rise of empire total war

Chapter 98 The Battle of the Plains of Luwen (Ravana Cavalry Charge)

Chapter 98 The Battle of the Plains of Luwen (Ravana Cavalry Charge)

"Speed ​​up! Our army will win!"

Riding his horse on the flat ground between the woods, Sir Frank shouted loudly. He came to this world with the feudal knights from Prussia and was appointed as the commander of the feudal knights because of his superb riding skills and rich combat experience. In fact, this jazz who rose to power by fighting against heretics is indeed a qualified cavalry commander.


The smoke and dust raised by nearly [-] cavalry horses covered everything around them, and the sound of rumbling horseshoes was like thunder on the ground, making the ground tremble and at the same time revealing their existence.

"This is……"

Feeling the slight vibration on the ground, King Oweko's expression changed, he muttered in a low voice, and then looked towards the direction where the low rumble came from, "Could this be..."

He didn't say the second half of the sentence, because there was no need to say it at all. In his surprised eyes, on the distant horizon, a large number of cavalry was moving fast, and the smoke and dust raised by the horses galloped In the middle, the army flag of the Kingdom of Ravana and the family flag of Count Cuban fluttered in the wind.

"Cavalry of the Kingdom of Ravana!"

On the battlefield, I don’t know who started shouting out. There was a commotion in the entire military formation. Every soldier looked in horror at the enemy cavalry that had never been seen before and suddenly appeared on the side of the battlefield. The Ravana Cavalry four years ago Their achievements are still deeply imprinted in their hearts. Although on the surface they have been forgotten for countless days and nights, when they see the galloping enemy cavalry, the painful memories of four years ago come back to them again. Their hearts felt cold all over, as if they had fallen into a ten thousand year ice cave, unable to move and could only tremble continuously.

Fortunately, in their terrified eyes, the cavalry of the Ravana Kingdom did not rush towards them, but rushed towards the main formation behind them—no, that was where the king was!

When everyone reacted, the Ravana cavalry had already rushed to the plain between the infantry and the main formation. Naturally, the troops still fighting fiercely with the Ravana infantry on the front line could not return to the defense in time, and could only watch helplessly. The main formation with few troops!
"Protect the king! Protect the king!"

In the formation, King Oweko, who knew that he had been targeted, looked ashen, holding the sword symbolizing royal power tightly in his hand. In front of him, the royal guards formed a tight formation to protect him heavily.King Oweko understood that he could only rely on the loyal guards in front of him. His cavalry was still mired in the quagmire of war on the left flank, and his infantry was also entangled by the enemy and could not return in time.

"People of Ramirez, your king will fight by your side!"

King Oweko, who was fully clothed, took a deep breath, walked to the first row of the Janissaries, and shouted loudly, the soldiers of the Janissaries around him were greatly encouraged by the king's behavior, and their expressions were also filled with excitement. Rising red, even if there is an unmatched enemy standing in front of them, they will fight to the last moment for the king!
However, Sir Frank did not pay attention to the behavior of the Ramirez people. He commanded the cavalry to gallop at high speed and held up his lance. More than two hundred feudal knights behind him gradually formed a huge conical cavalry formation while running. Knights have their own formation skills. This formation is suitable for cavalry to carry out forced assaults. Once the front end of the cone tears the enemy's defense line, the subsequent cavalry charging in the inverted triangle formation will continue to attack along this gap, and at the same time expand the range of the gap. , thus destroying the enemy's defense line in one fell swoop.

"Speed ​​up the horse and raise the spear level!"

While running at high speed, Sir Frank yelled loudly, and at the same time leveled his raised lance and clamped it under his armpit. Immediately afterwards, more than two hundred feudal knights behind him leveled their lances and clamped them under their armpits. Lean forward slightly, ready for the worst impact!
"Charge! For His Majesty Caesar!"

"Glory is my life!"

"Glory is my life!!!"

The more than two hundred feudal knights who formed the conical formation ran into the defense line formed by the Ramirez Imperial Guard head-on with an overwhelming momentum. The next second, the lance broke and the people turned on their backs. The guards who dared to block the heavy cavalry's charge path All the soldiers of the army were knocked into the air and knocked over. The impact force of the heavy cavalry in the high-speed charging state was comparable to that of a large truck, and it directly knocked the Ramirez Guards to a distance of tens of meters. The overturned infantry was caught under the hooves of the horses, and was trampled alive into a disgusting object made of flesh and steel.

The tight defense line of the Ramirez Praetorian Army was instantly torn apart by the charge of the heavy cavalry. When the conical formation of the cavalry pierced the front of the infantry defense line with all its strength concentrated, the heavy cavalry who followed followed closely behind. The gap charged forward, and the gap became bigger and bigger with the charge of the feudal knights, and the entire defense line was completely disintegrated as a result.

When the feudal knights broke through the defense line of the Janissary, before those soldiers of the Janissary who were lucky enough to survive the charge took a breath, the Ravana cavalry who followed the feudal knights followed closely, and they harvested the fragmented defense line soldiers.A Ravana knight steered his warhorse across layers of corpses, pierced the body of a Praetorian guard soldier before he could resist with his lance, then picked him up and dragged him on the ground for a long distance Before he stopped, there was already a long trail of blood behind him.

"Victory belongs to us! Victory belongs to the holy Caesar!"

Rushing to the front, Sir Frank, who was covered in blood, shouted loudly. He had already given up the broken lance, and drew out his sharp long sword, cutting off the flag of King Ramirez flying high.Watching the king's flag falling to the ground with the wind, he held up his sharp sword and led the cavalry to run again. Instead of turning around and charging again, he led the cavalry brigade around the main formation, walked out of a huge circle, and headed towards Lamy who was in the fierce battle. The rear of the Reis infantry rushed straight!

Before Sir Frank and the feudal knights charged, the morale of the Ramirez infantry had already been shaken. Those soldiers who did not participate in the battle at the end all witnessed the scene of the enemy's heavy cavalry breaking through the formation, the king's flag was chopped off, and the king The unknown of life and death made them lose the confidence to continue fighting.


On the way to charge the Ramirez infantry, following Sir Frank's order, the feudal knights disbanded the conical formation used for the forced assault, and then dispersed word by word.Pointing their sharp swords forward, they roared and launched the final charge to the enemy that will determine victory!

Just two words actually contained endless power. Amidst the roar of more than two hundred feudal knights and the horrified and desperate eyes of the soldiers in the back row, the cavalry crashed into the Ramirez infantry formation, although these knights did not Using lances, but the terrifying impact of the horses still caused heavy losses to the Ramirez infantry!
Looking at all this, the corners of Richard's mouth rose slightly. He knew that the victory of this war already belonged to him.

(End of this chapter)

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