Chapter 556
"Captain Norman, this is the frontline battle report from the past few days, please have a look."

At the station of the Second Brigade and Second Regiment of the Fourth Army, looking at the battle report handed over by the adjutant, Norman reached out to take it, opened the wax on the seal, and then took out the paper inside.

The military situation on the front line is not urgent, which can be reassuring. Although the Nine-Nation Allied Forces are menacing and mighty, they are still thunderous and rainy after all. Let alone driving the power of the empire into the sea, even if it is one of those The trenches could not be crossed. Facing the dense firepower network of the imperial army, their soldiers often retreated before they even reached the trenches.

Four days have passed since the start of the war. During these four days, the number of deaths in the imperial army did not exceed 20. Most of them were killed by Liu Ya. None of them died under the enemy's sword or gun. On the other hand, the enemy The army, one after another, fell on the road of charge. They were either shot to death by muskets, smashed to pieces by shells, or shot into sieves by overwhelming scattered bullets.

After reading the battle report, Norman casually threw the battle report on the table, and asked easily, "How about the ammunition reserves on the front line?"

"It's enough at the moment." The adjutant replied, his tone was somewhat contemptuous, "Each attack by the enemy will only consume very little ammunition of our army, because the soldiers only need to fire a few rounds of salvos to kill Vicky." The morale of the Niyans collapsed, thus ending the fighting."

"It's a pity." He changed the subject, with regret in his tone, "If every line of defense can be equipped with cavalry, we can rush out to chase down the rout when the enemy retreats, and expand the results of the battle."

Norman smiled and said, "Why don't I know this, it's just that we don't have enough cavalry to distribute."

Just as the adjutant was about to continue to say something, at this moment, the warning horn bell outside the tent rang suddenly, interrupting his words. The two commanders were startled, and rushed out of the tent one after the other.After rushing out of the camp, they saw a cloud of smoke and dust rising from the distant horizon, and a large number of red battle flags could be seen faintly in it. Norman immediately understood what happened. It must be the main force of the Viginia people!

"Enter the combat station! Enter the combat station!"

"The enemy is coming! The enemy is coming!"

"Assemble! Assemble!"


The shouts of the officers sounded one after another in the garrison. Soldiers in military uniforms hurried down the passage between the camps with their guns, towards the trenches and parapets surrounding the camps. Norman and the adjutant looked at each other. , They all saw a trace of solemnity from each other's faces.

"Sir, our scouts risked their lives to send back information that the attacking Vicnia army has more than 5000 men, including 3900 cavalry. This is the main force of the Vicnia people!" At this time, a large group The long-distance runner came over and reported the report to Norman and the adjutant in a slightly hasty tone, which surprised the two regiment commanders again. Although a regiment has 900 soldiers, almost half of the soldiers are in order to deploy defenses at the border. After being apportioned, only 600 line infantry, 300 carbine cavalry, 20 artillery ([-] artillery pieces), and nearly a thousand auxiliary soldiers using matchlock guns remained.

The three hundred artillerymen operating the artillery were completely incapable of fighting, and the nearly one thousand auxiliary infantry allowed them to use matchlocks only to hear the sound. They might as well use bucklers and spears to participate in the battle.

While thinking, most of the soldiers had already entered the combat positions. They stood in the trenches or behind the parapet, and loaded the muskets in their hands. Box after box of ammunition was transported to the front line by slaves to ensure that every soldier had sufficient ammunition.

Norman and his adjutant looked at each other again, and then they passed through the soldiers who were still running and walked to the front line. He could clearly see the appearance of the Viginia army on the opposite side.

The total number of Viginia's army is more than 4000, which can be seen only from the naked eye. There are about 2000 light infantry in their army. Holding a simple javelin, most of them were wearing a piece of worn leather armor. Norman guessed that it was not brought by the soldiers, but it should be the armor that the army found from an unknown warehouse for a long time.

Behind the light infantry were more than 2000 heavy infantry. They were all covered with a burqa with the logo of the Republic of Vechnia, so the covered armor could not be seen. However, Norman could infer that they were very capable based on inertia. He may be wearing chainmail. Chainmail is very common on this continent. Because it has a low manufacturing cost and good protection, it has become the standard equipment of the regular army.In addition to armor, their weapons and equipment are also the most common spears and metal bucklers, with an additional short sword inserted at the waist. Their helmets are covering helmets. In addition to a pair of sight holes, there are also holes on both cheeks. The densely packed breathing holes will make patients with trypophobia feel dizzy on the spot.

This Orsa helmet is so ugly that not even the sideburns on top can save it.

On the two wings of the infantry, there are heavy cavalry with both horses and men in armor. Their horses wear a light armor that can protect against the damage of arrows. The knights either wear ordinary chain mail and a burqa , or wear a piece of thick scale armor from the land of the Eastern Hammer. This scale armor can resist most melee attacks and defend against long-range attacks, and is expensive.

The Land of the Hammer is a large peninsula across the sea to the east of the Osa Peninsula. According to legend, it is home to a group of people with superb smelting skills. They can create the most deadly weapons and the strongest armor. They are strong and strong (aren't blacksmiths all tall and strong men?) and have great strength. They are very suitable candidates for joining the army. Coupled with the weapons and armor they forge, they are a perfect match.However, due to the fact that this nation is not good at navigation, most of them are landlubbers and cannot expand externally. The land of death in the north is said to be inaccessible, which restricts their expansion plans.

As a result, such a nation that was most suitable to be a fighting nation was forced to forge iron and make equipment honestly at home, and then wait for the sailing merchants from the Osa Peninsula on the other side to come to trade.

Cough, far away.

Facing this legendary armor with overwhelming defensive power, Norman was also a little nervous. If the scale armor could really block bullets, it would be disastrous for them—eight hundred heavy cavalry rushed into the barracks. Line infantry without anti-cavalry ability, the latter naturally only has the end of passive massacre.

(End of this chapter)

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