rise of empire total war

Chapter 72 Farnik Civil War

Chapter 72 Farnik Civil War

The port of Malthus City has been occupied by dozens of warships flying the Oriole's Tail flag, and heavily armed soldiers have been walking off from the warships. These soldiers did not stay after landing on the solid land of the port, but Formation was formed at the fastest speed, and the city defense army rushed to the street not far away to kill.

These soldiers are the elite foot knights under Richard's command. These foot knights did not lose a single person in the battle of Riya City, and naturally they would not be killed in this small place.

"Charge! For His Majesty Caesar!"

The walking feudal knights in full armor took firm steps, straightened their kite-shaped shields, and slammed into the infantry of the city defense army whose formation had not yet been listed. Their heavy bodies and shields instantly knocked over the enemies blocking them. Then, wielding their long swords, they fought against the chaotic formation of the enemy.The leather armor worn by the infantrymen of the city defense army cannot defend against the attacks of the sharp knights' long swords. Under the attack of the knights, the leather armor is easily torn like a fragile piece of paper. It pierced through the back, bringing up crimson blood.

Behind the feudal knights on foot, there are more burly Viking raiders and Norse tomahawk cavalry on foot. These strong warriors from Scandinavia wield terrifying tomahawks, screaming fiercely, and charged into the crowd , and then there was a rain of blood all over the sky.

Under the tomahawk strikes of these Nordic warriors, the city defense army, which was already powerless to resist, was quickly defeated, screaming and throwing away their helmets and armor, and fled in all directions.

The status quo of this port town was beyond Richard's expectations. It was not at the front line of the battle between the Royal Army and the noble rebels. The whole town even had only the 200-strong city defense army.

This made Richard even more confused. When he first arrived here, he was completely blind to the extent of the war. He had no source of information. The only thing he knew was that the war was still going on and the two parties At a stalemate.

Thinking about it now, this stalemate is a bit intriguing. It may be that the Royal Army gained the upper hand but was repelled when it continued to attack, and the two sides are in a stalemate; it may also be that the noble rebels have surrounded the capital of Aosta but It was still unable to break into the city, and the two sides were in a stalemate.

If it is the former, Malthus, a town directly under the royal family and bordering the noble rebels, should have already been captured by the Royal Army, but if it is the latter, Richard feels that he should not go into this muddy water. It's useless to stop, and it will be over if Richard is delayed at the critical moment.

This question was not answered until after the soldiers captured the town hall.Richard's soldiers captured the mayor of Malthus alive, and forced the frightened old man to Richard.

Facing Richard's inquiry, despite the extreme fear in his heart, the mayor forced himself to remain calm and told everything he knew.

The war broke out more than a month ago. The cause was that Crown Prince Gutfried was assassinated again. Although the young Crown Prince was lucky enough to escape again this time, he was stabbed by a sharp knife a few centimeters below his right eye. A hideous wound was drawn, and the blood almost stained his face red.

This made King Anders extremely angry. After investigation, all kinds of evidence pointed to his spy chief Ingiard, so the old king ordered the arrest of Ingiard, but he was detected by the other party in advance and escaped.Ingiard, who fled back to the fief, resolutely set off a rebellion, claiming that his wife, Princess Asa, was a more suitable ruler of the Farnik Kingdom, which was echoed by his noble allies.

A rebellion broke out that swept across the kingdom.

At the beginning of the war, the aristocratic rebels took advantage of their strength to launch a fierce attack on the Royal Army, captured several towns one after another, and were finally defeated by the Royal Army on the only way to Aosta.The commander-in-chief of the Kingdom Army was King Anders' childhood playmate, the son of a low-born coachman. Although he was criticized because of his birth, he was not affected by it. Instead, he became famous by virtue of the king's trust.

Then, the Royal Army took advantage of the victory to pursue and regained several fallen towns in a row, and then invaded the fiefdom of a nobleman allied with Ingiard, using their military power to force the opponent out of the city to surrender.But the counterattack of the Kingdom Army can only be like this. The aristocratic rebels who have returned to God made a comeback after rectifying the army, and surrounded the main force of the Kingdom Army in the city named Manans.

The main forces of both sides are deadlocked in the city named Manan, and no one can free up their hands to open up new battlefields elsewhere. This is the stalemate in the mouth of the sailor captives.

After listening to the mayor's narration, Richard's heart moved, and he seemed to have found a fighter - if the facts are as the mayor said, then Richard and his army can show their talents, and return them with his elite soldiers. The aristocratic rebels in the siege came to a wave of thousands of consecutive kills, and the opponent collapsed in minutes?

More importantly, in an island country like Farnik, there is no such thing as cavalry. The soldiers of the kingdom have never even seen cavalry. Richard has every reason to believe that when he leads more than a hundred heavy cavalry to the nobles When the rebels charged, the opponent would probably be frightened by the iron-clad monsters they had never seen before, fleeing in all directions and returning in defeat.

Just like how the Indians saw the cavalry of the Spanish conquistadors after the Spaniards landed in America in history, in the eyes of the native Indians who have never seen horses, the tall war horses are as frightening as the monsters in tribal legends.

Thinking of this, Richard asked people to let go of the war horses locked on the warship. After staying on the ship for so long, the war horses were as unbearable as people, and Richard had to rely on them to defeat the noble rebels. Be nice to these loyal steeds.

After two days of repairing in Malthus City, Richard left the town with his soldiers and headed towards Manan City. In order to consolidate the temporary base of the navy, Richard asked the sailors to leave the warship to temporarily serve as the town's defense force, not only In order to defend the town, it is also to suppress the young people in the city.

Although these sailors will appear to be struggling against the regular army, if they are just to suppress the mob, they are as fierce as hungry wolves entering the flock.

 I'm going to participate in the 400-meter race in the school sports meeting tomorrow, I hope I won't be the last

(End of this chapter)

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