Chapter 446
On May 1125, 5 in the continental calendar, Nyandipa, Yin.

The city walls of Nyandipa City, which had been besieged by the Second Brigade of the First Army of the Winster Kingdom for several days, had been blown up by forty cannons attached to the Second Brigade and collapsed in many places, and the buildings in the city were also damaged to varying degrees. For the gaps in the collapsed city walls, the defenders had to transport the building materials from the ruins and build simple fortifications behind the gaps. This fortification is obviously not very reliable, and at most it can only defend against bows and arrows.

However, the defenders could only rely on these fortifications to resist the attack of the Winsters.


"go ahead!"

The sharp whistle sounded from the iron whistle was like the grinning grin of death, which made the defenders extremely terrified. They looked at the enemy troops holding up their flags like a tide, and wanted to resist, but found that their legs were trembling. Powerful, and the rumbling cannon mixed with the battle roar made their hearts tremble even more. Although they could hear the roar of artillery for days, they still couldn't get used to such a terrible weapon.

"Don't be afraid! Remember your mission. Winsters are flesh and blood people just like you. They will be shot by arrows and javelins, and their lives can also be taken away by swords, so don't be afraid of them!"

In his ears were the officers' loud encouragement. Although they pretended to be calm, Ahmed could still feel the trembling and fear in the officers' voices. Infected by the people around him, Ahmed couldn't help but become nervous. He swallowed Swallowing the saliva secreted due to nervousness, he clenched the simple javelin in his hand - this was the weapon issued to them soldiers deployed on the city wall, with the purpose of throwing it from a high position when the Winsters approached.

"The artillery is coming! Be careful to avoid it!"

At this moment, a terrified and sharp voice sounded not far away, and then, as if to respond to his words, there was a sharp whistling sound from the air as the shells flew at high speed, and everyone standing on the city wall The soldiers hurriedly ducked down to dodge, but it didn't work. A shell smashed the wall of the city wall in an instant, and smashed the soldiers hiding behind it to pieces. It sprinkled around like a goddess scattering flowers, dyeing the soldiers next to them into blood.

More shells hit the city wall, causing the city wall under Ahmed's feet to tremble violently. Rely on this method to ease the fear in my heart.

In the inner castle, the muffled rumble outside came to the ears of Lusino King Du Bois from time to time, which made him frown. The continuous bombardment made the city's defense almost called leaky on all sides. In Winster Huge gaps can be seen everywhere in the two main directions of the army's main attack. Fortunately, the number of enemies is not too large. Otherwise, if the city is surrounded on all sides, they will really have to wait to die.

"How is the situation at the north gate?" He asked a nobleman behind him while he was arranging his armor. With your order, we can break out from the north gate at any time."

"Let them get ready, it seems that the Winsters are here for real this time." He said bitterly, and then punched the wooden tabletop with a muffled bang, "The guardian of this city The army's morale is slackened, even if it is forced to defend, it can only be defended for a day or two...Damn it, I should have found a chance to buy the artillery of the Winsters."

What Du Bois said made the nobleman speechless, he could only stand there straight, looking down at the soles of his feet, the strength of the Winsters' artillery was visible to everyone, and in fact, not only him However, many nobles accompanying the army also thought that even if they fled back to the capital, it would be of no avail. As long as the threat of artillery from the Winsters was still there, no matter how strong the castle was, it would not be able to resist it.

The roar of the artillery outside was still ringing, and Du Bois' already gloomy face became even more gloomy. He walked towards the terrace of the inner castle, stood on it and looked out, but saw that the south gate and the east gate had been trapped. After a fierce battle, the infantry of the Wensters hit the gap. They took the elite grenadiers as the vanguard, used early grenades to blow up the simple fortifications, and then stepped on the fallen ruins and rushed in with their bayonets straightened out, giving the grenades The garrison who was fried to the brim was hit head-on.

The grenadiers' strong penetration directly repelled the defense line of the defenders behind the gap, and a large number of line infantry rushed in following their steps, quickly occupying a favorable position, and shooting at the defenders who came for reinforcements. Afterwards, there was loud gunfire and gunpowder smoke filled the air. All the defenders rushed there non-stop, trying to drive out the incoming enemies, but they were shocked to find that the enemy's firepower was too fierce. A round of volleys knocked them down, and the rest of the army was so shocked that they had to retreat.

Unable to beat the grenadiers in close combat, and the charge was suppressed by the firepower, the Lushino people desperately found that they could no longer prevent the fall of Nyandipa City, so they retreated one after another, giving up the idea of ​​continuing to fight .Those knights just wanted to take the initiative to attack and use the streets to charge, but seeing the scene of their defeat, they had to choose to save their lives and retreat to the inner fort.

Du Bois saw all this in his eyes, but there was nothing he could do, so he had to order to break out from the north gate and return to the capital.Fortunately, the Imperial Army had already made preparations at the north gate. After a brief tidying up of the treasures in the inner fort, they rode to meet the army, opened the city gate, and left along the paved road to the north without hesitation.

Pity the few soldiers who are still resisting in Nyandipa City. They don't know that they have been abandoned by the king, and they are still standing on the front line, or using the intricate lanes to harass the advancing Winster army, and then they are shot randomly die.

As for Du Bois's army, after leaving the city gate, they were spotted by the eyes hidden nearby. They watched the team leave the city and walk a certain distance before leaving the hiding place, and chased after them. As the first man rushed out of the woods where he was hiding, more cavalry followed, each of them wearing the unique uniform of Winster's army, and holding a shorter carbine in his hand.

This is the backup left by Butters Stotch in advance, because he could not encircle the city on all sides, so he grasped the characteristic that the cavalry could not participate in the siege, and arranged the carbine cavalry in the general in advance at the north gate — This was also a daring gamble on his part. If the Lusiano escaped from the west gate instead of the north gate, then he lost the chance to capture King Dubois alive.

"Rush forward and capture King Luxino alive! It's time to make great achievements!!"

(End of this chapter)

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