Chapter 566

In the end, Elizabeth still did not escape, and she had no chance to escape, because the maid Ingrid was watching her whereabouts the whole time, except for going to the toilet, in order to prevent Elizabeth from slipping away while the battleship was moored.Although Elizabeth had been acting very well, it didn't confuse their eyes, and it was all for the sake of caution.

Bingxue is as smart as Elizabeth. She couldn't see Ingrid's defense against her, so she could only suppress the eagerness in her heart and continue to be a good hostage. Since she was controlled so strictly on the Istola Peninsula, then she After the fleet arrived in Atlantis, she didn't believe that the Romans would keep her under strict surveillance after being so far away.

The empire is not unknown in the kingdom of Atlantis, because the trade routes of the imperial merchants, the name of the Holy Roman Empire has also been brought into the kingdom of Atlantis along with exquisite goods, as long as she can escape smoothly, then she can pass through the kingdom of Atlantis. Local imperial merchants go home.

With such a plan in mind, Elizabeth stayed on the ship obediently until the fleet left the port and headed west of the strait. Behind them was a fleet of dozens of Hawker warships. A blocking fleet was dispatched after the entire army was annihilated, but their speed was no match for the more advanced Roman fleet, so they could only follow from a distance until they were about to enter the Kuyawi Sea because they did not have sufficient supplies. , Returned bitterly.

These are things they don't know.The ocean journey was very boring, so Elizabeth could only ask Ingrid to find some books for her to read, or convey to Bibulus her desire to learn Latin through Ingrid, and Bibulus did not hesitate at all after knowing it , He agreed directly, and he found an officer to teach Elizabeth to learn Latin, and found some books written in Latin from the battleship.

Bibulus is very contradictory. While he resents the Holy Roman Empire for poisoning General Hariand, he does not want to extend his poisonous hand to the innocent Elizabeth. Although he took her away in a rough way, he never thought about it. to hurt her.

From Bibulus' point of view, he forcibly took Elizabeth away only to return to the country and bring it to His Majesty the Emperor, so that the Emperor himself could decide her fate. He himself had neither the right nor the right to do anything.


In the blink of an eye, two months passed.

After a two-month voyage, the Roman fleet arrived in the waters of the Kingdom of Atlantis and sailed into the country's largest port, Aberdeen.

Although Aber City is not the capital of the Kingdom of Atlantis, its prosperity is comparable to that of the inland capital Astean. Hundreds of ships leave the port of Aber every day. Bringing rich taxes to the lord of Yabo greatly enhanced the power of the lord and aroused the fear of the king.

Therefore, the hottest topic in Aber City is the struggle between the Duke of Aberdeen and the king. If it is maintained, then most of the policies will not change, and their interests will not be affected.

However, all of this has nothing to do with the Roman fleet that just entered the port. They sent some people to disembark to buy a lot of supplies as usual. After leaving Aber Port, they will go all the way to Capua, the ocean-going port of the Roman Empire in the Sidogal Sea. There is no longer an anchorage on the way—of course, there is not even a small island with a port on the sea from the Kingdom of Atlantis to the west of the Dogero Continent, so even if they want to stop, there is no place to rest.

To Elizabeth's disappointment, even in the Kingdom of Atlantis, Ingrid still did not relax her surveillance, leaving her no chance at all, so she could only hide and wait for the right time.

It wasn't until the night before the fleet left Aber City that Elizabeth finally found her chance.

Ingrid didn't know if she ate something wrong, she kept running to the toilet at night, she didn't even bother to monitor Elizabeth, and Elizabeth lay down early, she thought Elizabeth was asleep, so she was even less vigilant Yes, this gave Elizabeth a good chance.

As soon as Ingrid left the room with her front foot, Elizabeth lifted the quilt with her back foot and walked out of the room neatly dressed. The cabin corridor at night was pitch black, and she could hardly see her fingers. However, Elizabeth did not have the night blindness common to people in this era, so this kind of The darkness was just an inconvenience to her.So she touched the wall and tiptoed to the deck. On the bed in the room, she placed a dummy that had been prepared in advance, so she didn't worry that Ingrid would find herself running away. She had plenty of time.

Walking up to the deck, the deck was illuminated by several braziers that were still burning, and the footsteps and conversations of patrol soldiers could be heard from time to time. She hid in the darkness and quietly observed the situation outside. Those patrol soldiers She didn't find her at all, and walked past the light in front of her every few minutes. After a few waves, she roughly figured out the rhythm of the patrol and had an idea in her mind.

Elizabeth waited for a few more minutes, another patrol team passed by, the figures of those soldiers had just passed the corner, Elizabeth's figure escaped from the darkness, and ran quickly to the location where the suspension bridge was put down in memory, but when she reached When I was there, I was very disappointed. The suspension bridge was not put down at night, and with the strength of a little girl, she couldn't put down the heavy suspension bridge and escape.

But at this moment, there was a sudden sound of neat military boots stomping on the ground not far away. Elizabeth's body shook, and she hurriedly searched for a place to hide. She quickly saw several wooden barrels a few steps away, and her figure changed She dodged, and hid behind the wooden barrel. The tall wooden barrel well covered her petite body, and the patrol team's route was not here, and they would not see her.


The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and when I got close to her, I suddenly heard a soldier's voice: "I seemed to see a little girl standing here just now, but when I looked closer, there was nothing there."

"Did you not see other women in the past few months, only saw that princess, and hallucinations appeared in your mind?" The soldier on the side complained.

"Hey, Gnaeus, did you forget about the maid next to the princess? She is also a woman." Another voice sounded, with obvious ridicule in his tone.

"Tsk." The soldier named Gnaeus clicked his tongue in disgust, and then said, "That maid's arms are almost as thick as my thighs, is she still a woman?"


Several other soldiers laughed together, and when the laughter stopped, one person continued: "Although that princess is very young, she is really good-looking, and she will definitely be a big beauty in a few years."

"She is also a princess anyway, which princess have you ever seen who looks ugly?"

Just as Gnaeus finished speaking, he heard a cold voice not far away, making everyone silent.

"What are you talking about so hotly, do you want to bring me one?"

 It was originally planned to be finished at the end of this month, and it seems that it will not be able to catch up, unless it is unfinished.

(End of this chapter)

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