Chapter 473

"Let's go!"


Looking at the line infantry marching forward in neat steps, Ronald, who was leading the crowd to see him off in front of the city gate, looked at Richard on the horse, gave a military salute, and said, "Senior Bono, I hope that we will fight in this battle." The army can return in triumph."

"Just wait for my good news at Slade. After I leave, everything here will depend on you."

"Please don't worry, our brigade has beaten Milanas and other enemies in the south, even if we go to the north, we will not lose to the enemy." Ronald said solemnly.

After they finished speaking, an officer took two wine glasses and handed them to Richard and Ronald one after another. The latter looked at the clear liquid in the wine glasses and said: "This is the wine brought from Nord, Bo." Senior Nuo, let this be your farewell bar."

"Yeah. Richard nodded, raised his glass with Ronald, collided with each other in mid-air, then raised his mouth and drank with his head raised.

Bang—the wine glass was thrown to the ground by two people at the same time, and it shattered after landing with a crisp sound. Richard gave a military salute to Ronald and the sending off officers behind him, and took his An adjutant rode his horse to keep up with the marching team.


A shrill hawk sounded across the sky, and a black eagle spread its wings and took flight. Under the gazes of all the soldiers looking up, the Winster army swooped past the long snake array on the ground, followed by the eagle. From the perspective of an eagle, you can see that each soldier is carrying a musket on his shoulder, and the sharp bayonet reflects the dazzling light under the sunlight!
"Eagle! It's an eagle!"

"Blessed by the eagle! We will definitely win this battle!"



Perhaps it is really the blessing of the gods in the dark. The third brigade of the second army on the expedition had the advantage when attacking the defense line built by the Russians. The sharp artillery once again played its role, allowing the enemy to survive the baptism of artillery fire. Trembling, the [-]rd Brigade successfully tore through the enemy's frontline stronghold defense line, killed a large number of Russian soldiers, and almost collapsed the enemy's defense line.

Facing the large-scale offensive of the Winsters, General Obonia combined the intelligence of the Winster reinforcements previously reported by his cavalry, and quickly deduced the reason for their uncharacteristic stalemate and initiative to attack, but before they could Tell the deduced reason to the Balaria allies, who have already sent troops to leave the stronghold defense line and invade the territory of Swachiqi, trying to cut off the retreat of the third brigade, and then cooperate with the allied forces to destroy it.

However, they were quickly attacked head-on by the [-]rd Brigade of the [-]rd Army, which was waiting for them. Although they were numerous, they were defeated under the superior firepower and were forced to retreat, but not very far. The regiment headquarters that originally set up an ambush had already received the news and left the ambush point. They cooperated with the pursuing army to completely block the Barrarians' retreat and annihilated them all in a valley.After the war, the valley was almost filled with densely packed corpses. The blood flowing from the corpses stained the ground red, and a small stream inside kept flowing for a week before clear water flowed out again.

Ronald's battle report was quickly sent to Richard's barracks. Seeing the enemy's losses written on the battle report, he couldn't help clapping his legs and applauding. At the same time, he looked forward to Ronald's next decision, whether to follow him The proposal was to attack the Balaria defense line with the power of a great victory, or stop and follow the original plan to defend Swachic.

Of course, while looking forward to Ronald, he also has to pull out the biggest obstacle in the way of the advance - this is a castle standing on the top of the hill, and the attack route leading to the castle is only a rough mountain road That's all, other than that is the steep cliff, and only those rock goats who are good at climbing can walk on the ground like walking on the ground.

They had no way of bypassing this stronghold called Timothy Castle, because there were more than two thousand Oponians stationed inside, almost the entire remaining garrison within the crumbling defense line—because most of the garrison was concentrated in Here, only a small number of soldiers remained in those strongholds.

"If we continue to siege the city, I won't believe it. A castle built on a hilltop also comes with its own water and food supplies?"

After the first round of tentative attack was defeated, he gritted his teeth and said viciously that there are more than 2000 people in a small city-state. If there is not enough water and food storage, it will collapse on its own within a month.He is very confident that there is no such thing as a well in the castle on such a high terrain. The reason is that the water cannot be dug.

The third brigade of the second army was blocked outside the castle of Timothy, while the third brigade of the third army was still storming the defense line of Balaria, at the capital of the kingdom of Balaria, the frontline battle report was urgently sent to King Aisham On the desk case, after he took it apart, he was so frightened that he almost fainted. The same thing happened to King Oboniaa. He convened a cabinet meeting as soon as possible, hoping to remedy it.

After several discussions, the Obogna cabinet decided to transfer the troops that had been mobilized and stationed at the border to Swachichi to support Timothy Castle. He appointed his capable general Yagao Walker, who was a talented student who graduated from the Royal Military Academy of the Holy Kuyawi Empire in the north. It can be said that he is an experienced veteran.

Faced with the king's imminent order, Yagao did not dare to slack off. The next day, he went to the border to take over the [-] troops assigned to him, and went south to Timothy's Castle. If it is defeated again, the kingdom can only be protected by the allies of life and death, the Balaria.

At the same time, on the frontal battlefield, the main force of the Second Army finally entered the Kingdom of Ozon. Form a new coalition and pledge the Northern Expedition.The first goal of the Northern Expedition was the Kingdom of Oliva bordering on the Kingdom of Osong and the Kingdom of Deira. The attacks on Austria and Germany were all undertaken by them.

Because of this, the Oliwa people have drawn a lot of hatred, and now they have become the first target of the Second Army's Northern Expedition.

The battlefield was about to break out. The Northern Expeditionary Alliance relied on strong firepower to tear apart the border defense line of the Oliva people at the first time. Perhaps the Kingdom of Oliva has been in an offensive position, so the country's border defense is very weak. Just one encounter was Breaking through allowed the coalition forces to advance straight in.

(End of this chapter)

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