Super halo system

Chapter 148 Grow Zombie Teeth? (5 more)

Chapter 148 Grow Zombie Teeth? (five more)
Several doctors hurriedly gathered around.

The instrument shows that the patient's heart rate is rapidly slowing down, and the heart rate is gradually calming down.

After 2 minutes, the patient's heartbeat dropped to the lowest level, and everyone's heart was about to jump into their throats. Then they were pleasantly surprised to find that the patient's heartbeat speed began to rise again.

"It's getting faster, it's getting faster..." the old military doctor exclaimed.

However, the situation did not seem to improve. After the patient's heart rate reached normal speed, it was still rising.

"How did this happen? Damn it, is there still no way?" A military doctor was anxious.

"Look, Doctor Wang, it's stable, it's stable..." a nurse exclaimed in surprise.

Everyone took a closer look and was suddenly ecstatic.

Because, the heart rate of this patient who almost turned into pus and blood has stabilized at this time, but it is much faster than that of normal people.

"Quick, check his condition quickly." The old military doctor ordered.

During this process, Zhou Xiaochun acted again, forcibly extracting the super hematopoietic factor from all the patients in the tent.

Simple, violent!

This is Zhou Xiaochun's method. Although he can't stop the spread of the super hematopoietic factor, he can directly strip those things out.

It has to be said that the rune scientist's mental power is really powerful, it can penetrate into the human body.

Although Zhou Xiaochun's mental power is not yet fine enough to scan a single cell, he can pack and take away all the hematopoietic factors within that range.

This caused him to draw out not only the super hematopoietic factor, but also a large amount of blood.

"Stable, stable..."

"He didn't continue to increase his blood volume!"

"Great, he survived, and it looks like he won't turn into pus and blood!"

All the military doctors were jubilant, busy up and down.

"Unbelievable, this is simply unbelievable!"

"This unscientific……"


The old military doctor and others looked at the medical equipment in disbelief.

"What's wrong?" Ke Dadong asked.

Dr. Wang Jun explained: "The patient's condition has stabilized, but their heart function has generally doubled. Now that they have been drained of so much blood, they should be regarded as anemic, and they may even die from excessive blood loss, but they are not at all. , their condition does not look like bleeding at all."

Ke Dadong looked at the skinny patients on the hospital bed, and asked in disbelief: "You mean, not only did they survive, but they are also better than before?"

"It can be said that their bodies have been modified. The whole body is equivalent to blood. This means that they will almost never suffer from ischemia. Unless their blood is really drained, there will never be excessive blood loss. and death." Dr. Wang's lips trembled a little.

This kind of thing is simply unscientific and difficult to understand.


Suddenly a nurse screamed.

"What's wrong?" Ke Dadong asked.

"He...he..." There was a look of horror in the nurse's eyes.

"What's the matter?" Ke Dadong asked.

"He...has teeth..." The nurse pointed at the patient on the hospital bed in horror.

"Huh?" Zhou Xiaochun, who had just stopped, hurried over.

"Long tooth?"

Ke Dadong and others also hurried over.


"How could this be?"

Under the inconceivable gaze of Ke Dadong and others, the person on the hospital bed was growing two fangs at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Zombie teeth..."

Everyone was taken aback, and even more tempted to panic.

"Did something change happen to them?"

"How to do?"

"Damn it, I knew it couldn't be solved that easily!"

All the military doctors panicked and were at a loss.

"By the way, little ghost... no, little fairy..." Doctor Wang finally thought of Zhou Xiaochun.

Everyone subconsciously looked at Zhou Xiaochun. It was really amazing what Zhou Xiaochun did just now, because even today's medical technology is unable to extract that super hematopoietic factor.

Even if the patient's blood is completely drained, it will not work, because there are more super hematopoietic factors hidden in the patient's bones and flesh.

"Little God, look quickly, how did they become like this?" Doctor Wang called out, changing the name of Zhou Xiaochun.

"I'm not a god." Zhou Xiaochun said with a sneer.

"No, no, you pull them all back from the gate of hell, you are their god." The old military doctor also completely changed his attitude towards Zhou Xiaochun.

The old military doctor said: "Little friend, can you see anything? Is there any way to curb their mutation?"

Zhou Xiaochun didn't get angry because of the previous incident, he scanned the patient's body again with mental power.

Soon, Zhou Xiaochun came to a conclusion: "Their bodies have been modified by the super hematopoietic factor, although they will no longer turn into pus and blood, but the cells in their whole body have blood attributes, even the bones have similar attributes to blood. In addition, as far as I know, the blood gods, um, that is, the blood demons, the blood gods also have fangs, they should be assimilated by blood poison, and have some of the abilities of the blood gods."

"Then will something happen to them?" Ke Dadong worried.

"Will they become vampires?" Doctor Wang was even more worried about this.

"I don't know about this. I suggest that they be isolated and observed for a period of time." Zhou Xiaochun said: "At present, their lives are not in danger."

Hearing this, Ke Dadong ordered all the teething patients to be isolated for observation without further ado, and at the same time took a deep look at Zhou Xiaochun.

"Xiaochun, how did you do it?"

After leaving the medical tent, Ke Dadong looked at Zhou Xiaochun in surprise.

Zhou Xiaochun smiled mysteriously: "I am a rune master, and a rune master has ways of a rune master."

"Rune master?" Ke Dadong's eyes lit up: "You mean, the rune master has a way to deal with blood poison?"

"I don't know if other rune masters can do it, because as far as I know, each rune master's ability will be different, and some rune masters may not be real rune masters."

Having said that, Zhou Xiaochun paused for a moment before continuing: "In the world of statues, rune masters are called rune scientists, who have incredible abilities. They don't know medical skills, but they can cure diseases and save people. They are not alchemists, but they can create alchemy treasures." , in short, rune scientists are very evil."

"Rune scientist?" Ke Dadong murmured in surprise.

"Uncle Ke, can you return my things to me?" Zhou Xiaochun said.

Hearing this, Ke Dadong hesitated, and called out from the warrior terminal.

Not long after, a soldier came with a box, handed it to Ke Dadong, and then left.

Ke Dadong opened the box, and a dazzling golden light suddenly radiated out.

Ke Dadong carefully took out a metal shaped like a honeycomb, looked at Zhou Xiaochun, and asked, "How do you use this thing?"

"Ah? How to use what?" Zhou Xiaochun was puzzled.

Ke Dadong asked with a half-smile: "I heard that after you hold this thing, you are invulnerable, even the helicopter was shot down by you."

(End of this chapter)

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