rise of empire total war

Chapter 558 The Prestige of Heavy Cavalry

Chapter 558 The Prestige of Heavy Cavalry


Faced with the violent charge of hundreds of heavy cavalry, even the bravest soldiers will feel terrified. The soldiers hiding in the trenches or behind the earthen walls stared at the Vicnia heavy cavalry who put down their lances and rushed towards them. Fear instantly tore through the psychological defenses and broke their fighting spirit.The soldiers turned and ran away screaming, forgetting their mission, and exposing their fragile backs to the enemy's iron hooves!
In the next second, the heavy cavalry, both men and horses in armor, roared over the trenches and parapets, knocking down all the objects along the way that blocked their charge. Although those line infantry were systematically trained soldiers, they still retained the most primitive spirit in the human heart. Fear, and therefore, made them flee unconsciously when the heavy cavalry charged.

"Run! Run!"

"Oh, God--"

The fleeing soldiers were pierced by the cavalry spears chasing after them when they fled, and then they were thrown on the ground together with the cavalry spears like trash. Even if they were not stabbed by the cavalry spears, they were knocked down heavily by the horses. Then the heavy hoof stepped on his body, crushing it into a puddle of flesh.

In the chaos, several soldiers raised their guns and shot at the heavy cavalry rushing forward. The lead bullets easily penetrated the heavy scale armor on the knight's body, leaving a few bloody holes in it. The knight shook a few times and got off the horse. After falling down and seeing this, the soldiers gained confidence in an instant, and quickly loaded the guns in their hands with ammunition.But at this moment, several knights rushed towards them on horseback, and the soldiers quickly raised their guns to meet the enemy, but the body of the gun was cut off by the sharp knight's sword, and then the long sword cut the soldier's skin according to the inertia, and blood gushed out immediately .

Another soldier narrowly escaped the swung sword and stabbed the bayonet mounted on the gun with his backhand, but to his surprise, the bayonet stabbed the knight, but was slipped away by his scales, brushing a tiny bit of light. Sparks, the soldier had no time to pull back his musket, the knight roared and cut down his long sword, splitting his body from head to crotch.

These heavy cavalry rushed into the barracks as if they were in no one's land, beheading a large number of defeated soldiers. The line infantry wanted to fight back under the officer's call, but they were scattered by the heavy cavalry before the anti-cavalry hollow phalanx formed , Although the soldiers' uniforms were lined with chain mail, the sharp knight swords forged in the land of hammers were cut like flimsy thin paper.

bang bang bang-

The chaotic battle situation was mixed with a few crisp gunshots and heavy cannon fire from time to time, and the short-range shooting was enough to penetrate any armor. These arrogant heavy cavalry suddenly suffered a lot of casualties, but this could not save the battle situation, because Wei The Chinia infantry had already rushed in along the line of defense torn apart by the heavy cavalry, and fought with the scattered imperial soldiers. The latter, who were inferior in strength, naturally retreated steadily.

Seeing the chaotic situation, Norman, the commander of the Second Regiment, turned pale, and rationally told him that he should order the withdrawal immediately, but his pride as an imperial general made him unwilling to withdraw in such a embarrassing manner.

bang bang bang-

The soldiers in front of them fired a volley and killed the heavy cavalry and soldiers rushing towards them. The deputy commander of the regiment shouted hurriedly: "Norman, order to retreat. If we don't retreat, we may be wiped out by the whole army." That's it!"

"But..." Norman hesitated to speak. He looked around the battlefield. The line infantry in military uniforms were still resisting tenaciously, relying on the terrain in the camp to shoot at the enemy. Some of the auxiliary troops also resisted with the regular army. , but more people voluntarily surrendered when the Viginia soldiers killed their heads, willing to become captives.

"Norman! Withdraw the troops!" the adjutant yelled angrily, almost grabbing his collar.

Norman seemed to be awakened. He immediately followed the adjutant's words and shouted: "Retreat! Retreat!"

The surrounding soldiers breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and while shooting at the approaching enemy, they also shouted to retreat. More and more soldiers heard the order to retreat and retreated while covering each other.But the soldiers on the artillery position were unwilling to retreat. They looked at the twenty artillery pieces behind them, not wanting them to fall into the enemy's hands, and they were still relying on the fortifications to fight back. Standing in the ranks of infantry, it was impossible for the Viginia to rush up for a while.

The comrades in arms fought back desperately, and the remaining artillerymen didn't care about their distress. They picked up iron nails and hammered into the fire door of the artillery. As long as the fire door was blocked, even if the Viginia captured these artillery, they couldn't use them. After all, the firing of artillery depends on the ignition of the fire door.

This kind of iron nail is also very long, and it can poke from the fire door to the wall of the gun bore. Let alone the Vigna people, even if they want to take out this nail, it is impossible. They can only put the gun back into the furnace. Make, and then make a new batch of artillery.

Seeing the fierce counterattack on the artillery position, although Norman wanted to go back to rescue his soldiers, he was unable to do anything because the Vecnian people divided up one part to pursue them and another part to besiege the artillery position with all their strength. If he wanted to go back to rescue, he just The enemies chasing behind you must be defeated.

This is purely dreaming.


After Norman retreated with the remaining troops, the soldiers on the artillery position resisted for a while with the help of fortifications, but in the end they were attacked by the enemy with their numerical superiority. At the last moment of their lives, the soldiers who held on to the position ignited the gunpowder on the position, Die together with the oncoming enemies.The power of a large amount of gunpowder detonated can shatter almost everything around it. Whether it is a humble light infantry or a noble knight, they are all blown into pieces and turned into dust at this moment.

People are so contradictory. When they encounter danger, they will follow the fear in their hearts and flee in a panic. But when there is no way to escape, they will fight tenaciously until the last moment, and even choose such a tragic way of death to perish with the enemy. .


When they withdrew to the village that was set up as a supply point in the rear, Norman and the remnant army stopped. They ignored the inquiries of the soldiers left behind in the supply point and immediately counted the number of people. This investigation almost made Norman vomit blood , Originally he had 1800 regular troops and nearly a thousand auxiliary troops, but after withdrawing here, there were only more than 500 people left. Not only lost the precious twenty artillery pieces, but also lost all the horses, and the ammunition on everyone's body On average, there are only two rounds.Fortunately, they withdrew to the supply point and could supply on the spot. Otherwise, if they encountered the enemy again, they would have to stick out their bayonets and fight the enemy hand-to-hand.

Norman knew that his military career had basically come to an end. As long as the news of the defeat was sent back to Amatlia, the news that came back might be an order from the military department to dismiss him on the spot. If it was in normal times, he might still be able to Part of the guilt was reduced during the battle, but now that the emperor's daughter has been taken away, and the entire high-level has not recovered, he will definitely be implicated by the furious emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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