Super halo system

Chapter 226 Eternal Longevity Technique!

Chapter 226 Eternal Longevity Technique!
Di Yuan's pupils shrank, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes, but he quickly suppressed it. He has never been an impulsive person. There are strong men from the Immortal Academy here. If someone kills someone here, they will definitely be killed by the strong men from the Immortal Academy. punish.

If ordinary people were killed, perhaps the experts from the Changsheng Academy would not care about it, but this week Xiaochun's grades are so good, if he is killed, he must be in trouble.

From the beginning to the end, Di Yuan never thought about whether he could kill Zhou Xiaochun. He felt that if he wanted to kill Zhou Xiaochun, it was just a matter of flipping hands.

"It's all about luck!" Kun Ru gave Zhou Xiaochun a cold look.

"Then why don't you look for dog shit?" Zhou Xiaochun looked at Kunru playfully.

"Are you talking to me?" Kunru said indifferently, with a high tone, looking down at Zhou Xiaochun.

"What's wrong with you? I don't know how to think that other people will be as useless as you?" Zhou Xiaochun sneered without any fear.

The people around were astonished, Zhou Xiaochun dared to contradict Kunru, he didn't know what to do.

"Don't he know that Kunru is a member of the royal family of the Shuiyuan Empire?"

"It is said that the Kun clan is the descendant of the ancient Kunpeng, with amazing talents, and there must be some strong people in this clan, and few people dare to provoke them."

"I've also heard that this clan is very protective of their shortcomings. That Zhou Xiaochun dared to talk back to Kunru, I'm afraid I'm in trouble."

Many people communicated secretly, and they were not optimistic about Zhou Xiaochun.

"You're fine!" Kunru gave Zhou Xiaochun a cold look, already condemning him to death.

"Hehe..." Zhou Xiaochun smiled slightly, not caring at all.

Lin Muxi hurriedly pulled Zhou Xiaochun, worried that Zhou Xiaochun would anger Kunru. She grew up in the Water Yuan Empire and knew the strength of the royal family of the Water Yuan Empire.

The strong men of the Changsheng Academy saw this scene and did not stop it. Although the competition among the students may cause hatred, it is also a kind of competition.

Soon, the ranking came out. Zhou Xiaochun and Lin Muxi tied for No.1, and they will get the best treatment.

Next came Di Yuan, then Kunru, Pang Yansang, and Hu Xiaoxiao.

The powerhouse of the Longevity Academy finally announced that those who need to go back can go back now, and those who don't need to go back can rest here for a while, and then directly take the magic weapon spaceship to the Longevity Academy.

No one left. After everyone came here, they never thought of leaving. They all wanted to enter the Longevity Academy.

Because the Longevity Academy is too mysterious in the eyes of everyone, and I think that I can learn real skills there and make myself a master.

Zhou Xiaochun and Lin Muxi left the crowd and came to the beach, watching the endless sea, waiting silently.

Others also scattered around, waiting slowly.

It didn't make people wait for long. About two hours later, an astonishing coercion descended, and then an old man appeared above the island as if out of thin air.

Everyone turned their heads subconsciously, only to see the old man wave his hand, and a [-]-meter-long boat appeared out of thin air.

Then, everyone was lifted up by an irresistible force and flew towards the big ship.

Zhou Xiaochun was also shocked in his heart, this force was completely irresistible, it was too strong, even the ninth-level powerhouses of the Spiritual Martial Realm were far from being so strong.

"At least he is a powerful person in the divine martial realm!" Zhou Xiaochun was shocked.

The strong men from the Longevity Academy also flew onto the treasure ship, and the old man in charge said to everyone, "This is the Eastern Headmaster of the Longevity Academy."

The headmaster Dongfang was the old man who appeared suddenly. He glanced at everyone and waved his hand. The spaceship left the island at an astonishing speed.

"Do strong people like to show off so much?" Zhou Xiaochun curled his lips inwardly.

"Everyone, choose a room to practice. You don't need to move around. We will arrive at Changsheng School in about a day." The old man who spoke before spoke again.

