rise of empire total war

Chapter 499 Contact

Chapter 499 Contact
clang - clang - clang -

The tranquility of Ajitu Village was suddenly broken by a rush of alarm bells. The militiamen above the village whistle saw a large number of soldiers holding black double-headed eagle flags coming out of the woods from a long distance. The original state of readiness.The sharp-eyed sentry even saw Ilk and Arya walking in the front.

"Damn! It's Ilk and Arya! They were captured by the enemy!"

The sentinel screamed loudly, and his shout quickly caused panic among the villagers. More and more young and middle-aged people rushed out with farm tools at home or various things that could be used as weapons, and ran to surround the village chief. Behind the wooden fence, looking at the unknown army slowly approaching, the parents of Irk and Arya in the crowd were very anxious, and wanted to rush out to rescue their children, but they were stopped by the people around them.

On the other side, Trond, who was sitting on the horse, looked at the village facing the enemy, the corners of his mouth twitched, he looked at Ilk, who just turned his head to look at him, and the two eyes met in mid-air Interweave, then ended with Ilke straying out of sight.

Trond was a little amused, and he said: "Irk, it seems that your villagers have misunderstood something, you go and explain to them."

"Okay, Lord Olsen!" Ilk said excitedly, then took Arya's hand and walked towards the village, forgetting all the unpleasant encounters 10 minutes ago.

Seeing Ilk and Arya approaching, the villagers shouted loudly, calling them to take refuge in the village, but Ilk was unmoved, he felt the softness in his hands, and his heart seemed to be surrounded by that endless softness .

"Father, Uncle Yima, don't be nervous, they are not enemies!" He shouted loudly, beckoning to the villagers, "They won't hurt us!"

"Not a bad guy?"

"They were not harmed, and it seems that they are really not enemies anymore."

"Should we withdraw the defense? If they are not the enemy, we continue to maintain a defensive state, which is likely to anger them."


The whispers of the villagers reached the ears of Uncle Yima, who is the captain of the militia. He glanced at the militiamen and villagers around him, then looked at the two teenagers not far away, sighed, and said, "Let's withdraw!" , let us meet that unknown army."

After the words fell, the militiamen and the villagers put away their weapons together, opened the closed gate of the village, and then swarmed out, surrounded Ilk and Arya, asking them questions in one go, or It's about whether they get hurt or something.

After a few minutes, Irk broke away from the villagers. He pointed to the army in the distance and said to the villagers: "They have crossed the Esden Mountains and need to rest. Let them enter the village to rest!"

"..." As soon as this remark came out, everyone became quiet, so quiet that you could even hear a needle drop, Ilk was a little embarrassed, he withdrew his hand, and said in a dazed voice, "Isn't it okay?"

"Irk, they have more people than us." A villager said weakly. Although he didn't say it clearly, Ilk still heard his rejection.

He turned his eyes to his parents, they also looked hesitant, looking around, everyone had this expression, his heart sank slowly, recalling his promise in front of Trond, biting Biting his lip, he said, "How about letting them be stationed outside the village?"

"this is okay."

Without those villagers speaking, Uncle Imma's face eased a lot, and he nodded in agreement. Seeing this, although Irk was still a little dissatisfied, he still didn't continue talking.

When he told Tronde about this, the latter did not show dissatisfaction, but looked as expected. Ilk was a little puzzled, and just about to ask, Tronde first asked He answered his doubts: "Although you have spoken for our army, for the villagers, the threat of our army still exists, and our army is far more numerous than the villagers. It is impossible for them to easily let our army enter village."

"It's not bad to be able to camp outside the village. What our army needs most now is to set up camp and then buy supplies with the local people."

After he said this, Ilk could only nod and agree. Seeing that Ilk was still not in a good mood, Trond smiled and comforted him: "Ilk, didn't you always want to join the army? Go back Communicate with your parents, as long as they agree, I will immediately allow you to join the army and become my guard."

It was an impulsive decision to make Irk, a Kuyawi, a guard. In fact, when Irk was faced with several guns aimed at him, his first reaction was to embrace his lover. He saw this scene in his eyes and touched his heart. In his opinion, a person who can do this kind of thing on conditioned reflex must have good moral character. If he cultivates it well, he will definitely Will be a malleable talent.

"Really? That's great!" Ilk cheered for Tronde's comfort. After he got acquainted with Tronde, he has always expressed a strong desire to join the army. The line infantry are exquisite The handsome military uniform matched his aesthetics, and the powerful musket also made him very excited.

However, after being happy, he hesitated and said, "Master Olsen, if I join the army, will I not be able to see Arya?"


The corner of Trond's mouth twitched, this kid... really misses his little lover.

He twitched the corners of his mouth, and still told the truth: "Of course, you have to go out with the army, away from home, and Arya can only stay here, unless you can come back here, otherwise there is no chance to meet her See you."

Ilk was a little depressed. Although he was very happy to join the army, he was very reluctant to be separated from his childhood sweetheart who had been with him for more than ten years, but he also knew that he could not ask Trond to break the rule that there should be no women in the army. bring.He is just a foreigner who just happened to be able to talk to Trond. He understands this very well. Trond may still have some interest in him now, but after his interest dissipates, he is just a very ordinary person. Soldiers.


The camp of the third brigade was soon established outside the village of Ajitu. Under the leadership of the officers, the soldiers made a request for a deal with the villagers. Naturally, these villagers could not refuse Baiyin's temptation, so they simply agreed. Then he took out all the food stored at home.The food brought out by the villagers is the most common food on this continent, such as hard air-dried meat, cabbage, radish and soybeans that can knock people unconscious.

(End of this chapter)

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