rise of empire total war

Chapter 437 The Battle of Arcas (2)

Chapter 437 The Battle of Arcas (2)


bang bang bang-

Shocking gunshots sounded from the position of the third brigade, and the running cavalry seemed to be hit by an invisible fist in midair. They rose into the air in an instant, or fell heavily from their horses screaming, flying at high speed. He fell to the ground while running, and the impact caused the knight to break a bone, and what was even more unlucky, broke his spine and died on the spot.

In front of the dense firepower network, even if the barbarian cavalry formed a loose formation, they still could not escape. Before they could reach a distance of 50 meters, all the hundred cavalry fell to the ground, and wailing continued on their way of charging , The soldier who was shot lay tossing and turning in a pool of blood, struggling endlessly.But unexpectedly, several people stood up firmly after falling off their horses, and stumbled towards the position of the third brigade.

Before they had taken a few steps, their legs gave way, and they knelt down, then fell back straight to the sky.

After that, the battlefield fell into an eerie silence. Neither the line infantry who were loading ammunition nor the coalition soldiers on the opposite side made a sound, but all focused their attention on the knights and horses who were not completely dead.

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

A few seconds later, soldiers cheered from the third brigade's position. They raised their muskets high, or lifted their caps with bayonets. Although it was only the first wave of small-scale tentative attacks, they Being able to wipe out the enemy so easily is enough to prove that their training is useful.

Hearing the cheers sounded from the opposite position, the allied army formation was filled with a silent and dignified atmosphere. The two generals glanced at each other, and for a while they didn't know what to say. After a long while, it was still Russian. General Bogna was the first to speak, breaking the awkward atmosphere. He said: "Stop the attack first, the enemy's firepower is too fierce, and I don't know what terrible weapon they used."

"Well, let the soldiers find a place to build a camp. Now is really not the time to attack. The Winsters have won the first battle, and their morale is high. Coupled with such terrible weapons, I am afraid that our army will be lost before rushing to the front. It's terrible."

The orders of the two commanders were quickly passed on, and the coalition forces began to retreat immediately, and settled down in a small village not far north of the Arkas Highlands. The residents of this small village fled long before the flames of war burned here. , leaving only an empty village.

Seeing that the coalition forces retreated so easily, Richard Bono was a little speechless, but he did not relax his vigilance. While ordering a small team of scouts to observe the enemy's movements, he left enough alert force before letting the soldiers Disbanded and returned to camp.

That night, the two commanders of the coalition began to discuss the attack plan for the next day. Although they were building a military camp on the surface, they actually sent a small group of scouts to explore the Winster position. They discovered that Winster On the Te people's position, only the regular troops of the Kingdom of Winster armed with long-barreled weapons were deployed on the front. On the flanks, the servant armies provided by vassal states such as the Kingdom of Deira and the Kingdom of Mijanis were deployed, as well as the rabble provided by the Kingdom of Swachichi. , compared with the Winster regular army on the front, its flanks are undoubtedly soft persimmons that are easier to deal with.Especially the Swachic army deployed on the right wing, the army that has just experienced civil strife must be unstable, and it is the best target for breakthrough.

Taking this into consideration, the two generals unanimously decided to assemble the superior barbarian cavalry in the army, and divide the troops into two groups to charge towards the two wings of the Winsters. Of course, the timing of the charge cannot be too early, and must be before the infantry of the two armies are engaged in a fierce battle. Attack when the special people have no time to reinforce.Of course, the plan is formulated in this way, and it is unknown whether it can be executed smoothly during wartime.


The next day, May 1125, 5 in the continental calendar, Akas Highlands.

After the first round of tentative attacks failed, the coalition army made a comeback after a night of repairs, and formed a formation outside the range of the artillery. They took light infantry without armor as the vanguard, followed by infantry equipped with swords, shields and spears. , in order to reduce the casualties caused by the enemy's artillery bombardment, the distance between each soldier was opened as much as possible.

The cavalry of the coalition army were also deployed on the flanks, led by the two sons of the barbarian leader himself, and they could ride their horses to attack as soon as the central army sent a flag.It can be clearly seen that although some tribesmen died tragically on the way to charge yesterday, this did not affect their morale. These barbarian cavalry are still highly motivated and eager to try.

"Blow the horn and start the attack!"

One of the two generals said this, and the messenger behind him immediately picked up the horn on his waist, put it to his mouth and puffed up his cheeks and blew it. The dull attack horn sounded from the rear of the military formation, and soon spread throughout the entire army. Above each soldier's head, as the horn sounded, the coalition forces moved forward together as if some kind of switch had been pressed. First came the light infantry equipped with crossbows or javelins, and then the full-body melee infantry. Although the steps are disorderly, they are huge in number. Looking at it, it is dark and full of oppression.

"Adjust the gun position and prepare for shelling!"

"Check your weapons and make sure they're loaded!"

"Think of the double-headed eagle insignia on your caps, and don't let it be disgraced by your actions!"

On the position of the Winster army, all kinds of shouts came and went. The soldiers all stood in their own positions, put their muskets in front of them, and pointed at the enemy approaching here from afar. The artillerymen on the emplacements were also busy After adjusting the artillery, box after box of gunpowder and shells were brought here and put down by the slaves. It can be seen that some of these shells are solid shells covered in black, and some are blooming shells with a fuse.

On the two wings of the position, the armies of the vassal states that were still in the era of cold weapons and the armies of the Swachiqi Kingdom also lined up in close confrontation. Compared with the third brigade on the frontal battlefield, their fighting pressure was undoubtedly the least Yes, but even so, they were warned before the battle to be vigilant and not to retreat without authorization-in order to threaten and deter them, Richard Noble even drew a large team from the reserve team to deploy in the vassal Behind the national army, as the supervisory team, there are also two brigades of supervisory teams behind the Swachiqi Kingdom's army, so that they dare not make any crooked thoughts without authorization.

Looking at the slowly advancing coalition forces, Richard Noble couldn't help swallowing. After so many years in the army, this is the first time he has commanded a battle that can be recorded in history alone. Is he just talking on paper or With real skills, it all depends on this battle.

"May God bless me and my army, Amen." He crossed himself and prayed in a low voice.

 It's my birthday tomorrow, and I'm going to start preparing tonight, so I'll be very busy these days, but I'll update as much as possible
(End of this chapter)

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