After hearing this, everyone spread out and started looking for a room.

Zhou Xiaochun shamelessly pulled Lin Muxi into a room with him.

"What do you want?" Lin Muxi looked at Zhou Xiaochun vigilantly, her face flushed slightly.

"Mu Xi, look at this moment in the spring night, it is worth a thousand gold, we..." Zhou Xiaochun chuckled, wanting to make out with Lin Muxi.

"No." Lin Muxi blushed, pushed Zhou Xiaochun away, and glared at him angrily.

Zhou Xiaochun chuckled, but he didn't force her. He also found a place to practice cross-legged.

Seeing Zhou Xiaochun settled down, Lin Muxi breathed a sigh of relief, and then she began to practice with a sweet smile on her pretty face.

The road was very peaceful. One day later, the treasure ship flew across the endless ocean, entered the world of Tianmu, and arrived at the Academy of Immortality.

After Zhou Xiaochun and Lin Muxi walked out of the room again, they saw a majestic and simple academy.

It was an endless building complex, full of vicissitudes of life.

"Is this the Changsheng Academy?" Lin Muxi was shocked.

"It feels more amazing than the Great Divine Sect!" Zhou Xiaochun was also shocked.


Suddenly, rays of white light shot into Zhou Xiaochun and others, and suddenly everyone who had obtained the water element stone had a jade plaque on their body.

"This is your identity card, imprint your mark on yourself, and you will be members of the Changsheng Academy from now on." Dongfang Zhangjiao said.

The spaceship treasure moved forward slowly, and Zhou Xiaochun and others saw the gate of the Changsheng Academy.

The gate is as tall as a mountain, very majestic, making people suspect that this is the world of giants.

At the gate of the Changsheng Academy, there is a huge stone turtle, exuding a simple and simple atmosphere.

"Stay with the handyman, the rest of you will follow me." Headmaster Dongfang said, and with a wave of his hand, all the handyman disciples flew out automatically, leaving only Zhou Xiaochun and all the others who had obtained the Water Elemental Stone.

The spaceship continued to move forward, flew into the interior of the academy, and flew over a large building complex.

Zhou Xiaochun and the others looked at the scene below in astonishment, and saw huge white cranes flying, and occasionally saw people practicing swords on the top of the mountain, or practicing alone.

"In Changsheng Academy, there are no outer disciples, only inner disciples and core disciples. If your potential is exhausted, you can apply to leave, or apply to become a deacon." Headmaster Dongfang glanced at everyone and said calmly: "You can't be admitted to Changsheng Academy. Raise waste, if you want to get more resources, work hard on your own.”

Not long after, the spaceship stopped on a huge mountain, and the spaceship disappeared out of thin air. Zhou Xiaochun and others were supported by a force and fell to the ground.

"You are not allowed to leave this place within one year. After one year, I hope you will be stronger than now!"

Master Dongfang waved his hand, and Zhou Xiaochun and the others were immediately separated by a terrifying force, flying to the caves in the distance.


Zhou Xiaochun had just entered the cave, when suddenly the stone door at the entrance of the cave was shut with a bang.

"Fuck, what's the situation?"

Zhou Xiaochun was stunned, he must have boarded a pirate ship, right?
But soon he knew what was going on. There was something like a six-pointed star array in the cave, and he was fixed on it by mysterious power.

The next moment, a vast force came, and then a huge amount of information flooded into his mind.

"Inheritance, open!"

A message appeared in Zhou Xiaochun's mind, simple and vicissitudes, as if it came from eternity.

"The eternal longevity skill begins to be passed down!"

A wave of information poured into Zhou Xiaochun's mind domineeringly, Zhou Xiaochun was stunned, and then cursed in his heart: "What the hell, is this inheritance? This is a forced inheritance? Don't do it?"

But no one answered him, he seemed to be trapped in a weird space.


Suddenly, Zhou Xiaochun sensed a source-like energy, and he lifted his spirits, released his mental power, and touched that energy.

The next moment, he only felt a bang in his mind, and then lost consciousness.

[Ask for tickets, ask for all kinds! 】

(End of this chapter)

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