rise of empire total war

Chapter 70 The Poor Little Kingdom

Chapter 70 The Poor Little Kingdom

When the rioters who besieged Braddeck Palace were completely dispersed, everything became very simple.

Under the respectful eyes of the imperial guards, the troops from Kuban Island stepped on the corpses of the rioters through the gate and entered the palace.The most elite knights in Richard's hands were already panting with exhaustion. After all, it would be uncomfortable for anyone to fight for a long time with armor weighing dozens of kilograms on their bodies; while the Nordic warriors and civilian archers who were moving lightly were equally exhausted. , if it wasn't for maintaining the image, he would definitely sit on the ground regardless of the rest of the image.

On the other side, Richard who came down from the palace wall was blocked by a group of noble officials led by King Caturanus of Leia.

"Dear Earl Richard, thank your army for lending a helping hand, you have saved my kingdom once again!"

Caturanus' attitude changed so quickly that he actually used "respected" before addressing Richard.

"You don't need to thank me, it's just a matter of little effort." Richard nodded, not paying attention to it at all, but he quickly realized that he could use this big fuss to gain some benefits!
"However..." Richard, who had reacted, changed his subject and said, "Your Majesty, my soldiers fought bloody battles to maintain your rule. I think you will not be stingy with the rewards you give them."

"This..." King Caturanus, who was still smiling at first, froze and stuttered, "Earl Richard, what do you mean?"

"I don't mean anything, Your Majesty the King." Richard shook his head, "I just think my brave fighters shouldn't be busy in vain, even though their goal is only to save me."

"Heh, heh..." King Caturanus forced a few laughs, squeezed out an ugly smile, and said, "Earl Richard, I would like to give each warrior 15 Riya silver (the base currency of Riya Kingdom, and The exchange rate of Morse currency is 1:1), it should be able to satisfy them.”

"15 Riyadh?" Richard considered for a while, nodded and agreed to his proposal, and complimented him symbolically: "Your Majesty, my soldiers will cheer for your generosity."

"Heh, hehe..."

Faced with Richard's compliment, King Caturanus could only smile dryly in return.


Although the rioters who besieged the Braddeck Palace were completely defeated, this did not mean that the turmoil sweeping the entire kingdom was completely quelled.There are also rioters of unknown number and scale still roaming the streets of the city, wantonly committing the most despicable crimes.

However, these have nothing to do with Richard.Halfway through the banquet, the banquet was forced to be suspended due to sudden turmoil, but the guests did not dare to leave the safe Braddeck Palace, and could only stand on the venue and wait for the king's notice, but Richard had no such concerns at all. After receiving the promise of King Caturanus, he greeted the king and left the palace under the escort of the army, returning the same way.

Richard decided to leave this hopeless country after the bounty promised by Caturanus was delivered. The final result of this turmoil has nothing to do with him, whether the royal family continues to hold power or the rioters eventually overthrow the king , I am afraid that there will be no intersection with Richard in the future.

However, Richard still speculated about the fate of the Riya Kingdom after the rioters won the victory. He didn't know whether the people who had experienced the king's brutal rule would directly abolish the monarchy just like Rome in history, and switch to Adopt the aristocratic republic of the Senate—no, there are not many nobles in Riyadh, and they are basically related to the royal family. Even if a republic is adopted, it should exist like the Paris Commune.

Soon, Richard returned to the "Paul" merchant ship. The moment his feet stood on the deck of the merchant ship, a sudden sense of security rose from the bottom of his heart, and he couldn't help but sigh from the bottom of his heart: " Coming back to this merchant ship is like coming home."


In the next few days, the turmoil in Riya City continued. Although the Royal Guards who passed through the defense of the Braddeck Palace did not suffer many casualties, they also did not have any extra troops to leave the palace city to wipe out the rioters on the streets. The latter did not dare to besiege Braddeck Palace again under the new defeat, and could only occupy the streets.The two sides suddenly fell into a weird peace.

However, this peace did not last long. The guests hiding in Bradker Palace couldn't bear it at first. They didn't care who the king was, they only cared whether their home in the city was attacked by the mob.Under the strong request of all the guests, King Caturanus had to agree to them and send precious troops to escort them back to check whether his home was safe.

King Caturanus was extremely dissatisfied in his heart, but he was not easy to deal with these guests. The siege of the mob made the king feel that the common people in the whole kingdom were against him, and the guests in the palace were the last Also support his group.

In desperation, King Caturanus sent forty royal guards to escort these guests out of Braddeck Palace. What he didn't know was that his compromise almost cost the lives of these forty loyal soldiers .

It was not until the afternoon of the next day that only seventeen of the forty soldiers who set out fled back in embarrassment. Listening to the stories of these survivors, King Caturanus felt his eyes go dark and almost fainted. land!
Those rioters wandering the streets actually formed a large army!

And the main body of this so-called army was the city defense army that was still loyal to the king before the turmoil.

Although King Caturanus had already guessed the mutiny of the city defense army, he did not expect that those soldiers would actually raise their butcher knives at the Janissary soldiers.According to the survivors, on their way to a noble manor, they were attacked by a large number of soldiers, and these soldiers were equipped with leather shields and spears that only the city defense army had. Some of them were quickly identified as When he came out, he was still an officer in the city defense army.

On the narrow streets, a large number of soldiers of the City Defense Army mixed with the rioters rushed out from all directions, surrounded the Imperial Guard regiments, and launched the most violent attack. Seeing that the situation was not good, the officers of the Imperial Guard directly ordered to abandon the nobles they were guarding The officials and others asked the soldiers to break out in the direction they came from.

Although the wise choices made by the officers prevented them from being wiped out here, most of the soldiers still slept forever on the streets where they grew up.And those poor people who were abandoned in time were overwhelmed by angry mobs.

Flooded by "water", at a loss.JPG
(End of this chapter)

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