Chapter 504
"The army we sent to ambush the Romans has been defeated!"

"The Romans will have a crazy revenge on us! We must do something!"

A quarrel was going on in the barbarian council in the Sotutal area. The failure of the ambush of the incoming Holy Roman Empire army made every barbarian elder fearful. Only then did they understand the strength of the Holy Roman Empire army. During the ambush, he was able to react in the fastest time and counterattack, and also killed a large number of soldiers on the ambush side, turning defeat into victory.They have fought for so many years, and this is the first time they have met.

Generally speaking, under the ambushes of tens of thousands of barbarians, even the most elite troops of the Kuyavian Empire would suffer heavy casualties, and only after paying a heavy price did they break out of the encirclement. Another batch of armies from civilized countries came to attack, and finally they had to cancel their plan to enter the area.

But now, the Roman army has directly overturned their cognition. The ambush ability they are proud of is so vulnerable to the Romans. Even the ambush failed. What else can they rely on to defeat the enemy?
However, some elders did not think that the reason for the failure of the ambush was on their side, but that the Romans might have noticed it in advance. Just imagine, no matter how elite the troops are, it is impossible for them to be attacked immediately after encountering an ambush. Attacking the ambush side, and their offensive is fierce, giving people a feeling of being prepared in advance-but they didn't expect that this was the closest they were to the truth.

No matter what the elders think, the pace of the Holy Roman Empire will not stop. After leaving the ambush point, the officers and soldiers of the third brigade continued northward along the route guided by the scouts, heading towards the seat of the barbarian parliament. Along the way, they met All the barbarian tribes were devastated. Under the fierce firepower of the third brigade, the barbarians who only wore animal skins could not even get close.

Tribes were massacred one after another, and the news was quickly brought to the parliament by the survivors. The elders turned pale with shock, and quickly ordered the barbarians in the entire Sotu Tale region to defend.They are only now beginning to regret why they should be dazzled by the interests of the Kuyavians and agree to fight against the Romans together.

However, there is no medicine for regret in this world. From the moment they started ambushing the third brigade, the fate of the barbarians in the entire Sotu Tale area was completely headed towards death and destruction.

On May 1127, 5 in the continental calendar, a large number of barbarian warriors obeyed the call of the parliament and rushed here in Karsi City, the seat of the barbarian parliament in the Sotu Tale area, ready to contribute to the defense of the parliament.

Speaking of Karsi City, it also has a history. This city was originally the capital of a small kingdom hundreds of years ago, but in the wave of barbarians going south, a large number of city-state kingdoms in the Sotu Tale area were destroyed by the barbarians. The kingdom whose capital was Kalsi was also not spared. Their cities were captured, civilians were massacred or turned into slaves, the land was occupied by doves, and the former masters became lowly slaves.

Hundreds of years later, under the management of the barbarians, not only the city of Karsi, but also the entire city in the Sotutal region was completely defeated. Those buildings were overgrown with vines because they were not taken care of, or they became dilapidated buildings due to lack of maintenance. , crumbling, human and animal feces and leftover bones and food residues can be seen everywhere on the streets. The sewage channels on both sides of the road are blocked by debris, and the sewage inside is overflowing.The city wall surrounding the city also collapsed in many places due to disrepair, so they could only cut down the surrounding trees and build a simple wooden wall directly behind the gap to patch it up. Although this could not defend against the enemy's attack (no one would attack it) The seat of the parliament), but it can well defend against wild beasts sneaking into the city and causing chaos.


When the elders walked onto the city wall, a large number of barbarian warriors had gathered outside the city. Looking around, there were densely packed heads of people outside the city. Tens of thousands of warriors gathered here, and the stench from their bodies also gathered. Xun made the elders frown. This was almost a brand new version of a biochemical weapon. Without them taking the initiative to attack, even Xun could kill the officers and soldiers of the third brigade that came over.

The total number of barbarian warriors gathered is more than 3. This is not the upper limit. There are still more warriors coming here. The assembly orders that have not been issued by the parliament for many years, all tribes dare not underestimate them and help the elderly one after another Come to respond with your children.

When Richard Bono arrived outside Kalcy with the third brigade, what he saw was such a crowd of people. Wherever they looked, they could see barbarians in fur coats and holding various weapons. Human warriors, they held up flags with various patterns drawn, and the patterns on them were the totems of each tribe.

Looking at the almost endless barbarians, no matter how brave the officers and soldiers of the third brigade were, they were all startled into a cold sweat.They didn't dare to act rashly, and all turned their attention to the leader of the brigade, Richard. The latter knew that the pressure on his shoulders was heavy. He touched the gunfire of the flintlock pistol in his waist, and thought for a while. Finally a decision was made.

"Array in place, ready to fight!"

As soon as he gave his order, the messenger passed his exact words to the rear army verbatim. For a moment, the entire army only shouted loudly, "arrange in place and prepare for battle".

After the order was conveyed, the officers and soldiers of the third brigade broke out of their marching formation and formed an array on the ground in groups. The artillerymen also quickly unloaded the artillery from the tow frame as quickly as possible, and then turned the muzzle. In the direction of the barbarians, boxes after boxes of wooden boxes containing cannonballs and gunpowder were moved from the carriage to load the artillery.

And the barbarian army on the opposite side of them also took advantage of this time to deploy. According to the usual practice, they deployed hundreds of chariots led by two horses at the front, and then the light infantry in animal skin coats accounted for the majority. , they can throw crude javelins or sharp stones at the enemy before fighting, and the last is the barbarian heavy infantry in expensive leather chain mail.On the two wings of the army, there are light cavalry on horseback assembled by various tribes. They are not qualified cavalry-not necessarily cavalry, because the term mounted infantry is more suitable for them.

Although the number of the barbarian army is huge, their morale is not high. It can be said that for the officers and soldiers of the third brigade, the most threatening thing is the number of barbarians. After all, they only have more than 8000 combatants That's all.

(End of this chapter)

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