Super halo system

Chapter 24 Share Distribution

Chapter 24 Share Distribution
Only one thousand Force Index, Zhou Xiaochun can afford it now.

Now his reputation is being known by more and more people quickly because of the advertisement, and the force index will also increase!
At the entrance of the Tiansong Rune Shop, Lian Song looked away, and was about to turn around and go back to the shop when he accidentally touched a decorative vase.

A person-high decorative vase suddenly fell to the side.

Lian Song's face changed slightly, this was not an ordinary decoration, but an antique, he hurriedly reached out to hold it.

Lian Song accidentally bumped into a guest because of nervousness, the guest staggered and rushed forward.


The front counter was directly knocked over, and some of the decorations inside fell out and all shattered.

The guest's expression changed drastically, he quickly got up and pointed at Lian Song angrily: "Why did you push me?"

"I didn't do it on purpose." Lian Song frowned: "You don't need to pay."

It is impossible for Lian Song, who is used to being arrogant, to apologize to this guest.

The guest didn't know that Lian Song was the owner here, so he shouted directly: "You don't have to pay if you say you don't have to pay? I..."

The guest suddenly stepped on a glass ball and fell backwards, behind which was the corner of the glass counter.

If this hit is real, it might kill someone.

"Be careful..." Lian Song's complexion changed again, it would be very unlucky if someone died on such a good day today, he hurriedly dodged to hold the guest back.

"Clang clang..."

It was no coincidence that the glass ball that was stepped on and flew out just smashed the antique decoration at the door.

Now, the guest was really dumbfounded, and tremblingly said: "I didn't mean to..."


After Zhou Xiaochun washed his face, he immediately called his parents.

Happiness Community, the seventh floor of the apartment.

Concubine Li Man, who had already cooked the dishes, was about to make dinner when she heard her cell phone ringing and hurriedly connected: "Xiaochun, congratulations, you are going to be the boss."

Zhou Dachun, who was still kneeling by the kitchen door, suddenly had bright eyes.

"Mom, do you know?" Zhou Xiaochun asked.

"Of course, otherwise how can I be your mother?" Concubine Li proudly said, "But I have something to do with your father, so I can't go to your company's ribbon-cutting ceremony. Do you want to talk to your father?"

Concubine Li Man handed the mobile phone to Zhou Dachun who was kneeling on the ground.

Zhou Dachun lifted his spirits immediately, and said with a smile: "Son, come on, you must hold your head high during the ribbon-cutting ceremony, that's the most attractive to beauties..."

Concubine Li Man snatched the phone away, gave Zhou Dachun a hard look, and then continued to say some 'nasty' words to Zhou Xiaochun.

A few minutes later, Concubine Li Man hung up the phone, put the food on the table, and glanced at Zhou Dachun not far away: "Come over and eat."

Zhou Dachun's eyes lit up, he hurriedly stood up, and sat down happily: "I knew my wife was the best..."

His voice stopped abruptly and turned into a scream: "Why are they all peppers?"

The bowl in front of Zhou Dachun was full of peppers, and it was Chaotian pepper, the hottest kind, but even if it was pepper, it was still fragrant.

Concubine Li Man smiled sweetly and said, "They fried it for you on purpose."

"Ah? You, just fried it for so long just to...fry chili peppers for me to eat?" Zhou Dachun was stunned.

"Don't you think the dishes I cook are not tasty? Have you started to dislike them?" Concubine Li Man was aggrieved, wanting to cry.

"Hey, I didn't mean that, okay, okay, don't cry my wife, I'll eat, I'll eat..."

With a bitter face, Zhou Dachun bit the bullet and insisted on eating Chaotianjiao as a meal.

Concubine Li Man laughed very happily, how could she look like she was about to cry?
"Hmph, let's see how dare you still mess around with women outside in the future!"


Zhou Xiaochun finally came to his company. The luxurious layout here is simply astonishing.

This is definitely not something that ordinary new companies can have, and it doesn't seem to have just been renovated.

"How is it? Surprised?" Yuan Yun smiled.

"This is my company?" Zhou Xiaochun was a little suspicious.

