rise of empire total war

Chapter 444 Ahmed

Chapter 444 Ahmed

"Dodge! Dodge!"

call out--

Amidst the whistling of the artillery, the screams of the defenders echoed one after another on the city wall, which was mixed with the screams of dying people and the painful groans of injuries from time to time.Looking at the ground that was almost stained red with blood, Ahmed shook his head, trying to restore the double vision caused by the explosion to normal, but it was useless. There were still double vision in his vision, and his ears The aftermath of the explosion was all around, covering all the surrounding sounds.

"Retreat! Retreat! Evacuate the walls! Evacuate the walls!"

After an unknown amount of time, he could finally hear voices from the outside world in his ears. He looked at the officer not far away with his mouth open and closed in confusion, and tried hard to hear what the other party said, but just before he could hear clearly, a A shell fell from the sky and hit the officer's upper body by coincidence. Before the officer had time to dodge, the entire upper body was sliced ​​off by the shell, leaving only the lower body standing there that kept spurting blood. After a long time After a while, the lower body that lost its support suddenly fell down.

"Run! Run!" Ahmed yelled madly in his heart. He wanted to struggle to get up from the ground, but the soles of his feet kept shaking violently. At this moment, a soldier with a frightened face ran towards him. , directly forcibly pulled his arm and pulled him up from the ground, and dragged him to run towards the arrow tower. While running, the soldier shouted in a hurry: "Crazy! Everything is crazy, Ah! Med, run away, stay away from the city walls! The Winsters are the messengers sent by the gods to punish us!"

"Punishment? Messenger? What are you talking about?" He looked at the soldier in bewilderment. Although his brain was still a mess, he still knew the identity of the soldier. He grew up on the same street as himself. Taal, son of the blacksmith.

However, Tal seemed to have not heard his question, and still dragged him to the arrow tower, and rushed into the interior of the tower in a few steps. As soon as he entered the tower, Ahmed was startled by the mess inside. It can be clearly seen that a hideous hole was blasted by the Winsters' artillery at the original shooting hole of the tower. The floor was full of stone fragments, and there were several bloody corpses lying in it. On the opposite side, a deformed iron ball was firmly set on the wall, with a little flesh and blood drawn on it.

Seeing all this, Tal was also taken aback. He looked through the big hole at the Winster bombardment position outside the city, cursed a few words in a low voice, and then dragged Ahmed towards the stairs. There are also many soldiers running in a panic inside the stairs, each of them has deep fear written on their faces. The fierce shelling of Winster's army broke their stereotype of war. Despite the tragic situation of the dead soldiers, the original cold weapon battle seemed extremely gentle.

Tal's escape speed was extremely slow compared to those soldiers because he had to drag Ahmed, the oil bottle with a leg injury, but he did not give up on Ahmed because the latter was the one he had been with since he was a child. Great friends who grew up.

"Tal, thank you." Seeing Tal sweating profusely, Ahmed couldn't help but said softly.Tal also heard what he said. He was obviously stunned for a moment, but he quickly continued running. His mouth was slightly opened, and when he was about to say something, he heard a deafening loud noise, followed by a violent shaking, and a A cannonball actually penetrated the wall at the top of the city gate, and smashed into the stairwell with an unstoppable impact, killing two soldiers who were only a few stairs away from Tarr and others, and then continued unabated. It penetrated the thin wall of the stairwell again, flew into the city, and slammed into the roof of a private house.

The sudden change made the soles of Tal's feet go soft in shock, and he couldn't support the weight of the two of them immediately, and rolled down together with Ahmed. Ahmed, who was also shocked, didn't even have time to scream, and went as smoothly as a meat ball. Rolling down the steep stairs, he only felt as if his body had been "taken care of" by dozens of big men as sandbags in turn. The skeleton of his whole body was about to fall apart, and the pain was unbearable. None, I can only lie in the rocks, feeling my consciousness rapidly falling towards the dark abyss.


After an unknown amount of time, Ahmed finally regained consciousness. He opened his eyes with difficulty, but what he saw was the familiar ceiling of the barracks. The pain in his body had not dissipated, making it difficult for him to even turn his head to look around.

"You're awake." A voice suddenly sounded from the side, gathered together, a fairly handsome face appeared in front of Ahmed's eyes, he recognized this person, the owner of this face was the second son of a nobleman , and was also one of those who fled back to the city after King Du Bois's failed expedition.

However, why did he appear in the barracks and asked about his own situation, Ahmed was at a loss.

"I..." He opened his mouth, but found that his throat was extremely dry, and the words he spoke were hoarse and difficult to hear, but the knight handed over a bowl full of clear water just in time, and supported Ahmed's head Feed him in.The sweet and cold water entered his throat, moistening his dry throat, and made Ahmed close his eyes comfortably. After a while, he opened his eyes again, looked at the knight, and said, "Thanks...thank you, Lord Knight."

Although his voice was still hoarse and unpleasant, it was not unbearable compared to the first word he said when he woke up.

"Amed Gago, you have been in a coma for a whole day. If you feel better later, go outside and get some food." The knight said while checking the wounds on his body, and then he seemed to be sure. There was no major injury on Meide's body, so he got up and walked out. Ahmed watched his leaving back and found that many soldiers who were still lying on the bed struggled to get up and salute him regardless of their injuries. It's not the usual perfunctory treatment of nobles, but the respect from the heart.

What's going on here?He wondered.As if to answer his doubts, a wounded soldier lying on the opposite bed said with emotion: "Master Sorensen is really a respectable knight. He is different from other high-ranking knights. He cares about us who are located in The humble soldiers at the bottom also care for the wounded, which is simply the model of knights in the bard population."

"Is it a model knight?" Ahmed murmured in his heart. Since he was a child, he has often seen noble knights arrogant and domineering. News of the rescued Tal.

"Bless the gods, Tal, you must be safe."

(End of this chapter)

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