rise of empire total war

Chapter 449 Battle Situation in the North

Chapter 449 Battle Situation in the North
The war against the Kingdom of Lucino went very smoothly. The second brigade led by Bartus Stozi went north and surrounded the city of Lusitas, just like the siege of Nyandipa, and fully attacked the two city gates.Faced with the sharp artillery offensive of the Second Brigade, Lu Xinuo's army, which was still in the era of cold weapon combat, was completely defeated. In less than five days, the officers and soldiers of the Second Brigade held high the military flag and invaded the city. A group of royal nobles of the Nuo Kingdom were captured.

The royal capital was captured, and the remaining Lusino people had no intention of continuing to resist. They did not want to go to war with their allies, but under the king's order, they could only mobilize to join the army to conquer the Kingdom of Winster. And now that even the royal family has been taken over by a nest, they are happy to disband and return to their hometown.

The war in the Luciano Kingdom was resolved so easily. No one cared about the fate of the captured King Dubois, and those royal members and nobles who surrendered at the end of the war. They might be Richard's generous release may also be dealt with in a hidden place. In any case, their influence has been minimized. For the defeated, the only fate is to be forgotten by the world.

"I've always heard that the defeated kings were imprisoned in Gabriel Tower and could never leave there. I didn't expect it to be true." Looking at the closed doors one after another, through the window on the door, Du Bo Yisi could clearly see the prisoners locked inside, and with his intuition, he guessed the identities of the prisoners inside.

"I didn't expect that I would die in this tower one day." He said to himself with a wry smile. The Imperial Guard soldiers who followed him to escort him ignored his words and escorted him expressionlessly. He continued upstairs until he entered an unoccupied room.

"This will be your room from now on. When your royal captives are brought here, your wife will also be locked up with you." The leader of the Imperial Guard said coldly, and he didn't care about Du Boi. According to Si's reaction, he closed the iron door reflexively, and then there was a rustling sound of locking the door, and after the sound disappeared, there was the sound of military boots stepping on the ground.

Hearing the footsteps of those soldiers going away, Du Bois slowly turned around and looked at the furnishings of the room.In order to prevent prisoners from jumping out of the window and escaping, the window of the room is only a small long window that is high above the ground, and that window cannot even be plugged in.It is also to prevent prisoners from committing suicide. Special adjustments have been made to the furniture and furnishings in the house. The sharp edges and corners are wrapped in thick cloth, and the tableware used for eating is also made of fragile wood. Soldiers patrol, and once they find something unusual, they immediately open the cell door to check.

"Maybe I will never be able to turn over." He sighed and said, then sat on the bed decadently, stroking the soft sheets, and he couldn't help but let out another long sigh.


At the same time, in the north, the armies of the Principality of Ligin and the Principality of Page suffered a major defeat in Paisikia and were forced to withdraw to the mainland. The strength of the defense of the city of Paisikia was beyond their expectations (in order to protect the city connected to the Richard renovated the important military port in the Osa Peninsula territory. Dozens of artillery were deployed on the city wall, and the garrison also had a garrison regiment independent of the four legions). Before they could rush to the bottom of the city wall, a fierce The firepower had already beaten them until their mother didn't know each other, so they could only run away with their heads in their arms.Even if they managed to rush to the bottom of the city wall with heavy casualties, the rounds of volleys from the line infantry on the wall and the grenades of the grenadiers taught them an unforgettable lesson.

Then, the city gate of Paisikia suddenly opened, and the large group of cavalry held their carbines or sharp knight swords high, roaring towards the defeated enemy. A burst of volleys before the charge once again destroyed the morale of the enemy troops, and then they pulled out their knight swords. He rushed into the crowd and slashed left and right, sending large heads and broken limbs into the air.

After a series of attacks, the invading enemy was completely defeated. They were chased for several miles by the powerful carbine cavalry. The corpses of the Lijin coalition soldiers were scattered all over the field, with blood flowing into rivers. A large number of scavenging birds hovered over the battlefield. , emitting a shrill cry, which sounded like a wail from a distance, as if feeling sorry for these soldiers who died in the battle.

After defeating the invading enemy, the troops stationed in Paisikia did not pursue a full-scale pursuit. Instead, they sent a messenger to report the matter to the nearest third brigade of the First Army. Coincidentally, the third brigade was heading towards Paisikia. On the way of reinforcements, after hearing the messenger's report, the commander immediately changed his route and headed towards the Principality of Lijin.

If the Battle of Paisikia hadn't happened, the Rigins might have been able to fight the third brigade (of course it was only a battle, as for the outcome of this battle, it is unknown), but the former coalition forces After the defeat, Winster's tiger and wolf division invaded the country. Grand Duke Rigin could only order the remnant army to retreat to the capital, Fort Rigin, and at the same time sent a messenger to ask his temporary ally, the Principality of Page, for rescue.

However, the Principality of Page also suffered heavy losses in the Battle of Paisikia, and it was difficult even to protect itself. How could it be possible to risk his life to save this former enemy? Therefore, after seeing the messenger calling for help, the Duke of Page asked the guards to He was dealt with secretly, pretending that he had never seen such a person, and at the same time gathered all the troops that could be mobilized across the country to defend the capital, Fort Page.

Grand Duke Rijin had no idea that he was sold by cheap allies. He was still holding on to the capital, imagining the arrival of reinforcements.However, before the imaginary reinforcements arrived, the terrifying Winster army took the first step to surround Fort Riggin. The officers and soldiers of the third brigade went down several towns without any effort, all the way directly to the castle of Fort Rigin, not only Instead of being exhausted by this, the morale was high, and there was an aura of swearing not to break the castle.

The vigorous siege battle began. Forty artillery pieces belonging to the third brigade bombarded the city wall from different directions in Fort Lijin. Rush towards the city wall and blast the so-called tall and solid stone city wall into the sky.Amidst the loud bang, several sections of the city wall of Fort Rickin were blown up, and the defenders on it were also blown up to the sky, or buried under the ruins.

This unprecedented offensive made the defenders of Fort Rijin lose their minds. While shouting witchcraft, they discarded their weapons and turned around to flee into the city. Before they could run a few steps, they were killed by the officers behind. The long sword dripping with blood and the dead body lying on the ground are telling these soldiers that it is impossible to escape, and they can only stick to their posts.

Then, under the cover of artillery, the officers and soldiers of the third brigade launched an attack towards the gap in the city wall.

(End of this chapter)

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