rise of empire total war

Chapter 9 Canonization

Chapter 9 Canonization
As soon as they entered the grand theater, the lines of the drama performed inside were clearly heard by the two Richards. They quickly passed through the front hall and entered the wide circular theater. The design here is basically the same as the theater in the previous life. The auditorium surrounds the stage, which can better allow the actors' voices to echo in the venue.

The front row of the circular auditorium was basically full, so Douglas could only take Richard to a higher position in the back row and sit down. Sitting at a higher position would allow him to see more clearly, but the sound he heard would obviously be weakened many.

"This should be playing Goldsmith's Kitty War."

Looking at the actors on the stage dressed as soldiers of the city-state of Osa and their lines, Douglas said that he quickly realized that Richard had never heard of it, and explained: "Goldsmith is a famous actor of the city-state of Kitty. A tragic writer, the Kitty Wars written by him is the process of the expansion of the Kitty city-state a hundred years ago. Although the Kitty people have won many battles in the war, they were finally defeated by the coalition forces of other city-states. As a result, the main force was completely annihilated and devastated."

Richard nodded, and then looked at the Kitty soldier actor kneeling on the stage and crying loudly. This young actor wearing a Corinthian helmet and linen armor was narrating the story to the tragic music. When he was talking about the process of a decisive battle, white mist gradually floated behind him, followed by groups of actors and generals who also wore Kitty's military uniforms to resist the attacks of enemies coming from all directions.The battle didn't last long, and at the end, all the soldiers of the Kitty city-state died tragically, and the drama ended.

After the drama ended, all the actors gathered on the stage, bowed to the audience, and then walked off the stage in an orderly manner.Looking at these actors, Richard suddenly asked: "What is the popularity and income of these theater actors?"

"Although it can't be said to be very high, living in a place like the aristocratic area is no problem, and in the aristocratic circle, being able to invite a few well-known actors in the city to perform for your banquet proves the strength of the aristocrat. "

"So, the banquet at Trizzi Palace that day..."

"Don't you know that some of the most famous actors in the city performed for the guests before the banquet started, and they dare not refuse to invite them with the power of His Majesty the King."

Just as they were talking, the beeping sound of the trumpet sounded on the stage, and the attention of the two was attracted. Looking for their reputation, it turned out that a new drama was about to begin.


After watching three plays in a row, Richard and Douglas walked out of the grand theater. Looking at the already yellowing sky, Richard was startled that the time passed so quickly, and an afternoon passed without knowing it.

Time is running out, and after staying in Ravana City for a day or two at most, he has to leave for Kuban Island. The sooner he goes, the more time he can prepare for the revenge of the Moore pirates.

According to King Harlaus, the canonization ceremony will be held tomorrow, and after the ceremony, he will be a legal earl of the Kingdom of Ravana.

That's right, although there is no town or castle on Cuban Island, King Halaus still set the newly occupied Cuban Island as a new county and gave it to his grandson Richard.

After saying goodbye to Douglas, Richard walked towards Trizzi Palace along the street with Magnus, an officer of the Praetorian Guard who had been waiting outside for an afternoon, and several loyal soldiers.However, after walking a few streets, Magnus suddenly reminded Richard in a low voice: "Your Highness, we seem to be being followed."

"Who?" Richard was startled, and was about to turn his head to look behind him, but was stopped by Magnus, and he continued to whisper: "Don't turn your head to look, it will scare the snake, let's continue Let's go and see what the follower wants to do.

"Okay." Richard nodded, and continued to walk forward as if nothing had happened, but his mind was completely disturbed by the mysterious stalker, and he couldn't help glancing behind him from the corner of his eyes, but no matter how he glanced, he could only You can see the screen on both sides.

After continuing to walk for a while, the tall palace walls of the Trizzi Palace had entered Richard's eyes, but the stalker still did not make any moves, which made him gradually lower his vigilance. As long as he entered the heavily guarded palace, Then He is absolutely perfect.

Just as they approached the gate of the palace wall of Trizzi Palace, Magnus said again: "Your Highness, the man is gone, but I saw his clothes. He was wearing a gray robe, and his face was I can’t see clearly, but I can still vaguely see the goatee he has.”

"Goatee?" Richard secretly remembered that there were not many people with goatees in Ravana City, and none of the people he had met had a goatee.

Amidst Richard's annoyance over the mysterious stalker with the goatee, time slipped by, and soon came the next day, the day of the canonization ceremony.

The canonization ceremony was held in the main hall of the Trizzi Palace, and the nobles of the entire kingdom were basically present. They talked a lot about the new Count Cuban, guessing whether he would survive the future war of pirate revenge, or whether he would How to die and leave this world.

Everyone does not believe that Earl Cuban can rely on an island with nothing to defeat the possible pirate army. Oh no, in order to support the new Earl, His Majesty the King should give some support to his dear grandson, but these supports are obviously impossible. Too many, fighting against pirates is still a drop in the bucket.

During the discussion among the nobles, King Harolds in full costume appeared on the scene together with Richard, and the scene suddenly became quiet, only the sound of people's breathing could be heard.

Then, under the signal of the court steward, the trumpeter blew the instruments in their hands, and the ceremony officially began.

"Richard Stuart, come to me."

With people watching, King Haraus spoke majestically. Richard took a deep breath and walked slowly to the other party. Following the etiquette he had been taught before, he knelt on one knee, lowered his head, and looked at his own foot.

King Harolds got up slowly, pulled out his saber, and pressed it lightly against Richard's neck. The cold blade made the latter's skin crawl with goosebumps and made him feel uncomfortable all over.

"Richard Stuart, in the name of King Ravana, the supreme ruler of all Ravana people, I will give you Kuban Island and everything on the island. Will you swear to me?"

"I would like to swear allegiance to you, the great King Harolds. I swear by my sincerity. From now on, I will be loyal to King Harolds and fulfill all my obligations as a vassal. I will pay taxes on time. I May the sword fight for you, and never deceive!"

"Very well, from now on, you and your descendants will be the lord of Cuban Island, the earl of the kingdom." King Harlaus nodded and said with a smile, and the people around him also applauded. It blew again, and the whole hall became lively again.

However, the gloomy face of Bandar, the kingdom's military chief, stood out among the crowd.

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(End of this chapter)

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