rise of empire total war

Chapter 554 The Official Battle

Chapter 554 The Official Battle


"Huh?" Richard's inexplicable words interrupted Rudolph, who looked at Richard suspiciously and asked, "Your Majesty, what are you talking about?"

"Lyctors Port." Richard repeated, and then added: "They must go to Lyktos Port, because there are their warships there!"

After the words fell, he forced himself to do it, stared at Rudolph, and ordered: "Furba, you must get Princess Elizabeth back before they board the ship! No matter what the cost!"

"Of order." Knowing the seriousness of the situation, Rudolph turned and left without talking nonsense.

Seeing him leave, Richard lay down slowly again. As long as they haven't boarded the ship, everything will turn around. Once they board the ship, it will be over. With the current naval power of the Holy Roman Empire, it is impossible to compete with Rome. What the fleet is fighting against, once the two sides fight at sea, there will only be a one-sided massacre.

What's more, the imperial navy had to be careful that the artillery fire would injure the taken away Princess Elizabeth.


That night, Richard finally walked out of the room. The atmosphere in the headquarters was tense, and the security was also strengthened unprecedentedly. There was a guard post every three steps, and a patrol team every five steps. When the soldiers saw Richard coming, they saluted one after another, but Richard had no intention Just ignore them and go straight to Stephanie's room.

Stephanie also fell into a coma after being attacked and was arranged to rest in another room and has not yet woken up.

Looking at the pale Stephanie lying on the bed, Richard was full of self-blame. If he had let Stephanie and the others go back earlier, this kind of thing would not have happened now, but it is too late to say anything now, his The whereabouts of the beloved daughter are unknown, the wife is unconscious, and only the eldest son is still with him.

He couldn't put Frederick in danger too.Thinking of this in Richard's mind, he glanced at Stephanie again, then walked out of the room, summoned Frederick and his guard commander Fast, and ordered Fast to escort Frederick back to Vienna. The city of Vienna is the safest place. As long as he stays in the city of Vienna, no one can threaten Frederick.

However, Frederick was unwilling to go back alone. The pride of being the crown prince of the empire made him unable to accept such an act of running away. Although he was shocked, Richard had to admit that this was an 11-year-old brat who said words.

Frederick was unwilling, and Richard had no choice but to let him stay by Stephanie's side, then changed into a suit of armor, and led a group of carbines to leave the Amatlia Fortress, and went to find the group in person. Damn Romans.

However, after several days passed, the search team still failed to find the Romans, and there was no news from the envoys sent to Lyktos Port. This made Richard even more irritable, wishing to fly to Lyktos Port immediately.

On the eighth day when the conflict broke out, the news from the port of Lyktos came late. The defenders of Lyktos city did not defend against the sudden arrival of the Romans, and let them enter the city directly to board the ship. When the fleet was about to leave, the cavalry chasing them arrived and passed on Richard's order. Upon hearing this, the city defense army quickly mobilized troops and cavalry to attack the port, but it was too late.

The adjutant on the deck, Bibulus, saw that there were suddenly a large number of soldiers in the port. Knowing that the pursuers had arrived, he smiled evilly and decided to give the Holy Roman Empire the last big gift, so he ordered the fleet to open the gun ports and bombard the port of Lyktos.

Poor Lyktos Port was bombarded by the navy of the Kingdom of Winster ten years ago, and it was almost in ruins. Ten years later, it was bombarded more violently. Hundreds of shells roared down from the sky, bombarding one building after another. It collapsed, sinking one ship after another moored in the port, and also blowing up the imperial soldiers crowded in the port so that they ran away with their heads in their arms.

This is the first time that the imperial army has been bombarded by artillery fire from the enemy. They have always used advanced firearms to kill the enemy army in the middle ages, but they did not expect that when Feng Shui took turns to come to my house this year, they were bombed and defeated.

It was not until the port of Lyctus was in ruins that the Roman fleet left in a swagger. This round of bombardment caused thousands of casualties to civilians and soldiers, and huge property losses that were almost impossible to count.
After receiving the news, Richard swayed and nearly fell off his horse. Fortunately, the people around him helped him in time. Richard knew that the move by the Romans was officially breaking their face with them—— In other words, the two countries have officially entered a state of war!

The news of the Shuangluo war quickly spread throughout the Osa Peninsula and even the Vardasia Peninsula. The Nine Nations Alliance, which was still testing the imperial army, fell into ecstasy when they heard the news. They once again sent envoys to gather together. The Nia envoy asked about this matter, and the latter smiled and took the credit naturally. At the same time, he looked at the envoy of the host Bargara Republic with a grateful expression. If it wasn't for the foreign minister Ferrier Support, he will definitely miss this opportunity.

At this meeting, the Nine Kingdoms finalized a plan to formally go to war. Although they could not contact the Roman Empire to get help from each other, the enemy of an enemy is a friend. They were still very happy to have such a powerful empire to share the pressure.

Therefore, on June 1129, 6 in the continental calendar, people on the Osa Peninsula discovered to their surprise that nine countries, including Turtuda, Vigna, and Bargara, jointly declared war on the Holy Roman Empire. After declaring war, cross the border directly and attack the imperial army behind the border.

However, the imperial army had been prepared for a long time. They counterattacked with solid fortifications and advanced firearms, preventing the coalition forces from crossing the line of defense.The soldiers hid behind the trenches with only their upper body exposed, avoiding the arrows and javelins fired by the coalition forces, while their muskets could be mounted on the trenches and shoot outwards, killing the charging coalition soldiers.

The Empire and the Republic of Viginia war zone, the defense line of Sara Village.

Sara Village was originally a small border village with more than 200 villagers. It often received caravans and sold the village’s crops and other products. It also lived a relatively prosperous life. However, until the cloud of war enveloped the two countries, The fate of Sara Village was thus rewritten.

Heavily armed imperial troops entered the village, forcibly relocated all the villagers to the interior, and then transformed the village into a front line stronghold of the imperial army, with a company of soldiers stationed there.

"Lieutenant Aragon, according to the information provided by our scouts, there is a Vigienian army with a strength of 300 coming towards us."

Behind the earthen wall of the village, listening to the adjutant's words, the company commander Aragorn looked solemn. His company only had ninety soldiers, and it sounded astonishing to fight against three hundred enemies, but he was not afraid. Years of experience with the Ossa told him that those soldiers who use cold weapons are not to be feared at all.

(End of this chapter)

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