Chapter 86 War
Two months have passed since the death of King Harlaus, known as the "Great One", and no one thought that the first war the new king would face after taking the throne would not come from within the kingdom, but from abroad— —The Kingdom of Ramirez, which was defeated by King Harlaus four years ago.

Although four years have passed, the shame of losing the land is still imprinted in the hearts of the Ramirez people. They have been seeking opportunities for revenge, but the mighty Kingdom of Ravana has always been like a mountain, weighing on their heads superior.Finally, the Ramirez people waited for the right time. Their old enemy, King Haraus, had died of illness in the Trizzi Palace in Ravana City. The kingdom he left was inherited by the crown prince who was not good at military affairs. The whole kingdom was still mourning the loss of the old king.

"Let our swords take back the land that was taken from us, and our spears avenge those who died in battle!"

King Oveco of Ramirez rode a white steed, held up his sharp sword, and shouted like this. Behind him was an army of nearly ten thousand people full of vengeance. It is the only hope of the entire kingdom to rebuild it after years of painstaking efforts.

The disastrous defeat four years ago did not make King Oweko angry. Although he now has several wrinkles on his face and white hair on his temples, his brows and eyes are full of heroic spirit, and his whole body exudes awe. majesty.

This is a war without warning.

At the beginning of the war, the Ramirez people directly crossed the border and pounced on Fort Soren, south of the city of Leuven. In order to win over the civilians and nobles in the conquered areas, King Harlaus granted him Sorenbok and the dependent territories, but the baronies in the territory are all controlled by the Ravana, and they can actually monitor their nominal lords .

Facing the menacing Ramirez army, the Earl of Sorenburg made exactly the same decision as four years ago. They did not resist, and directly opened the city to surrender, and handed over the strong castle to King Oweco.

In the huge Sauron Territory, only the barons of Ravana are still resisting.

Owerk ignored those stubborn barons. A big reason for his failure four years ago was that he was too obsessed with getting rid of these nasty little bugs. This time, he learned his lesson and just stayed in Sorenburg. After collecting some garrisons, they headed north and directly attacked the city of Luwen, Richard's second territory.

In Luwen City, the Ramirez people encountered the most resolute resistance, not only the surrounded Luwen City, but also those scattered baronies also made tenacious resistance, so that it was almost impossible for the Ramirez people to move an inch.

Under the command of the governor Maximilian appointed by Richard, the army stationed in the city repeatedly repelled the siege of the Ramirez people. Among their garrisons, the most elite 90 pedestrians left by Richard The feudal knights and Maximilian's general guard, and then there are only the chain armored cavalry and spear militia of the high-end goods. As for the long-range forces, there are only crossbow-bearing militias equipped with wooden crossbows. Although these crossbow-bearing militias cannot compete with the regular army, But it is already very good in the Holy Roman Empire army that lacks strong long-range firepower in the early stage.

Although the combat effectiveness of the soldiers defending the city is not very high, they can still cope with the siege of the Ramirez people. Long before the siege, Maximilian sent his cronies to Ravana and Nuremberg to seek assistance. If you can hold out until reinforcements arrive, you will win the war.

"Jesus Christ is watching us. As long as he died in the war with the heathen, no matter how high or low he was in life, he can return to heaven under the guidance of angels!"

On the repaired walls of Luwen City, a priest in a white robe and a priest hat on his head held a Bible and chanted to the nearby soldiers to inspire their morale in battle, even if the blood sprayed on him during the fighting stained his robe red , the pastor did not show any displeasure, and continued to chant intently.


Inspired by the pastor, the militiamen of Luwen City who converted to Christ showed fanaticism and brandished spears to stab the enemies who climbed the city wall. Perhaps these people are Ramirez people like them, or maybe they are different from the one they believed in before. It is the same god, but now, the spear militia who have become the people of Christ are relentless.

The deadly spear pierced the Ramirez soldier's leather armor, tore the skin and penetrated the flesh, and then pierced through his back. On the bloodstained spear head, there was still a sticky lump of flesh.Pulling out the spear, the young spear militiaman did not look at the corpse that was slowly falling to the ground, but raised his spear to stab an enemy who had just emerged from the city wall, only to hear a dull sound of a weapon piercing into the flesh, and the blood-stained long The spear pierced straight through the face of the unlucky Ramirez soldier, like a bursting watermelon. The red, white and viscous liquid splashed around, and one drop even flew into the mouth of the young spear militiaman. His taste buds exploded.

But the spear militiaman had no chance to react to the smell, because after he headshot an enemy with a spear, a round of black arrows flew from the front of the Ramirez army outside the city Rain, the black rain of arrows drew a beautiful and frightening arc in midair, and then fell into the crowd fighting on the city wall. Many people who were focused on fighting were caught off guard by several arrows, screaming and kneeling fell to the ground.An arrow accurately hit the throat of the young spear militiaman, and the iron arrow pierced through the other end. The spear militiaman couldn't even let out a scream. He could only cover the wound in pain, listening to the oxygen flow out of the gap. With a hissing sound, he fell to his knees in pain, struggling hard at the last moment before the end of his life.

This was a round of indiscriminate volleys. The rain of arrows shot by the Ramirez archers not only killed a large number of defending soldiers who fought bravely, but also killed the soldiers who fought against them. These soldiers who trusted their backs unconditionally Until his death, he would never have thought that he would not be killed by the enemy's sword, but by the arrows of his own archers.

Those soldiers who were lucky enough not to be killed turned around and ran towards the ladder. They were unwilling to fight again. To be precise, they did not want to die under the arrows of their own people.

The siege battle of this day ended early because of the volley of Ramirez's archers. There will be many more tragic siege battles, but not every time there will be "protect my enemy and beat my friend". This kind of thing happens that the relatives hurt the enemies and the enemies are happy.

(End of this chapter)

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