rise of empire total war

Chapter 494 Declaring War

Chapter 494 Declaring War
"what happened?"

Looking at the cavalry rushing into the camp in the wind and snow, Trond Olsen, the commander of the [-]rd "Skeleton" Brigade of the First Army, asked in a deep voice. Several adjutants around him looked at each other, but no one could answer. his problem.

Trond also knew that asking them would lead to no results. He was just asking subconsciously. He wrapped his coat around his body and walked out under the heavy snow. When he went out, the cavalry had already stopped in the camp. , Several soldiers hurried up to lead away the horses, and the knight who landed patted the snow on his body and walked towards Trond.

"General Olson." The leading knight spoke first. He stood on the spot and gave Trond a military salute. Then he said: "I am Sylvie Angulo, the staff officer of the First Army. I have been ordered to Convey the military command to you."

"Yes." Trond nodded, and he took a step to the side, making an invitation gesture, and said, "Please come into the camp and talk."

Several people immediately walked into Trond's tent. As soon as they entered the tent, they felt that the chill on their bodies was dispelled by the heat wave, and the snow that fell on them also quickly melted.In order to prevent fire, the soldiers' barracks did not have stoves and the like. They could only get together if they wanted to keep warm, and only those officers who had separate camps had them.

Someone set up a chair for Angulo's staff, Trond took the main seat, and the soldier on the side quickly brought a glass of steaming water, he took it and put it in his mouth to drink, moistening Then he said, "Colonel Angulo, please convey the order from the military department."

Hearing this, Colonel Angulo put down the water glass in his hand, coughed lightly, then got up and stood up straight. Seeing this, Trond also stood up.

"Our military intelligence personnel discovered that a small group of Kuyavi troops crossed the border and entered the garrison area of ​​the Third Brigade. They ordered the Third Brigade to increase patrol rounds and increase vigilance. Once traces of enemy troops are found, they are allowed to open fire first."

"Yes." Trond promised.


With an order from the military headquarters, not only the third brigade, but the entire legion were ready for battle, and a large number of patrols were dispatched to patrol the silver-clad land.The supply convoys that were transported to the front line were also under stricter protection. Although the wind and snow had not stopped, everyone did not dare to relax their vigilance, because the rumored Kuyawi army, which is good at fighting in winter, is still active behind them. As long as this army is not found, the threat they face will never go away.

Every day, information about this army reaches Richard's desktop, and as the scouts bring back more and more information, Richard's heart becomes more and more heavy. This army is almost full of people. Equipped with crossbows, they don't use shields, because it will only slow down their movement speed, and every soldier in this army has a layer of white camouflage on the outside of the armor, as long as they lie on the ground motionless, it is basically difficult Discover.

In Richard's eyes, this is like the special forces of later generations, and within the Holy Kuyawi Empire, this army is equivalent to special forces.After the establishment of the army, they have been active in hunting and killing barbarians in the northern border. Thousands of barbarians die in their hands every year, and every soldier is an elite.

In the barbarian area of ​​the northern border, this army is called "Hand of Blood Demon", which means that the soldiers of this army are like the hands used by the blood demon in barbarian mythology, ruthless and bloodthirsty. into nature.

Richard did not expect that the Kuyavians would transfer this army to the south just to deal with him, but even though this army was famous in the north, Richard was still sure that they could completely annihilate them. So what if it was called the "Hand of the Gorefiend", under the dense volley of muskets, it was nothing but passing smoke.

It is impossible for him to tolerate the Kuyawi's army in the rear, but the current snowstorm has not subsided, and it is impossible to mobilize the army to carry out large-scale military operations, otherwise he would have mobilized the army to wipe out these rats.

Because it was the Kuyawi who broke into the country without permission, even if Richard wiped out his army, the Kuyawi people have no reason to blame him, they can only swallow their grievances.


Half a month later, the wind and snow finally calmed down, and the ground was still covered in snow, but the thickness of the snow had reached the calf of an adult. Walking in the wild was difficult, and the soldiers were also canceled the task of going out on patrol. , picked up the tool instead, and cleared the snow from the paved road.

The Kuyawi army that sneaked into the Kingdom of Konge withdrew to the country within half a month. They might have wanted to give the Holy Roman Empire a big surprise with the snowstorm, but they didn't expect the snow to be so deep. So much so that although they were good at fighting in the snow, they couldn't use it completely, so they could only retreat back in despair.

It is said that winter is not a good time to go to war. It is true that the ancients did not deceive me.Richard secretly thought in his heart that after spending so many years in another world, it's not that he has never heard of this sentence, but he has never taken it seriously, because he has never encountered such a situation every time he fought in winter.

"It looks like you need to pay attention to it in the future." He stroked his prickly chin. The stubble on it had grown longer because he hadn't cleaned it up much. Richard didn't like to grow a beard. In his opinion, age Big people grow beards.

Although the Kuyavian army withdrew, the deployment of the Holy Roman Empire did not stop. In order to prevent similar situations from happening again, Richard redeployed the garrison of one side of the army and reinforced all weak points again.In addition, Richard withdrew Trond's third brigade for some reason and was replaced by troops from the third army. The withdrawn third brigade marched eastward with enough supplies and did not People know what their mission is.

Then, a few months later, spring finally came, the temperature warmed up, the snow on the ground began to melt, everything revived, and the earth was full of life.

However, the so-called vitality did not last long. After solving the barbarians in the northern border who were constantly trying to go south, the Holy Kuyawi Empire finally had no worries. Declare war on the Holy Roman Empire.

Her Majesty does not know what Rome means, but in her opinion, Richard not only declared himself emperor without her consent, but also named the country the Holy Roman Empire, which is undoubtedly the biggest provocation to her and her empire .The Vardasia Peninsula has been the back garden of the Kuyawi Empire for hundreds of years. Come and go as you please. In this war, she will completely destroy this emerging empire and bring the Vardasia Peninsula back to its previous state. Chaotic situation.

(End of this chapter)

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