rise of empire total war

Chapter 452 Dispute

Chapter 452 Dispute
The meeting is still going on, and the Winster army that King Aisham said has not yet left the border of the Kingdom of Vasconia that they forcibly broke into. Although it is known that this will cause diplomatic disputes, but The commander of the second brigade, Butters Stotsch, was still determined to go his own way, and simply submitted a report to Nord City. Before waiting for a reply from above, he took the first step.

Now, night is approaching, Butters is not going to let the soldiers set up camp, but goes directly to the nearest village to camp. Facing this group of armed uninvited guests, the villagers of Vasconia showed strong hostility.

"I don't think it's a good thing, sir, the people here are as hostile to us as they appear."

Looking at the civilians of the Kingdom of Vasconia on both sides of the road, Butters Stotzi's adjutant swallowed, and said with some hesitation, in his line of sight, the eyes of every civilian of Vasconia onlookers were full of He had every reason to believe that if it wasn't for the guns in the hands of the soldiers around him, they would definitely rush up and tear people like himself alive.

"So what, Karl, you will be frightened by a group of weak civilians. When I go back, I must carefully consider whether you are suitable to continue serving as my adjutant."

"Sir, even so, I still want to say, if possible, don't stay here overnight. I don't want to be beheaded in my sleep."

"Don't worry, Karl, as long as they dare to do hostile things, our swords and guns will fall on them and kill everyone in this village. They are not fools and will not do stupid things." Butters comforted, and then he rode his horse towards the middle-aged man with a hunting bow surrounded by the crowd. He didn't dismount, but leaned on the horse's back, looked down at the man, and asked, "You should be this man." The head of the village, right?"

"Yes, I'm the village chief of Spakeron Village, this general, what is the intention of you and your army visiting this village?" Looking at Butters, the village chief replied neither humble nor humble. , he added: "Spakron Village is under the protection of Earl Cinquembina, General, please don't act stupidly."

"Earl Sim Combina?" Butters repeated the name of the nobleman that the village chief said, then looked at the soldiers behind him, and asked, "Gentlemen, who of you has heard of this name?"

"No we haven't heard that."

"No, sir."

Hearing this, he turned his head to look at the village chief, shrugged his shoulders, and said pretending to be ashamed: "Ah, Mr. Village Chief, please forgive our ignorance, I have never heard of the count of Earl Sim Combena that you mentioned. name."

"You!" As soon as he finished speaking, a muscular young man next to the village chief couldn't help but stand up, wanting to reprimand the arrogant Butters, but the village chief quickly stopped him. Looking at General Winster, who had poor acting skills, he said coldly: "General, if you want to humiliate the Earl, then you are in the wrong place. The Earl is not here, he is in the Limia Castle in the south."

"Haha, I was just joking." Seeing the village chief's reaction, Butters laughed, and then changed the subject, saying: "Your Excellency the village chief, our army is here to stay in the village for one night , and buy some supplies, please rest assured that we will pay for it.”

"I'm sorry, General, there is not enough space in the village to accommodate your army, and the villagers have no surplus food to sell to you, please find another place."

While speaking, there was no color in the eyes of the village chief, only the coldness that repelled people thousands of miles away, and Butters was not annoyed, this result was already in his expectation. "Is that so? I know." He said in a flat tone. Just when the villagers thought he would leave with the army, his right hand suddenly pulled out the flintlock pistol stuck in his waist and pointed it at the front of him. the village chief.

The village chief who was pointed at by the gun only felt that his whole body was in great danger, and the clothes on his back were instantly soaked in cold sweat. Before he could speak, Butters continued: "Unfortunately, for me, Butters, as long as I thought, nothing can stop me."

As soon as he finished speaking, he pressed down his finger on the trigger, only to hear a clear gunshot, and the flame burst out in front of the gun, and a blood hole the size of a soybean appeared on the village chief's forehead, and a few drops of brain matter It even splashed on Butters' hands. Immediately afterwards, the village chief lost his support and fell down, causing the surrounding villagers to scream.

"Kill them all."

Butters said coldly, as soon as he finished his words, before Lieutenant Carl could stop him, the soldiers, who had already been unable to restrain themselves, rushed forward, massacred the villagers who refused them with muskets and bayonets, and a massacre began.

Seeing the civilians being slaughtered crazily, Lieutenant Carl finally came to his senses. He rode his horse and rushed to Buster, asking sharply, "Mr. Butters, what are you doing? Our enemies are not these innocent villagers! What's more, they are civilians of a neutral country!"

"They have shown hostility to us, so they should be killed." Butters said coldly, he threw the flintlock pistol to the guard behind him, let the latter reload, then turned his head slowly, with colorless eyes Looking at Karl, he scolded: "Don't question me, Karl Yalma, soldiers take obedience to orders as their bounden duty, remember the first sentence of the infantry drill code you recited during training!"

Carl did not give in, he immediately replied with all his strength: "Sir Butters, it is also written in the infantry drill code: Do not attack the enemy at will, unless the opponent shows the intention to attack!"

"Damn, Karl Yalmar, you are no longer fit to serve as my adjutant. In the name of the commander of the Second Brigade of the First Army, you have been dismissed!" Butters said loudly, and then he pointed Carl, who was still about to refute, said: "Take him down, relieve him of his position, and throw him into the infantry company as an ordinary line infantry!"

"I obey." Several guards around replied, and then they all stepped forward and said, "Your Excellency, please cooperate. In view of your status as a nobleman, we don't want to use violence."

Looking at the guards who faintly surrounded him, Carl gritted his teeth, but still did not resist, he got off his horse, glared at Butters, and said: "When the war is over, I will definitely report what you did to the military department .”

"Of course, this is your right, Lord Yamal." Butters said coldly, "Of course, if you can return to Nord alive."

"Are you threatening me?" Carl said, glaring at him.

"No, of course not." Butters denied, and then he didn't intend to continue to entangle with his former adjutant, waved his hand, and let the guards take Carl away.

(End of this chapter)

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