rise of empire total war

Chapter 521 After the War

Chapter 521 After the War
"Victory! Victory! Victory!"

"We won!"

On the Bokantu wasteland, it has become a sea of ​​cheers. Soldiers raised their rifles high, or took off their helmets, and threw them high into the sky, or embraced each other and cried, or fired into the sky.

However, after the cheers, the soldiers became sad again. They looked at the corpses of their comrades all over the ground, bowed their heads in silence, and Trond also put away the smile on his face. This is after he became the commander of the third brigade It was the first time that he suffered such a severe battle loss. Although most of the dead were recruits from the second brigade, he was still the commander in chief and the main responsibility was still on him.

After the sadness, Trond ordered the battlefield to be cleaned up, and the soldiers carried away the corpses of their comrades-in-arms on the ground and cremated them centrally. The gold was returned to the family.The enemy's corpse was simply dug a large pit on the soft yellow sand with tools and buried it all.

The soldiers did not intend to waste the rhinoceros and war elephants that were shot dead. Perhaps they hated them so much that they wanted to eat their meat to vent their anger, or they simply wanted the meat of a creature they had never seen before. No matter what the reason was, they dragged the bodies of these beasts back to the camp and started eating meat that night.

If Richard was here, he would definitely not agree to the soldiers eating the corpses of rhinos and war elephants, because those beasts of war were shot to death by countless lead bullets, and the lead content in their bodies exceeded the standard, even if they were washed, they could not be washed away Lead that has contaminated the meat.

Back at the camp, Trond locked himself in the tent and reflected on the reasons for the heavy losses in this battle. Looking at the entire course of the war, the casualties on his side were all due to the rhinos and war elephants released by the indigenous coalition forces. In the case of rhinos and war elephants, it is impossible for the indigenous army to cause such heavy casualties to the expeditionary army just by the indigenous army that was knocked down by a round of volleys.

He suddenly knew why the Ansmara colonial army was unable to expand the size of the colony. I am afraid that their army could not defeat the native army with the help of wild animals, so they could only treat it in a gentle way.

He was a little helpless, the flintlock gun that was always invincible in the army was useless here, although it was always sharp against humans, but if it couldn't deal with the more threatening rhinos and war elephants, his army would have even more Many soldiers died, and even if the mission was completed and the remnants of the Ansmara people were eliminated in the end, the loss outweighed the gain.

He looked at the march map on the table, frowning, but suddenly thought of Richard. If His Majesty Richard were here, with his omnipotent ability, he would easily be able to think of a way to solve the current problems encountered by the army. crisis.

Asking Richard can only think about it. It is impossible for Richard to leave the country and venture across the ocean to come here. He knows very well that as the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force appointed by Richard himself, he must ability to address what's going on here.

Right here, the curtain of the camp tent was pulled open suddenly, and Ilk walked in with a plate full of meat. Seeing that Trond was still sitting there, he put down the plate in his hand and said, "Sir ,It's time to eat."

"Yeah." Trond nodded, a scent rose from the plate and inhaled into his nostrils. He only felt the glutton in his stomach being hooked up, so he reached out and picked up the fork on the plate , pick up a piece of meat with tendons, put it in your mouth and chew it. Although the cooks accompanying the army are not great chefs, they still know how to cook them with basic spices or condiments, so the meat tastes good. .

Swallowing the meat in his mouth, he asked casually, "What kind of meat is this? It tastes pretty good."

"This is the meat of those beasts with one horn." Ilk replied quickly.

"Rhinoceros." He nodded, picked up another piece of meat, and put it in his mouth to chew. Listening to the nouns he said, Ilk silently recorded them in his heart.

While eating, Trond suddenly remembered those huge war elephants, and continued to ask: "Where are those war elephants? How are their corpses disposed of?" After saying that, he was afraid that Ilke did not know that the war elephants were To describe which one, he added: "It's those huge monsters with long noses."

"Their corpses were also dragged away and cooked and eaten." Ilk replied. At this moment, he seemed to have thought of a bad thing, frowned, and said, "However, the meat quality of those war elephants It's very thick, like chewing bark, and few people are willing to eat it."

Hey, he's still learning and using it.

"Like bark?" Trond repeated his description and laughed softly, "It's really not tasty, but it's still fresh meat. If you don't eat it, you can only eat harder ones. The meat is dried.”

Thinking of air-dried meat, Irk's face suddenly became ugly. He couldn't forget the air-dried meat that every soldier must bring with him when he goes on an expedition. That kind of air-dried meat is as hard as a stone, and can only be softened by boiling it with water. Only a little bit can be eaten with broth, and the taste is not good. Compared with air-dried meat, elephant meat is still more delicious.

Seeing Ilk's reaction, Trond laughed a few more times. He quickly finished eating the meat on the plate, wiped his mouth, and followed Ilk who took the plate away—he I am going to inspect the situation of the soldiers, and by the way, see if the elephant meat is really bad.

Walking out of the camp, there was a burst of heat outside. Soldiers sat in groups around a fire, holding an iron can full of broth in their hands (this is also the standard equipment for each soldier, mainly used to hold food. , usually placed in the rucksacks carried by soldiers).Seeing Tronde coming out, the nearby soldiers quickly stood up with tin cans and said hello to the officer. Tronde also responded with a smile, signaling them to continue to sit and eat without caring about themselves.

Just after winning the battle, every soldier was very relaxed. They ate the fresh meat that they hadn't eaten for a long time, chatted and farted while chatting, and the sadness of so many comrades who died was also washed away.Walking to a group of soldiers, Trond was suddenly attracted by a soldier bragging to his comrades.

"Hey, you guys don't know how brave I was when I was facing that long-nosed monster just now. I raised my rifle and aimed at its eyes and shot. After the gunshot, although I missed, the long-nosed monster was still shot by me. terrified by his bravery..."

"Alan, don't brag. If we hadn't pulled you back in time, you would have been trampled into a pulp by the crazy long-nosed monster."

"Hey! Ruslan, I'm grateful that you saved me, but it doesn't change my credit. If I didn't shoot and scare the long-nosed monster, the natives riding on them could manipulate the monster to kill all of you .”

"You can pull it down."


Does the sound of gunfire scare the elephants?Trond was slightly startled, and then fell into joy. If the gunshots could really scare the war elephants, then he would have a way.

(End of this chapter)

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