Chapter 64 Old Sow Nursing Task (Part [-])
"No matter what decision His Majesty makes, I will always stand by His Majesty's side."

The blood in Li Xiaogong's heart was also ignited by Li Shimin's words.

"Okay, that's it."

"Look at this agreement signed by Zhijie and them."

"After seven days, it will be their end."

"Seven days later, it will also be a day of cheers for Chang'an City and the soldiers and common people of the world."


Afterwards, everyone discussed in the royal study room for a long time, including many details, which were considered over and over again.

By the time everyone left the imperial study room, the moon was already hanging high above their heads.

Li Shimin walked quickly to the Ganlu Hall.

Li Shimin was in a good mood, even when the bright moonlight fell on him, he felt soft and warm.

"Erlang, why are you back so late!"

"The concubine has been waiting for Erlang for a long time."

Seeing Li Shimin coming in, the Guanyin servant girl leaned on the pillow and said softly.

"Guanyin maidservant, we are rich. I will ask the Ministry of Internal Affairs to make you ten new sets of clothes tomorrow."

"When I heard what Cheng An said that day, I felt very uncomfortable!"

"It's my fault that the maidservant Guanyin hasn't bought a new dress for a year."

"Now that we finally have money, we owe it to Cheng An. If it wasn't for him, I would still be in a state of desperation!"

After hearing Li Shimin's words, Guanyin servant girl sat up happily.

"Erlang, could it be that the 1 taels of silver you mentioned yesterday have arrived?"

"Haha, haha, it's not just 1 taels, it's a total of 5 taels of silver. If Cheng An knew about this, he wouldn't be satisfied."

When the Guanyin servant girl heard the words, she covered her mouth in surprise.

"Erlang, why is this kid Chengan dissatisfied?"

"Guanyin maidservant, Cheng An told Cheng Yaojin to take back 10 taels of snowflake silver."

Hearing Li Shimin's words, Guanyin servant girl laughed.

"Erlang, Cheng'an is a real kid. 1 taels of silver is enough to shock a concubine, let alone 5 taels. How can this kid be so sure that they are so rich that he will make an appointment with General Cheng?" The goal of this hundred thousand snowflake silver."

"Guanyin maidservant, this child really surprised me. This set of tactics really impresses me."

"Let's go to bed early. If we don't go to bed, the morning time will be here soon."

"Right now, we only know about this matter with two hands. The Guanyin servant girl must remember not to tell others. The most critical day will be after seven days."

Li Shimin embraced the Guanyin servant girl, and said solemnly.

Maid Guanyin nodded in Li Shimin's arms.

Then the hot body became tighter and tighter.

When they become one person, they finally separate.

The two of them fell asleep happily and contentedly.

In the tent by the Weishui River, Li Chengan was woken up by Chang Le pinching his nose.

"Brother Chengan, the sun is already drying your butt, and you are still sleeping in."

"I agreed to take Changle to continue hunting today. Changle's colorful feathers are not enough to make a lupin for the queen mother."

After hearing Chang Le's words, although Li Chengan was very reluctant, he had no choice but to get up.

As the emperor's brother, I still have to set a good example for Changle.

After a simple breakfast, Li Chengan took Changle and set off for Zhongnan Mountain with satisfaction seeing hundreds of craftsmen refining a lot of refined salt in full swing.

Cheng Chumo and Yuchi Baolin naturally followed closely, and even Yuzhi and Xiaocui got into the carriage.

When passing by the door of a common people's house, suddenly a dozen black pigs ran out like having fun, and headed straight for Li Chengan's carriage.

There were so many black pigs that Cheng Chumo and Yuchi Baolin were at a loss.

Seeing that this steed was about to be frightened.

Li Chengan dismounted quickly, the speed was so fast that both Yuchi Baolin and Cheng Chumo were stunned.

The leading big black pig was directly knocked unconscious by Li Chengan.

"Ding, it was detected that this pig has just been pregnant and is suitable for sow care techniques."

"May I ask if the host accepts the task of nursing the old sow? The difficulty of the task is ordinary. The task objective is to raise all twelve piglets in the sow to adult pigs. The task rewards the title of Little Pig Raising Expert, and depending on the host's completion of the task, the reward attribute Points or a chance to win a lottery.”

Li Chengan was overjoyed when he heard this.

Changle is really his lucky star.

This time it actually triggered a system task.

And there are attribute points and lottery rewards, fools don't accept them.

Isn’t it just raising pigs?It's a big deal.

"Accept the mission immediately."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for accepting the task of nursing the old sow."

"The time limit for this task is one year. Within one year, the host only needs to raise twelve piglets to grow into adults, bah, raise them into pigs."

"The system will issue rewards immediately."

An old sow passed out on the ground, and the others immediately scattered like birds and beasts.

Hearing the noise outside, a young couple walked out quickly.

Seeing that there were two luxurious carriages, the young couple knew that they had met a wealthy family on a regular basis.

The two quickly saluted.

"The pigs at home are running around and disturbing everyone, so I apologize to you all."

"Brother, sister-in-law, it's all my fault. I confiscated it all at once and beat your sow to death."

"How much is this pig, you can set a price, it is considered that I bought it."

Naturally, Li Chengan couldn't reveal his identity as a prince in front of the common people, otherwise it would definitely scare the common people.

"Sir, this thing is worthless. It's just our luck that it didn't disturb you."

"On weekdays, this sow is dishonest. If it dies, it will die. It's just a beast."

The young man quickly responded.

"Yuzhi, give them twenty copper coins, and some salt for the villagers if they're right."

Faced with the simple and kind people, Li Chengan really couldn't bear it, so he just took away the old sow who brought him luck.

Otherwise, my conscience will not be at peace.

"Young master, twenty copper coins were used there, this beast is not worth a single coin."

"My fellow, please accept it, my son is a kind son."

"Use this salt too. Seeing your sallow complexion, you must have had no salt for a long time."

Miss Yuzhi put a handful of salt into the young woman's hand.

Naturally, these salts were taken to Zhongnan Mountain for barbecue.

However, since His Highness told the villagers to give something, Miss Yuzhi naturally did not dare to disobey His Highness's wishes, and at the same time was very moved by His Highness's kind heart.

"Young master, great grace. We kowtowed to you."

"With this salt, the two children in the family can continue to live."

The couple fell to their knees with a loud bang, sobbing so excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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