rise of empire total war

Chapter 467 After the War

Chapter 467 After the War

On the battlefield outside the city of Tus, corpses were strewn all over the field, blood flowed into rivers, and countless corpses almost covered the entire land. The fragmented limbs and flesh were dotted in the blood-stained grass, and they were almost glued together.Each corpse bore one or more bullet holes, with few obvious wounds from melee weapons.

A weak groan came out through the layers of corpses, and then, a bloody hand was suddenly lifted from the pile of corpses. This hand opened to the sky, and then pushed the corpses on the side. After a few minutes Only one person managed to crawl out from the pile of corpses. He was wearing simple leather armor, and there was an obvious gunshot on his shoulder. The blood had solidified, his helmet was missing, and half of his face was stained red with blood.

"Cough cough cough..."

Coughing, he stood up with his hands on his hands. He looked around and found that there were corpses all around him. Not far away, there were some Winster soldiers with long-barreled weapons walking towards his direction. Like this, his pupils trembled suddenly, and without any further delay, he quickly turned around and ran quickly in the direction where there were no Winster soldiers.

However, before running a few meters, he saw a group of Winster soldiers approaching from the direction in front of him. He was startled, and quickly lay down before the other party found him, dragged the corpse next to him onto him, and pulled himself Covering it, he pulled the wound again during the action, the pain made him gasp, and he almost cried out.

He didn't dare to cry out. Compared with this little pain, death frightened him more.

After a few minutes, the team of soldiers came over. While talking and laughing, they stabbed the corpses lying on the ground with bayonets one by one, and then bent down to search for the valuables on the corpses-this is what they did in addition to their military pay. Another way to make money.

Just when a line infantryman walked to his hiding place and was about to use his bayonet, a man suddenly jumped up from a pile of corpses two meters away. He raised the long sword he picked up casually while roaring. Rushing towards the soldier, the latter turned pale with fright, but quickly realized that before the attacker rushed in front of him, he stabbed with a gun, and the sharp bayonet easily pierced the attacker's body, and the tip of the knife pierced through the back , the blood bloomed, the attacker looked down at the bayonet in disbelief, and the long sword he held high let go and fell to the ground.

Witnessing all this happening, he gritted his teeth, as if he had made up his mind, pushed away the corpse on his body, touched a short knife and rushed towards the soldier. The soldier's neck was slashed with a hideous cut, and he succeeded in one blow. He didn't bother to check the results of the battle, but endured the pain of the wound being pulled, and strode towards the direction where there were no enemies. He was betting, betting The Winster soldiers behind him couldn't use long-range shooting.

Fortunately, he made the right bet. Because of the cleanup of the battlefield, all the infantry in the line fired all the ammunition loaded in their barrels and called them one by one with bayonets. After rushing out of the fleeing attackers, they could only hold out their bayonets and stride after them after a short period of stupor.

How could a few strong soldiers not be able to catch up with a wounded rout? After only a few meters, he was caught up. Before he noticed the strangeness behind him and turned around to check, a big foot kicked him heavily on the back He kicked him forward and flew far away. He only felt that his internal organs were displaced by the heavy blow, and his head hit the metal helmet of a dead soldier. He was dizzy. When he was dizzy , He could only watch the cursing soldiers walk up to him and stab his heart with a bayonet. He only heard a slight cracking sound of his heart, but he couldn't see anything.


On the other side, Mathias Horn, the commander of the Second Army, who was patrolling the entire battlefield on a horse, had just listened to the report of the adjutant beside him, keeping the casualties of both the enemy and us in this battle in mind.This battle was indeed a great victory without a doubt, and it was also a victory obtained by chance. At the beginning, their military goal was only to first capture Trikasi, who was stuck between the Second Army and the Second Brigade. The coalition forces were pulled out, and then attacked the Lumi coalition forces stationed in Nansen, but they did not expect to expand the results of the battle and directly wipe out Nansen's enemy troops.

Today, the Legion wiped out more than 5000 enemy troops (including peasants and soldiers used to fill their numbers), and captured nearly 2000 people. Several generals of the coalition army and a group of nobles were also captured, but their own casualties were only less than [-]. This may sound exaggerated, but it is true.Under the attack of superior firepower, the enemy has already suffered heavy losses before the battle, and at the moment of the battle, the grenade thrown by the grenadiers not only killed a group of enemies, but also shook the hearts of the remaining enemies. After they rushed up with their guns, the enemy was defeated just after the battle.

The main cause of casualties is the enemy's archers. If the archers are removed—or the line infantry is replaced with armor that can defend against arrows, the casualties will definitely be reduced a lot.

There are also those barbarian cavalry. Mathias couldn't help laughing when he thought of the most threatening barbarian cavalry. He thought that the barbarian cavalry would be their biggest threat in this battle, but he didn't expect the opponent to be ambushed The second brigade and the third regiment of the army were all wiped out.In that ambush battle, the barbarian cavalry were unable to fight back at all, and could only massacre passively-in that battle, the only casualty of the third regiment was actually the bombing caused by the wrong operation of the musket.

"Send the battle report back to the capital. This is a victory worth celebrating. I think His Majesty the King will reward us generously."


After Mathias' deliberate publicity, the results of the Battle of Pintus quickly spread throughout the country, and then were brought back to the court by spies from various countries. The conclusion drawn after the disastrous defeat was ruthlessly overturned, and those neutral countries that were inclined to the alliance quickly changed their attitudes towards the two parties and reduced exchanges with the alliance.

The new battle report was sent back to Nord ten days after the end of the battle. The third brigade of the First Army ran rampant in the defenseless Trikasi Kingdom, and soon conquered the Trikasi Kingdom. Capital, capture all the royal family.In order to prevent future troubles, the commander of the third brigade, Trond Olsen, shot all the members of the royal family and stubborn nobles except the king himself, and then searched and arrested the rebels in the capital. people were killed.

Trond's barbaric acts quickly aroused strong dissatisfaction from various countries after it spread. They protested to the Kingdom of Winster (although it was useless), while secretly giving Trond a bloody nickname. --"Butcher"!
 Sure enough, there is still some deliberate suppression of the force of the protagonist's army, so I have to change it

(End of this chapter)

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