Super halo system

Chapter 107 Mundo

Chapter 107 Mundo
"It's over, there won't be any nails underneath, will it?"

Zhou Xiaochun thought in horror, and at the same time took out the floating jade talisman that was used once as quickly as possible.

The spiritual power communicated with the jade talisman, and a buoyancy enveloped Zhou Xiaochun, causing his body, which was falling rapidly, to float up, and gradually stopped the car.

At this moment, Zhou Xiaochun was hanging in mid-air, with rays of light shining in from above, and the depth below was bottomless.

"Oh my god, what is this place? Why is there such a deep hole?"

Zhou Xiaochun was a little terrified, this place didn't look like a trap, who would come here to dig a trap?
The most important thing is that this hole is too deep, who would dig the trap so deep?

I wanted to leave this strange place quickly, but suddenly Zhou Xiaochun saw traces of runes that seemed to disappear in a flash.

"what's the situation?"

Zhou Xiaochun gasped in surprise. He glanced at the floating jade talisman. The jade talisman could last up to 5 minutes, so he gritted his teeth and decided to go down to have a look.

The hole is very regular, like a well.

Zhou Xiaochun slowly descended for about 100 meters before finally reaching the bottom.

The ground here is very flat. After Zhou Xiaochun landed on the ground, he observed carefully and found that runes flashed on the ground from time to time, and every ten seconds or so, densely packed runes would light up.

This kind of rune is different from any rune he has seen before. Those runes are all colored, but the runes here have no color and are almost completely transparent.

Dense runes spread all over the flat ground under his feet.

Although he had never seen this kind of runes before, Zhou Xiaochun had a strange feeling that these runes were binding something, or in other words, suppressing, or sealing.

This is entirely a kind of intuition, an instinctive feeling for runes.

Zhou Xiaochun wanted to study these runes, but soon he found helplessly that he couldn't study them at all and didn't understand them at all.

It's like a newborn baby, let him learn English, even Japanese, etc., he can't even speak, he doesn't even know how to write, don't talk about understanding.

The esoteric level of this transparent rune far exceeded Zhou Xiaochun's imagination.


Suddenly, there was a horrific scream in front of him.

Zhou Xiaochun immediately shuddered and looked up, only to realize that there was a passage here.

The passage was pitch-black, very gloomy, and I don't know if it was an illusion, but Zhou Xiaochun seemed to feel black air coming out of the ground.

"There will be no ghosts?"

Zhou Xiaochun trembled, but he was even more curious about the scream, it was definitely a human voice, who was screaming?

Driven by strong curiosity, Zhou Xiaochun walked forward cautiously. There was no light here, and Zhou Xiaochun could only see two meters away.

Fortunately, the passage wasn't very long, and after only walking about twenty meters, Zhou Xiaochun saw a light ahead, and when he took a closer look, his eyes widened.

At the end of the passage is a sort of cell with a man in chains.

The man's hair was disheveled, his upper body was bare, his muscular body, chest muscles, abdominal muscles, etc., made Zhou Xiaochun feel a little embarrassed because he didn't have any muscles.

Suddenly the man shook his arms violently, and suddenly the thick iron chains in the cell danced wildly, like spiders.

The man's strength is very frightening, but the iron chain is not easy and cannot be broken free.

"Thai, you want to lock me forever, no way!"

The man roared and struggled vigorously, but the fully transparent runes occasionally flashed on the iron chain, which seemed to be able to restrain the power in the man's body.


The howling sound like a beast came from the man's mouth, which made Zhou Xiaochun feel terrified in the dark. He felt that this man was definitely very powerful, so powerful that he couldn't imagine it.

"When I, Mondo, leave, that will be the day when Thai style is extinct!!!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

The man with disheveled hair roared and struggled, even Zhou Xiaochun was tired of listening, he was still roaring.

Zhou Xiaochun got a little annoyed by hearing this, hesitated for a while, walked out and asked, "Doesn't your throat hurt?"

The man's shouting stopped abruptly, he looked at Zhou Xiaochun who suddenly appeared in astonishment, and then said coldly: "Who are you?"


Zhou Xiaochun hesitated slightly, and said, "My name is Zhou Xiaochun."

"Get 20 Force Index!"

A notification sound suddenly appeared in his mind, causing Zhou Xiaochun's eyes to widen instantly.

20! ! !
Hold a grass, who is this man?

According to Zhou Xiaochun's guess and conclusion, he thinks that the more famous and powerful a person should be, knowing his name will give him more force index.

The force index he obtained from one person before was at most less than one hundred.

But on this man, he directly obtained 20 force index.


At the same time, Zhou Xiaochun felt a second red light spot appear on the miniature earth in his mind.


Australia, on a plain, is sparsely populated. It is a world of wild animals, and wolves are frequent.


Suddenly, the ground trembled, and a crack stretched for thousands of meters in an instant, and the crack grew rapidly.

Like the Great Qianshan, there is also a magical passage here, and at the end of the passage is an unknown unknown world.


Under the ground at the foot of the Great God Sect, Zhou Xiaochun stared dumbfounded at the man in front of him, and at the same time, he also noticed the change in his mind.

"Aren't you Thai?"

The man let out a surprise, and then said indifferently: "Boy, now there is an opportunity in front of you, as long as you kowtow to me 81 times, call me master, and do some things for me, I can pass on your supernatural powers! "

"What do you want to do for you?" Zhou Xiaochun asked curiously.

"Catch ninety-nine 81 girls to come here, and use their blood to water this pattern under my feet. Remember, those girls must be born in the same year, the same month, and the same day, and they must be virgins." The man said.

Zhou Xiaochun looked down, only to find that there was a strange pattern under the man's feet, and the chains on the man's body seemed to come out of the pattern.

Moreover, those chains seem to be continuously absorbing black energy from the man, and I don't know why there is so much black energy in the body of this man who looks like 'Mundo'.

"81? Virgins?" Zhou Xiaochun asked in surprise.

"Yes." The man said indifferently: "As long as you can do it, I, Mundo, promise to pass on your supreme magic power."

"Will those girls die?" Zhou Xiaochun asked again.

"Of course." Mundo sneered: "As long as you have supreme mana, you can do whatever you want, and no one can stop you!"

"What is supreme mana? Is it very powerful?" Zhou Xiaochun asked again.

"Of course, it's a small matter to smash a world with a slap." Mundo said proudly.

Zhou Xiaochun didn't speak any more, but looked at Mondo's lower body, and raised his hand to grab it from the air.

Mondo was stunned for a moment and asked in confusion: "What are you doing?"

"Bird Capture Master!"

Zhou Xiaochun did not hesitate to use the bird-stalking magic hand, and an invisible force immediately acted on Mondo's bird.

Mondo immediately felt his bird being pulled, and what made him even more dazed was that his bird was shrinking rapidly.

(End of this chapter)

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