rise of empire total war

Chapter 76 The Battle of the Plain of Diasd

Chapter 76 The Battle of the Plain of Diasd

"We should take the initiative!"

Richard said firmly.

"Why?" Hubbard, the military chief who was also in the meeting hall, frowned slightly and asked: "The rebels' strength is three times that of mine. Even with the reinforcements you brought, they are still at a disadvantage. Instead of fighting the enemy in the field In a head-to-head encounter, it is better to rely on Aosta’s strong walls to resist the enemy.”

King Anders on the side nodded slightly after hearing this, obviously agreeing with Hubbard's view, which is also generally accepted by everyone in the city of Aosta.

"It's easy to be brave behind a strong wall." Richard chuckled, uttered a proverb from the Irish in his previous life, and continued: "Maybe the walls of Aosta City can withstand the attack of the rebels, but they will never be able to help you Defeat the enemy, and the only ones who can defeat the rebels are you."

"The warriors under my command have experienced large and small battles, and every victory was achieved with the weapons and shields in their hands, rather than relying on solid walls." Richard said, looking at King Anders : "And this time, we will be no exception!"


Faced with Richard's words, both Hubbard and King Anders fell silent. After a long time, King Anders said in his old voice: "Earl Richard, I admire you and King Anders very much. The courage of your soldiers, but it is still impossible for me to put all my soldiers at risk and fight the rebels with you."

After hearing this, Richard's eyes dimmed slightly. He sighed, got up slowly, and said, "I have already seen the future of the Kingdom of Farnik. This future is dim and full of despair."

"What do you mean?"

"Your Majesty, even the strongest fortress will be destroyed one day. Your Excellency Hubbard should be aware of this." Richard said, looking at the military chief Hubbard, who nodded, so he Then he said: "Instead of sticking to the city wall until the day when the city wall is breached, it is better to take the initiative to attack with me. What's more, I have never failed in every war I have participated in since I was appointed Earl of Cuban Island. I am the most loyal The warriors can always help me win, even in the Kingdom of Farnik on the other side of the ocean, we will not fail!"


King Anders was still silent, but Hubbard, the military chief at the side, was a little moved. He echoed: "Your Majesty, I am willing to lead the last elite of the kingdom to fight side by side with Earl Richard to defend Aosta. !"

Seeing that Hubbard was on Richard's side, King Anders sighed, and could only reluctantly agree with them, saying: "In this case, Hubbard, you can lead five hundred imperial guards to follow along." Earl Chad, act, I will mobilize the citizens of Aosta before the rebels arrive, and recruit a new batch of militiamen to supplement your army."

"Earl Richard." After instructing Hubbard, King Anders looked at Richard again, and he said with a complicated expression, "The future of the entire Farnik kingdom is entrusted to you, which is ironic to say the least." , the fate of a kingdom depends on foreigners to save it."

"Haha..." Facing such an old king, what could Richard say? He could only laugh dryly to relieve the embarrassment in his heart.


"Honorable Turgaujar Inguiard will arrive at her loyal city of Aosta tomorrow with Her Royal Highness Princess Asa!"

The next day, news that the noble army was about to arrive in Aosta City spread throughout the streets of the royal capital. The attitude of the citizens of the royal capital towards Yael, who launched the rebellion, also changed from disgust to disgust with the marching speed of the noble army. In awe, if he hadn't known that the noble army could not invade the city at once to replace King Anders, I am afraid that the news spread by word of mouth would have become "His Majesty Ingiard will arrive in his loyal Austrian capital tomorrow together with Queen Asa." Star City.”

The fickleness of human nature is evident from this.

Not to mention the attitude of the citizens of Aosta towards Inguiard, after a day's rest, Richard finally led the army away from this undercurrent city with the military chief Hubbard, and stationed against the noble rebels. to the plains of Diazd.

This army, which only pinned the royal family's last hope, has a total of 320 soldiers. In addition to Richard's 120 soldiers and [-] farmers in charge of logistics, there are also [-] elite royal guards and soldiers. More than four hundred city militiamen were hastily recruited.

Needless to say, the combat effectiveness of Richard's more than [-] soldiers, the combat effectiveness of the Royal Guards should not disappoint Richard, and the more than [-] city militia... the combat effectiveness is probably a little higher than that of Richard's farmers , barely on the same level as the urban militia.

After several hours of marching, the Royal Army headed by Richard arrived at the Diasd Plain where the noble rebels were stationed.

Perhaps it was the information obtained from the scouts sent out in advance. When the Royal Army arrived, the noble rebels, twice the number of the former, had already left the station and formed a formation on the plain, waiting for the enemy to throw themselves into the net.

The formations sent by the noble rebels were not much different from those on the mainland. They also had light infantry in the front and heavy infantry in the back. They just lacked the cavalry deployed on both wings.

In addition, the infantry of the Farnics did not list a tight formation, they only used a loose formation to fight the enemy, which made Richard very happy. During the devastating charge of the cavalry, the loose infantry The formation is undoubtedly easier to be penetrated and defeated than the tight formation.


After entering the battlefield, the Royal Army immediately set up a formation under Richard's order, but after the formation, the two armies were clearly separated.The Kuban army in the center was composed of early general guards, feudal knights, and Nordic battle ax cavalry led by Richard himself, deployed in front, followed by a small number of Viking raiders and civilian archers; while the royal army on both wings had no formation at all. It can be said that they scattered and stood apart.

Just as Richard expected, after seeing the early general guards and feudal knights lined up in front, there was chaos in the noble rebel army on the opposite side, and everyone looked at those tall monsters in horror. Although the knights can see the human form, there is really no way to combine with all the creatures they know.

Looking at the chaotic rebel formation on the opposite side, Richard sneered disdainfully. He slowly pulled out the knight's long sword at his waist, raised it high, and shouted in German: "Knights of the Holy Roman Empire, Let us raise our lances and trample down the ignorant heretics with blood and fire!"


(End of this chapter)

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