleep in late." Li Manfei said: "Hurry up and wash your face and brush your teeth, and report to school with your dad after breakfast."

After Concubine Li Man went out, Zhou Xiaochun glanced at the date on the phone, it showed: September 2030, 9.

Today is the first day of high school.

"That's right!" Zhou Xiaochun suddenly remembered what happened yesterday, and hurriedly looked through his schoolbag. Inside was a five-yuan note, a one-yuan coin, and a copper plate that he picked up last night.

"Everything that happened yesterday was not a dream."

"What happened last night was definitely not a dream!"

Zhou Xiaochun watched again in his mind, the system really existed, and he was immediately invigorated: "My Zhou Xiaochun's spring has come! I want to marry Bai Fumei, I want to go against the sky..."

(End of this chapter)

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