rise of empire total war

Chapter 529 The Roman Empire on the Dogero Continent

Chapter 529 The Roman Empire on the Dogero Continent
"General Hariand, according to the nautical chart, we still have 300 miles to reach the Kuyavi continent where the Qigu barbarians fled."

On the deck of the Roman Navy flagship "Jupiter", a soldier in a blue navy uniform was speaking and reporting. Following the direction of his speech, one could see a middle-aged general with black hair and black pupils holding hands. Standing there, his eyes were calm, and his body exuded a faint coercion.

The speaking soldier knew the identity of this middle-aged general. He was the nephew of the emperor of the Roman Empire who dominated the Dogero continent, and he was also the most famous admiral of the empire.

"Speed ​​up the voyage, I'm going to land on the Kuyavi continent at noon tomorrow." Said the middle-aged general known as Hariand.

"Obey." The soldier promised, stood at attention, raised his right hand forward, palm open, palm down, making the most standard Roman military salute.

After the soldier left, General Hariand continued to look at the water surface of the sea and the sky. Under the sunlight, every wave reflected dazzling spots of light, which made him blink.

General Hariand, whose full name is Lucius Claudius Hariand, his clan is a prominent family that has continued from the Republic period to the present, and even the first Roman emperor Gaius Julius Caesar's queens were born in the Claudia family, and from the first emperor, seven of the ten queens of each subsequent emperor came from the Claudia family. Relying on this relationship, Claude The status of the Dia family is already second only to the Julius family who was born as an emperor.

For more than 300 years, there has never been any major civil strife in the Roman Empire. The only large-scale rebellions were set off by those conquered nations who were unwilling to be subjugated.For example, the Wendish people, whose homeland was captured by the Qigu barbarians and then recovered by the Romans, believed that these lands should be returned to them to rule on their own. Under the suppression of the Roman Legion, the rebels were quickly wiped out. All the Wendish people who participated in the rebellion were either killed or became slaves, and the Wendish Empire, which supported the rebellion behind it, was also frantically retaliated by the Romans until the country was destroyed.

In addition to the Wende people, there are also slaves who are unwilling to be enslaved. They came to the Colosseum after the third emperor (the first emperor started to build it in his later years, and it was not completed until the second emperor succeeded, and it has since become the center of Rome. When the iconic building) was watching the beast competition, he intended to take the opportunity to hold the emperor himself, but was killed on the spot by the loyal Praetorian guards. After the news spread, the slaves near the city of Rome began to riot, broke through the guards, and formed a huge army. The slave army marched to Rome, but the rebellion lasted less than two months. The slave army was completely annihilated under the siege of several legions who heard the news, and all the prisoners of war were crucified. , Inserted on both sides of the square road leading to Rome.

The Roman Empire that was born in another world is no longer as short-lived as history. If Richard, the spirit, knows, he will be in ecstasy all day long, and will no longer clamor to hang the Doge of Venice.


The next morning, the fleet arrived offshore and landed on the soft beach. A large number of soldiers in red uniforms rowed ashore and landed in small boats. They quickly built a simple fortification. In this era, the Roman Legion still retains the ability in their bones. Once they reach their destination, they will immediately take out the tools they carry with them and dig fortifications.

In a sense, Richard's Holy Roman Army was learning from the Romans.

Two or three hours later, all the marine soldiers on the fleet landed ashore. This was an extra army allocated to his nephew by the Roman emperor to protect himself when exploring unknown continents. Since the main forces of the small countries on the Kuyawi continent are still strong, not to mention self-protection, it would be good if the small countries that came into contact with them were not wiped out by his backhand.

After setting foot on the long-lost land, General Hariand took a deep breath. He had been drifting on the sea for several months. It was hard to get used to suddenly stepping on solid ground.He stretched his waist, put one hand habitually on the flintlock pistol at his waist, and walked towards the hot temporary camp.

"General Hariand, all 500 soldiers of our army are in place." A voice sounded from beside him.

Hariand followed the sound, and it turned out to be Frius, the captain of the Marine Corps. He nodded to the latter and said, "Frius, let the soldiers light the fire and cook first, and then prepare for further matters. "

"I obey, General." Captain Frius gave a military salute, and then went down to announce the general's order.

Because there is no map, Hariand does not know where he is on the Kuyawi continent. According to what he read from the travel notes written by the traveler before he set off, the south of the Kuyawi continent is covered by Civilized countries controlled it, while the north was reduced to a barbarian-occupied area. Although there is no actual evidence, people still have reason to believe that these barbarians are a branch of the Qigu barbarians who migrated from the Dogero continent.

If they land in the south, their movements will definitely be noticed by nearby residents and reported to the nobles. It won't be long before someone comes to negotiate with them. But if they land in the north, either no one will notice them. , or a large group of barbarians came directly.

If Hariand had a choice, he still hoped to land in the south. With only 25 soldiers and sailors on [-] warships, it would be unwise to start a war with the barbarians rashly. The top priority was to get supplies first and understand the situation nearby. .

However, God seemed to be determined not to let him have a good time. Just as the soldiers were cooking, a large number of poorly equipped barbarians rushed out from the dense forest behind the beach. The temporary camp rushed over.

The moment the barbarians rushed out of the dense forest, the soldiers standing guard outside the camp quickly fired warning shots. Immediately afterwards, the soldiers in the camp ignored the food still on the fire, picked up their guns and rushed over to the rushing soldiers. The savages fired.

The muskets used by the Romans were more accurate and had a longer range than the muskets used by the soldiers of the Holy Roman Empire because of the internal rifling. The soldiers also shot and killed dozens of barbarians rushing forward people.

bang bang bang-

After the shocking gunshot, the barbarians, who had never seen such a sharp weapon before, were so shocked that they dropped their corpses on the ground and fled into the dense forest. However, the Roman soldiers in the camp did not relax because of this and waited for more than ten minutes. Seeing that there was still no movement in the dense forest, they were relieved, returned to their respective positions, threw away the burnt food, and cooked a new one.

(Remarks: The barbarians here are far away from the Kuyawi Empire, so they have never fought against the Holy Roman Empire army, and their vision is still on cold weapons)
 Let me explain at this point, this book can actually be said to inherit the world view of the previous book, but it is on two different continents. The timeline of this book is 300 years after the previous book (the previous book started in 849 1105, this book starts in [-]), so the technology of the Roman Empire on the continent of Dogero will be highly developed.

(End of this chapter)

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