rise of empire total war

Chapter 524 Ambush in the City

Chapter 524 Ambush in the City
"Speed ​​up! Begovo City is ahead!"

On the dirt road leading to Begowo City, the huge indigenous coalition army marched all the way north, heading towards the direction of Begowo City. The leader, Governor Ajit and the chiefs were all riding on horses, in order to prevent the wind and sand Everyone is wearing a white wind scarf on their heads. If Richard is here, he will exclaim why there are old Arabs here.

Since their army withdrew from the Bocantu battlefield, they went all the way south and returned to the gathering places of various tribes to replenish new soldiers and war elephants. After a few days of repairing, Governor Ajit believed that the Holy Roman Empire's army would definitely not continue to be peaceful. Those who stayed in the Baikantu wasteland would wait for an opportunity to attack the city of Begowo, so they urged the coalition forces to go north and enter the city before the enemy succeeded.

However, they did not know that the expeditionary force had captured the city of Begovo and persuaded various strongholds in the territory to surrender. Thanks to Trond, who immediately blocked the news after the mission was successful, and shot those who tried to leave the city to report the news, Aji was prevented from doing so. Specially learned of the city's fall in advance.

After learning that Ajit was going to lead the army back to Begowo City, although Trond wanted to defend the city walls, he noticed that the local coalition forces would definitely pour in through the gaps in the walls that were blown down. It is not a particularly good way to fight the enemy outside the city. The native allied forces have brought back war elephants with hard skin. It is better not to face the enemy head-on until they are not sure enough to deal with the war elephants.

After talking with several generals, Trond had an inspiration, and he planned to take advantage of the fact that the native coalition forces did not know the news of the fall of Begowo City, and teach them a profound lesson.


Two days later.

Outside the city of Begovo, Ajit, who was riding on a war horse, looked at the city wall that was riddled with holes and collapsed in many places. His face was full of solemnity, and the expressions of the indigenous chiefs beside him were also expressionless. No matter how beautiful it was, they looked at the gaps in the city wall and were filled with shock. Weapons that could collapse solid city walls would definitely cause heavy casualties if used on their soldiers.

Ajit looked at the city, and it took him a while to notice that the blue-bottomed wolf-head flag belonging to the Republic of Ansmara was still flying on the city wall. Why hasn't the city fallen to the enemy's hands when they have been subjected to such poisonous hands?
He was puzzled in his heart, but the gate of Begowo City suddenly opened, and a group of cavalry came rushing from inside. The cavalry quickly came to the coalition army, and the leader was the garrison officer of Begowo City. The garrison officer had a normal expression, saluted Ajit a few meters away, and said loudly: "My lord governor, welcome you and your army back!"

Ajit had no intention of being polite to him and asked straight to the point: "Garrison Burmank, did the troops of the Holy Roman Empire ever surround the city of Begovo?"

"Yes, Governor." The garrison officer named Bermanke agreed. He pointed to the city wall behind him and said, "The army of the Holy Roman Empire attacked the city of Begovo two days ago. Unseen weapons capable of shooting lightning blew down the walls, killing many civilians and soldiers, but the enemy's attempt failed and was forced to retreat after the heroic and tenacious resistance of our troops."

"Evacuated?" A strange emotion flashed in Ajit's eyes, and he asked: "When did they evacuate, and in which direction did they evacuate?"

"My lord governor, they started to retreat yesterday afternoon, and they retreated to the east." The Bermank garrison officer replied calmly and unhurriedly.

"It seems that he got the news that our army is coming, and retreated ahead of time." Ajit nodded, knowing it in his heart, and immediately let go of his doubts.

Bermank was a member of a prominent family from the native land, and it was unlikely that he would surrender to the Holy Roman Empire, so he didn't think in that direction.

But he didn't know that it was his own carelessness that caused the entire army to go to the abyss of hell.


"Enter the city!"

Riding a war horse and stepping into the wide-open city gate, Ajit looked at the city and streets he was familiar with, but he felt a sense of security in his heart, but he felt a faint feeling in his heart, obviously the surroundings were so familiar, But he still felt something was missing.

what is it then?

Surrounding Ajit are the indigenous chiefs who have never been to Begowo City. While looking at the surrounding buildings, they made a sound of admiration. However, some of the chiefs suddenly discovered something. One of them Touching the person next to him, he asked, "Did you find anything wrong? Why didn't you see a single civilian on the street in such a big city?"

His voice was not loud, but he heard Ajit's words without saying a word. His words seemed to be handing Ajit a key to the answer, which made Ajit suddenly open, and his eyes widened. Great, I finally realized what was wrong!

civilian!Why can't this city see a single civilian!There was not even any sound except their marching footsteps and conversation!

"not good!"

His intuition as a soldier made him quickly realize that something was wrong. Just as he was about to speak out to warn, he suddenly heard a burst of sharp horns sounding from all over the city, followed by a large number of Holy Roman Empire soldiers in dark blue uniforms Stick your head out from the roof, and aim the terrifying long-barreled musket at the coalition troops marching on the street!

"It's a trap!"

At the same time as he roared, a series of crisp gunshots erupted from the roof, and the flames sprayed out from the muzzle with projectiles, flying into the coalition forces on the street, and immediately shot and killed a large number of coalition soldiers, including Ajit and the chief They are the ones who are taken special care of. Dozens of guns are aimed at them on the horses at the same time, shooting them into sieves in the first time!

bang bang bang-


From time to time, the sound of gunfire was mixed with the sound of grenade explosions, and the coalition forces that were ambushed fell into chaos in an instant. They were already low in discipline, and this shortcoming was directly magnified several times after losing their leader.The coalition soldiers screamed and wanted to retreat, but they were huddled together, unable to perform their movements. Many people were pushed down in the chaos, and their bodies were trampled countless times, and they were trampled to death.

In the ranks, those war elephants who heard the gunshots and explosions were frightened, neighed mournfully, and rampaged through the crowd, trampling a large number of soldiers into a puddle of flesh.At this moment, the grenade has also become a murderous weapon. Once it explodes in a dense crowd, the soldiers within a few meters around will be killed by the splashing shrapnel. For a while, the entire coalition team is full of people dying. moan.

(End of this chapter)

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