There are only three people here: Teacher Yang Mengqi, Ke Ying, and a middle-aged beautiful woman.

That middle-aged beautiful woman is quite beautiful, about 35 years old, she looks somewhat similar to Ke Ying.

"That's right. But it wasn't here a day ago, but it is now, and only a few places have been modified." Yuan Yun said.

At this moment, Teacher Yang Mengqi, Ke Ying, and that beautiful woman all stood up and walked towards Zhou Xiaochun.

Ke Ying's dress today is a little different from the past. It doesn't look like a girly queen, but a bit of a princess look, because she wears two braids, put down in front of her ears, and the hair behind her hangs down naturally.

"Xiaochun, I haven't seen you for many years. You have grown up so much." The middle-aged beautiful woman smiled.

"You are...Liang Xinyue, Aunt Yue?" Zhou Xiaochun guessed.

The reason why I guessed here is because this beautiful woman looks very similar to Ke Ying.

"You still remember Aunt Yue, Aunt Yue is very happy." Liang Xinyue showed a gentle smile: "The last time I saw you, you were only four years old, and you became so old in a blink of an eye."

"This..." Zhou Xiaochun couldn't believe it, because Liang Xinyue should be his mother Concubine Li Man's best friend.

However, Concubine Li Man looked only 25 or 35 years old, but the beautiful woman in front of her was at least [-] years old.

"Could it be that my mother and this Aunt Yue are old friends?" Zhou Xiaochun guessed in his heart.

"Are you wondering why Aunt Yue is so old?" Liang Xinyue seemed to see what Zhou Xiaochun was thinking and said with a smile.

"No, absolutely not. Aunt Yue is so young and beautiful. If I didn't know that Squad Leader Ke Ying is Aunt Yue's daughter, I would have thought it was a sister." Zhou Xiaochun said immediately.

"Hehe, your mouth is quite sweet." Liang Xinyue smiled, and then looked at Ke Ying beside her.

At this time, Ke Ying handed over a stack of materials to Zhou Xiaochun. I don't know if it was an illusion, but Zhou Xiaochun noticed that Ke Ying's pretty face turned slightly red.

But soon Ke Ying returned to normal, and said lightly: "This is the company's share distribution, take a look, if you can, sign it."


Zhou Xiaochun really didn't understand these things, but he still read them seriously.

Seeing this, he was suddenly in a daze.

Because, here, there are actually several shareholders.

Zhou Xiaochun himself is of course the largest shareholder, owning 70.00% of the shares, while Ke Ying owns 20.00% of the shares.

In addition, Teacher Yang Mengqi has [-]% of the shares, and even Yuan Yun has [-]% of the shares.

The last remaining shares are reserved for rewards or loose shares and so on.

"This... can you explain it?" Zhou Xiaochun asked doubtfully.

He was not surprised that Ke Ying had shares, because Ke Ying helped to open this company.

But, why even Teacher Yang Mengqi and Yuan Yun have shares?
"Let me tell." Liang Xinyue smiled and said, "As the boss and also the supporter of this company, you are the one who provides the mainstream goods. But as a rune master, you can't manage the company, right? So, the management Let Xiao Sakura take care of things, she will be the CEO and be responsible for everything in the company, you just provide rune products and get money."

"As for Teacher Yang Mengqi and this classmate Yuan Yun, they also know a little about runes, and they can help make some small accessories, and also help manage the company's daily life, sales of goods, etc."

"The rune company is not an ordinary company. It is similar to a jewelry store, but it is better than a jewelry store. It has a lot to do with it. It needs strong people to sit in charge. Xiao Ying and Yuan Yun can be regarded as strong people in charge of the company. Teacher Yang Mengqi , she is also a pseudo-rune teacher, and she is better at managing rune companies than ordinary employees."

"By the way, the office building here, as well as the store below, were bought by my family, Xiao Ying, with her own money, but not with your parents' money."

Liang Xinyue said a lot of words that Zhou Xiaochun didn't quite understand, and finally said with a smile: "Your parents also agree."

(End of this chapter)

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